Chapter 623
As far as Li Yunfeng looked, he saw an extremely familiar face.

Isn't this Song Ying who just thought of it, Officer Song?
what's the situation?
Just because of the cruise ship, I accidentally thought of Song Ying!

Then Song Ying appeared?

At this time, a woman dressed like a tourist was on a small cruise ship less than ten meters away from him, looking at Li Yunfeng's appearance, she gritted her teeth!
For the first time, Li Yunfeng doubted his senses!

The world is so big, it is understandable to bump into it by chance in Zhonghai!
But the one who came to Laos and entered the country illegally, and ended up meeting acquaintances inexplicably?
Li Yunfeng wiped his eyes for the first time, and looked carefully at the woman opposite again!

Got it!

This is indeed Song Ying!
That's true!

Song Ying on the opposite side was on a cruise alone, and she was bored at night when she came here, so she came to the riverside of the Mekong River, thinking of that cruise, it was also a coincidence that she took a cruise by herself, closed her eyes and felt the breeze!

It's just the cheering and jumping voices of the two women next to her from time to time, and the occasional conversation, all in authentic Chinese, which made her subconsciously look over!

In the end, the two women were no longer important, but the man in the middle who looked sideways, why did he look so much like Li Yunfeng who used to go on a cruise with her?
At this moment, Song Ying was also a little confused!

When she looked at it carefully for a while, then Li Yunfeng turned her head, she was sure, this is Li Yunfeng, life is such a coincidence!

So Song Ying gritted her teeth immediately!

This man is simply shameless!

It is said that she already had several girlfriends in China, but when she came abroad, she deceived two young and beautiful girls. Song Ying was very annoyed at this time, why did she think about this kind of person just now?
This kind of person is not worthy of gnashing his teeth, so Song Ying's face suddenly turned frosty.

At this time, the two girls sitting next to Li Yunfeng also noticed Li Yunfeng's abnormality!
At this time, they followed Li Yunfeng's eyes, and found that Li Yunfeng and another woman on the boat who were more beautiful than them, even heroic, were looking at Li Yunfeng right now!
Seeing that the two women also looked over, Song Ying just snorted coldly.


What does Li Yunfeng have to do with her?
Why is she angry?
So Song Ying turned the bow of the boat and prepared to go back.

Seeing Song Ying turn around and leave, Li Yunfeng was also a little embarrassed, and he planned to step forward and explain!

But think about it or forget it, although I had a little bit of an ambiguous relationship with her, but it is still far from the point that needs to be explained.

After thinking about it, Li Yunfeng did not catch up.

"Brother Li? What's going on? Do you know each other?"

"Girlfriend? Or an old friend from before?"

Seeing this, the two women immediately asked curiously!

"It's nothing, it's just a normal relationship!" Seeing the two curious babies, Li Yunfeng said with a wry smile.

Seeing Sister Song Ying leaving so lonely, although I have decided not to pay attention to it, why do I feel so unbearable?

Alas, although it usually looks cold-blooded, but when it comes to a girl, my heart softens a little, I still have to change it!
Forget it, don't think about it anymore, let it be, Li Yunfeng shook his head.

Song Ying thought that Li Yunfeng would come up, but found that Li Yunfeng only glanced at her, and didn't seem to be catching up at all, so she couldn't help feeling bitter.

When the two women saw Li Yunfeng's distressed look and Song Ying's angrily leaving, they couldn't believe that they were in a normal relationship!
The two looked at each other, and shouted directly to Song Ying who hadn't moved far: "Sister, you misunderstood, I have nothing to do with Brother Li, come back."

Song Ying was in a state of exasperation at this time, when she suddenly heard the voices of the two women shouting, she felt inexplicably better.

Looking back on what happened just now, it seemed that he was indeed a little angry for a while, and he didn't analyze it calmly.

Although the three of them were sitting together just now, they didn't seem to be particularly intimate.

Thinking about it now, I was indeed impulsive, but I had already turned around, wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing to just turn back like this?

At this time Song Ying was fighting between heaven and man, whether she should go back or not.

Leaving like this made me seem a little stingy, and maybe it would be a little awkward to meet in the future.

Just suddenly, Song Ying looked at the surrounding cruise ships and the shore, and exclaimed!
It seems that these people are all screaming towards her?

"Fuck, martial arts master, is this the legendary lightness kung fu?"

"6666, snap!"

Some Chinese even screamed in Chinese, which reached Song Ying's ears.

Light work?

Song Ying was overjoyed, did Li Yunfeng fly over directly?
Song Ying was very clear about Li Yunfeng's ability to fly.

For some reason, I suddenly felt a little surprised in my heart.

The two girls who were standing next to Li Yunfeng were stunned when they saw this situation. Brother Li flew so unexpectedly, right?
Didn't you agree with Yala to keep a low profile?
How can you show off your lightness skills in front of so many people?
Seeing Brother Li's unrestrained appearance, the two women were very envious at this time.

At this moment, Song Ying seemed to have sensed the figure floating behind her. At this moment, she felt uneasy. Now that he is here, what will he say next?
At this moment, Song Ying's heart was in a mess!
But soon there was no need to mess around. At the moment when Li Yunfeng's figure was about to arrive, a thunderous roar sounded in her ears almost at the same time!

At this moment, the tourists on the shore exclaimed even more, but it was not the surprised cry before, but the scream of fear!

At this time, the scene fell into chaos, and many people ran frantically into the city!
Some of the small boat tourists in the river frantically turned the boat and fled to the shore, while others were so frightened that they jumped into the water!
The riverside, which was peaceful just now, suddenly became a mess.

Song Ying has been a police officer for many years. Not long ago, she fought against a group of drug... owls in the Golden Triangle. At this time, when she heard the roar in her ears, her expression changed immediately.

This is the sound of the torch!

Song Ying subconsciously turned her head towards the place where the roaring sound came from. A stream of light coming at a high speed hit her accurately at this time, and at the off-angle, it was Li Yunfeng's flying figure.

Who is this?

Isn't it too ruthless to shoot a rocket cannon directly at himself?
It's just that all of this happened so fast that she didn't even have time to react, or even dive in.

Not surprisingly, his body would be crushed by the bombing directly under this torch tube, and even his body could not be found.

However, thinking of Li Yunfeng who was flying towards him at the same speed from the angle, Song Ying's face changed drastically. Although she knew that Li Yunfeng was powerful, even a bullet machine gun could hardly do anything to him!
But this is a powerful torch!

"do not come!"

Song Ying subconsciously shouted towards Li Yunfeng.

It stands to reason that she has no chance to say these four words in such a short time!

However, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure spinning in the air, and even kicked the rocket bomb that was coming towards her away with one kick. From a distance of more than ten meters, there was a loud explosion, setting off a huge splash.

And the person who kicked the rocket bomb was only slightly shocked back a little, and quickly stabilized his figure in the air. The next moment, he flew towards Song Ying again.

Someone around just happened to see this scene, their eyes were suddenly dull, and they could even kick a rocket bomb away?

(End of this chapter)

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