Chapter 63 You hit me?
"Hey, Young Master Lin came here again to drink away his worries?" Yuan Wenzhong walked over and said in a mocking tone, followed by two bodyguards in black, who were obviously too cheap, afraid of being beaten on the road , so take protection with you.

"Let's go!" Lin Yuanhao wanted to rush up and fight Yuan Wenzhong, but he finally let go of his fist and pulled Li Yunfeng up to go back. He didn't really believe Li Yunfeng's claim that he could beat him.

Xu Ming can usually fight ten by himself, which is considered very powerful, but he is no match for any of Yuan Wenzhong's bodyguards. No matter how powerful Li Yunfeng is, can he compare to Yuan Wenzhong's black-clothed bodyguards?
Besides, so what if you beat him, Li Yunfeng has no power and power, and his own family is inferior to Yuan Wenzhong's family, so he is at a disadvantage in all aspects. In the end, it is Li Yunfeng who is unlucky. Li Yunfeng is not bad in his impression, and he doesn't want to drag Li Yunfeng into it .

"Hey, don't go. Didn't you just say you were going to beat Yuan Wenzhong into a pig's head? Why do you run away when he comes?" Liu Qingying said fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Li Yunfeng glanced at Liu Qingying very speechlessly. Although I said I wanted to beat him up, it was obviously you who said that I wanted to beat him into a pig's head.

But Li Yunfeng naturally wouldn't care about these things at this time. Anyway, he wanted to beat Yuan Wenzhong into a pig's head, so it would be meaningless to make a move.

"Little brother, I know you are not an ordinary person. That kind of self-confidence and indifference are not something ordinary people can have. You give him a good meal. When you miss your sister in the future, you can come to me at any time, fight you, and deal with things." I'll leave it to my sister!" Liu Qingying suddenly brought her lips to Li Yunfeng's ear, and said softly, and after she finished speaking, she lightly licked Li Yunfeng's earlobe with her tongue, which made Li Yunfeng tremble and tremble all over.

Li Yunfeng turned his head and looked at Liu Qingying who had already stepped aside, ready to watch the show. At this moment, Liu Qingying gave Li Yunfeng a charming look, which made Li Yunfeng's heart feel hot.

"Who are you, you said you want to beat me into a pig's head?" Yuan Wenzhong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Yunfeng and said in disbelief.

Who the hell is this, a street stall with several long threads hanging down from his clothes, who dares to beat himself into a pig's head without shame?
"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you are about to become a pig!" Li Yunfeng said indifferently.

"Oh, is that so?" Yuan Wenzhong wasn't angry at all, but looked at Li Yunfeng amusedly. In his eyes, except for a few top princes, anyone was just a joke in his eyes.

Now he looked at Li Yunfeng as if he was watching a grasshopper bouncing around, he could be crushed to death at any time, could people be angry with the grasshopper?
Some people around also looked at Li Yunfeng with sympathy, because they got into trouble with Yuan Wenzhong, the little devil, and they would have to peel off their skin if they didn't die.

Except for the few crown princes who don't show up often, Yuan Wenzhong belongs to the top ranks, and it's a long life to be against him.

"You don't seem to believe it?" Li Yunfeng smiled lightly.

"Then don't blame me for being rude, give you a slap first!"

"Crack!" As soon as Li Yunfeng finished speaking, there was a voice in the hall, and a red mark appeared on Yuan Wenzhong's face.

"Bang." Immediately afterwards, the sound of the red wine glass falling to the ground came. Because the ground was covered with a red carpet, the glass did not break, but there was a muffled sound.

There was a brief silence in the hall, everyone was sweating, who is this person, there is no sign of a move.

"You hit me?" Yuan Wenzhong was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that he was really slapped.

"Yes, I slapped you!" Seeing Yuan Wenzhong being slapped stupidly, Li Yunfeng asked himself seriously, and then he answered Yuan Wenzhong seriously.

"Are you blind?" Yuan Wenzhong finally came to his senses, yelling at the two bodyguards next to him, full of shame and anger.

"He shot suddenly, and then the speed was too fast, I didn't notice it all at once, I'm sorry son, I will subdue him right away!" The bodyguard said with a shameless face.

"Okay, arrest him, and I will use my shoe soles to slap him a hundred times in the mouth, so as to relieve my hatred." Yuan Wenzhong said viciously, touching his face.

"Slow!" After listening to the order, the bodyguard was about to rush up to subdue Li Yunfeng, but Li Yunfeng suddenly said something slow, and the bodyguard also stopped, intending to listen to what Li Yunfeng had to say.

"What do you want to say?" The bodyguard stared at Li Yunfeng viciously and said.

"I think Mr. Yuan Wenzhong's proposal just now is good. I haven't tried using a shoe sole to smack someone's face, so I don't know how it feels!" Li Yunfeng said.

"What do you mean?" The bodyguard froze for a moment.

This time Li Yunfeng moved again just after speaking, the speed was unimaginable.

"Slap!" There was another sound of slapping someone's face in the hall, but this time the sound was a little duller because Li Yunfeng slapped it with the sole of his shoe.

Everyone was stunned again. Liu Qingying looked at Li Yunfeng with brilliant eyes at this time. She knew that Li Yunfeng was very good at fighting, but she didn't know that Li Yunfeng was so good at fighting, and he was so cheap. Said it was heartbreaking.

After this incident, no matter what the outcome is, Yuan Wenzhong seems to be the talking point of the princes and ladies in the capital, and he has been completely beaten in the face now.

Sure enough, Yuan Wenzhong became angry, growled, and rushed forward with fists clenching instead of calling the bodyguards.

As a result, another slap resounded through the hall. Yuan Wenzhong spun around with the slap, and then fell to the ground. His two faces were already swollen, and they looked like pigs' heads.

"Go to me, I'll be responsible for killing him, go to me!" Yuan Wenzhong lay on the ground, yelling at the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards would rush up without Yuan Wenzhong's reminder. After all, his duty is to protect Yuan Wenzhong.

After hearing what Yuan Wenzhong said, they wouldn't take it seriously. If they really wanted to kill each other directly, it would be the two of them who would be unlucky, so they still planned to restrain Li Yunfeng, and then follow Yuan Wenzhong's disposal.

The two bodyguards came out from left to right to cover Li Yunfeng, and slapped Li Yunfeng each time. After seeing Li Yunfeng's weird speed, they didn't underestimate Li Yunfeng, and they went all out when they came up.

"This kid is finished. Yuan Wenzhong's bodyguard is a legendary martial arts master."

"Yes, it is said that one can hit twenty."

"Not necessarily, this young man looks like a martial arts master to me." There were also people who believed in Li Yunfeng after Li Yunfeng showed his hands a few times.

"Tch, have you ever seen a martial arts master who uses shoes as a weapon?" Someone retorted.

"At best, a punk who can fight."

"Yes, it was all by surprise just now, and it took the first opportunity. If you really fight together, you will definitely not be able to beat it"

"Papa." Just as everyone finished talking, two rhythmic papas sounded again.

Following the crackling sound, the two bodyguards performed a standard 360-degree turn, and then fell to the ground at the same time.

The people around were once again collectively stunned, and the two martial arts masters were knocked down by the soles of their shoes?

"Little brother, you are really amazing!" Liu Qingying saw that the overall situation was settled, and jumped to Li Yunfeng's side, looking at Li Yunfeng with admiration, not knowing whether it was true or false admiration.

But Liu Qingying was convinced, and now she is completely convinced by what Li Yunfeng said before.

(End of this chapter)

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