Chapter 64
"It's okay!" Li Yunfeng smiled lightly.

At this time, the two bodyguards on the ground touched their swollen faces, they couldn't believe it, they were all warriors in the middle stage of inner strength, and they were basically invincible when the Xiuwu family was not visible in the world.

Even compared to a martial arts family in the capital, the Xu family, their family is a bit stronger in martial arts.

The Xu family was originally at the bottom of the martial arts world, not to mention that after entering politics, their martial arts became even more declining. At least their family is relatively stable because they concentrate on martial arts.

Now that the Xu family has the highest cultivation base, it is only at the late stage of internal strength, and the martial arts community almost does not recognize the Xu family as a martial arts family.

Because it is generally recognized in the martial arts circle that a martial arts family must have at least one acquired martial artist to be considered a martial arts family, otherwise it is only a little bit stronger than ordinary people, what kind of martial arts family is it?That would be a shame.

"Could it be that this person is also from the Xiuwu family?" Thinking of this, the two of them were a little scared. Their family is just a low-level Xiuwu family, which is somewhat similar to the Xu family, but it is not as brilliant as the Xu family, so they came out As bodyguards, they would definitely not dare to make mistakes when meeting a real martial arts family.

Yuan Wenzhong wanted to say something, but was held down by two terrified bodyguards.

Yuan Wenzhong wasn't a fool either. After being pressed by the two bodyguards, he became a little more sober. Knowing that if they continued to make trouble now, they would only be humiliating themselves, so he held back his breath for the time being, and just gave Li Yunfeng a stern look.

The two bodyguards struggled to get up, and then helped Yuan Wenzhong up, and they ran away in desperation without even saying a word of cruelty.

"This sister? Do you remember what you said before?" Li Yunfeng looked at Liu Qingying and said with a mean smile.

"What did I say?" Liu Qingying pretended to be bewildered and said.

"You said that as long as I beat that guy named Yuan Wenzhong into a pig's head, you will sleep with me for a few nights!" Li Yunfeng was very speechless. Although he didn't expect Liu Qingying to keep his promise, seeing the other party's bewildered face, it seemed that it was true. I didn't say anything, it's a pity not to be an actor with this kind of acting skills.

"That's what you said, but little brother, you don't seem to have beaten Yuan Wenzhong into a pig's head!" Liu Qingying suddenly realized, and then said with a surprised face, as if Li Yunfeng was forcing her into prostitution at this time.

"It's all swollen like that, and it's not like a pig's head?" Li Yunfeng said.

"Hey, everyone, come here, come here to comment. Did Yuan Wenzhong get beaten into a pig's head just now? It's obviously still a human head, okay, it's just a little swollen!" Liu Qingying looked at the surrounding people with a very angry look. The crowd shouted, as if they wanted the whole world to know.

Seeing this scene, Li Yunfeng really has nothing to say, the feeling is not to be beaten like a pig's head, but to be beaten like a real pig's head!

"Sister, stop shouting, I was wrong!" Li Yunfeng hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, he didn't want to be watched by everyone.

"Hey, how did I just see Yuan Wenzhong go out after being beaten into a pig's head? Which hero did it, I'm treating you today!" Xu Ming came out of the martial arts room and said curiously.

Li Yunfeng burst into tears when he heard this, look, anyone with a discerning eye would know that he was beaten into a pig's head, but Liu Qingying pretended not to hear, with a calm face.

Everyone looked at Li Yunfeng, and Xu Ming followed everyone's eyes with an expression of disbelief. He didn't expect it to be this dear friend. Sure enough, there is no mortal who can walk with them.

"Wow, Li Daxia, I want to worship you as my teacher. My dream is to become a super master, but my father has been unwilling to teach me how to teach me, saying that learning martial arts is useless now, but I just love martial arts. I want to spread Chinese martial arts." All over the world, I want to become a grandmaster!"

Xu Ming couldn't believe it at first, but if so many people looked at Li Yunfeng, it must be true. If Yuan Wenzhong was beaten alone, it would be nothing, but the two bodyguards were also beaten into pig heads, and Li Yunfeng was unscathed. It shows that Li Yunfeng's cultivation level is at least at the same level as his father's, and it is more than enough to be his own master.

"Yes, I don't accept apprentices, but it's okay to give you some advice when I have time!" Li Yunfeng waved his hand hastily, and then said.

Xu Ming was disappointed when he heard the previous sentence, but he became excited again when he heard Li Yunfeng said that he could give advice to him. It is also possible to have such a great master to give advice occasionally.

"Hero, let me tell you something!" Xu Ming walked to Li Yunfeng's side, and said softly.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xu Ming's mysterious face, Li Yunfeng asked curiously, but he was also very distressed by the title of Xu Ming's hero.

"Recently, a nasty stick came to the Taekwondo Hall of the Martial Arts Studio. He practiced well in Taekwondo. He is the king and hegemony in it. He looks like a majestic man. He is not very old, but it is said that he is the number one master of Han country's younger generation!" Xu Ming looked towards the martial arts room and said bitterly.

"With your cultivation, you can't beat a taekwondo master?" Li Yunfeng asked a little strangely. Taekwondo is just a martial arts performance event with some ornamental nature. It is only slightly better than ordinary people. With Xu Ming's cultivation Why, it's not a problem to hit ten with one, so why can't you hit one stick?
"You don't know this. In fact, Taekwondo is also a kind of martial arts. It's just that the international competitions are all without the support of Taekwondo. They are all showy. Naturally, it's not very good, but the real Taekwondo It's still very good, much better than my family's martial arts!" Xu Ming said softly.

"Oh?" Li Yunfeng was a little surprised by this. He didn't expect Taekwondo to be a real martial art, which opened his eyes.

"How is your cultivation?" Li Yunfeng thought for a while, then asked.

"It should be in the late stage of inner strength!" Xu Ming said with some uncertainty, this stick came to this place where the sons and daughters gather to show off their power, basically there is no one-on-one enemy, and he was also kicked away by this Han countryman at the beginning up.

This Han countryman gave him the feeling that he was much stronger than Yuan Wenzhong's two bodyguards. Considering his age, he should be in the late stage of inner strength.

"Late internal strength? He is the so-called number one master of the younger generation. I thought he was awesome!" Li Yunfeng said with a speechless face, Han Guo's martial arts circle is too weak.

Even the Jiang family, a not outstanding martial arts family around Jingnan City, the unlucky Jiang Chen who was killed by himself also had a late stage internal strength.

This so-called No. [-] master of Han country's young generation can only be compared with Jiang Chen, let alone Wang Daochong of Quanzhen Sect and Yuan Qiurong of Goddess Palace. This Han countryman will definitely be scared to pee when he sees him.

"Are you sure?" Xu Ming looked at Li Yunfeng nervously. He was afraid that Li Yunfeng would shrink back after knowing the cultivation level of this Han countryman. After all, if two people of the same level meet, it is likely that both sides will suffer.

"Isn't it just a Han countryman? It's okay to call his father here!" Li Yunfeng said indifferently.

(Some people say that I have a lot of typos. There must be a little bit, but not too many. Some place names and country names are deliberately wrong. It is not good to have real place names in the novel now)

 It’s so heartbreaking, the first novel in Genesis, but the recommendation votes for QQ reading and Genesis main battle are not as many as the starting point, please vote


(End of this chapter)

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