Chapter 624 Shocked
At this time, on a fast boat about 300 meters from the upstream, a group of brawny men were laughing happily.

"Damn it, this chick killed a few of our brothers a few days ago, but she met her here unexpectedly. It's God's will that she can finally avenge her brothers."

Behind the launcher, a very sturdy man with a strong evil spirit said viciously at this time.

"Yes, it's this chick, but this chick is too punctual, it's a pity to be blown into a mess like this!"

It's just that shortly after they fired the rocket with the bazooka, they were a little stunned!
How can a person fly?
And what shocked them even more was that this flying man was still heading towards their rockets!

In the end, in their dumbfounded, the man actually kicked towards their rocket.

At this moment, everyone swore that this person must be crazy!

But the next moment, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

Kick rockets with your feet?

Didn't explode immediately, and really kicked away?
Everyone suddenly felt that the world had been turned upside down!
They have seen the weirdness of the head-down master before, and even cooperated. Although it is very weird and hard to guard against, they are not afraid of the head-down master in a frontal conflict.

They have also come into contact with Chinese warriors, a group of powerful people, who are so powerful that they can even resist bullets.

But as long as their bazookas were taken out, these people could only flee, and few of them survived the bombing.

But it was the first time they had seen such a person who took the initiative to kick rockets with their feet.

"Grass, the three at the bow will drive together, and the three of you on the shoulders will also come together. Damn, if you can kick one, I don't believe you can kick six."

The boss here suddenly lost his temper.


Immediately someone answered, loaded the rocket, and aimed at Li Yunfeng again, ready to launch.

Li Yunfeng naturally sensed it, but he didn't care at all. He didn't even have the intention of opening defense against these rubbish bazookas.

Although these rockets are powerful, against some powerful fighters, generally speaking, one can still dodge them, but if a few of them come over, they may be blown up directly.

But in fact, these bazookas are far inferior to powerful thermal weapons such as aircraft cannons and low-to-medium-range missiles carried by fighter jets in terms of range and speed.

Although launching them together can hinder you a little bit, but you can't blow yourself up!
Just because there are few!

You only have six rocket launchers on your shoulders. Think about a hundred or so advanced fighter jets carrying countless bombs.

There are also various short-range missiles, aviation cannons, and laser-guided bombs, and they didn't do anything to themselves!

With just six bazookas, do you want to kill yourself?

You are living in a dream!
If it weren't for the sudden arrival of these rockets, he was a little stunned for a moment, and at his speed there was no need to kick these bombs away with his feet.

So at this time, with a little thought behind her back, she went straight to the stunned Song Ying below!

Song Ying, who was still sitting on the boat at this time, also felt that her world view had collapsed again.

She used to catch ordinary people. Although she changed her view of the world a lot after meeting Li Yunfeng, she was still a little dumbfounded when she saw Li Yunfeng kick away the rocket.

At the moment when she still hadn't realized it, Li Yunfeng came to the cruise ship she was on, and without waiting for Song Ying to react, she just left with Song Ying in her arms!

During this process, the speed was extremely fast, and the people on the opposite ship not far away had just aimed at it, but in the blink of an eye they found that the target had changed direction!
"Damn it, did you grow up eating shit so you aim so slowly?" The boss cursed at the six launchers who were still preparing to aim.

Several launch personnel heard the boss's scolding, and secretly slandered them in their hearts. Damn, you can do it, can you do it?

Didn't you just be stunned!

Is this now the difference between group combat and individual combat?
The previous fighter jets were distributed at high altitudes, and all kinds of thermal weapons were of the kind with extremely long ranges, and they were more powerful than these rockets.

The most important thing is a lot, so much always has a fraction facing me, making it difficult for me to free up my hand to have a good time.

But these several bazookas are moving almost at the same time. To Li Yunfeng, this is no different from one bazooka, because these people's aiming speeds are all about the same.


The next moment, Li Yunfeng appeared on his small pleasure boat, and flew to the shore with the second daughter on board again. These people are now in the middle of the Mekong River, and their ability to attack the shore is limited!
It was almost an instant again, and the speed of the whole person seemed to be like lightning.

The people on the boat who watched were all stunned.

These two hands are flying with three people, so fast?
Don't you go to heaven?

"You fucking fired!"

Seeing that his subordinates were stunned again, the boss kicked one of them hard.

The man was kicked until his ass hurt, and he turned his head with a grin and said, "Boss, this man is too fast, can't you use the guns in your hands to stop him first?"

The man looked at the boss and said very aggrieved.

The boss looked at the gun in his hand, the muzzle was still hanging on the ground, and his old face blushed!

Although I know that bullets may not be able to deal with these super-capable people, but it may still be possible to block them a little.

But at this time, how can the boss admit that he made a mistake in command?

So he said with a sullen face, "You know what a fart, this person looks like a martial artist who has a very precise control of some internal energy. Bullets can't kill him at all, only a rocket launcher is useful!"

"Boss said yes!"

Seeing that the boss was talking nonsense in a serious manner with a blushing face, the man quickly said yes!
But I really slandered secretly in my heart, damn, who asked you to kill him with a gun, I asked you to stop and give us time.

Damn mentally retarded, why not let me be the boss!

Because Li Yunfeng's speed was too fast, in the end Li Yunfeng successfully brought the three girls ashore, but the people on the boat fired a few shots, but the rockets didn't come out.

"Forget it, don't care about this person, this person is not easy to mess with, we will fire a few shots at will, and then retreat to the forest in front, killing as many as possible, and the nearby countries will not allow me to live well, I will Don't let them have a good time." The boss said viciously.

The boss of the group looked at Li Yunfeng on the shore, and knew that it was almost impossible to kill Song Ying, so he shifted his target and looked at the tourists who were still screaming and paddling towards the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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