Chapter 67
"And you two, you can learn advanced foreign knowledge, but I don't want you to kneel and lick!" Li Yunfeng didn't have anything to do with Jin Zhengyi, and the other party didn't do anything too outrageous except for being arrogant, so he kept a little bit of strength.

But he didn't want to be polite to those two Chinese people who didn't even want face.

"Xu Ming, beat them into pig's heads!" Li Yunfeng said to Xu Ming who was still in shock.

"Ah!" Xu Ming finally came to his senses. Hearing Li Yunfeng's order, he looked at the two young men with a ferocious face.

The faces of the two young men turned pale immediately, but they couldn't hide from Xu Ming, and they were beaten into pigs' heads by Xu Ming within a few strokes.

"What kind of cultivation are you?" Jin Zhengyi struggled to get up, looking at Li Yunfeng with some confusion and said.

Li Yunfeng glanced at Jin Zhengyi, did not speak, but said to Xu Ming and Lin Yuanhao: "Let's go!"

After spending time with Lin Yuanhao and Xu Ming, Li Yunfeng opened a room in a five-star hotel not far from Lin's house under Lin Yuanhao's arrangement.

The next day, Lin Yuanhao came to pick Li Yunfeng to the Lin family, saying that he had already bought a 200-year-old ginseng, which was very efficient.

On the way there, when passing by a traditional Chinese medicine store, Li Yunfeng bought some Chinese medicine for Lin Ying by the way. This is a traditional Chinese medicine that is neither harmful nor beneficial. As for the so-called three-day cure, it is completely nonsense. The hands and feet that Ying made failed after three days.

It didn't take long before we arrived at Lin's house. There were several more people today than yesterday. One of them had a serious expression, as if someone owed him money, but he looked pretty good. He looked a bit like Lin Qianmeng, so it should be Lin Qianmeng's father, Lin Wen.

The other one, who is a little younger, is more lively and always smiles. Although his personality is completely different, he looks a bit like Lin Qianmeng's father. He should be the second child of the Lin family, Lin Wu.

There were still a few old men who were chatting with Dr. Zhao. They obviously heard that Li Yunfeng was going to use century-old ginseng to treat diseases, so they came to have a look.

When Li Yunfeng walked in, all eyes were on him.

Mr. Lin was in good spirits today, and he slept well at night. When he saw Li Yunfeng coming, he said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work today!"

"It's okay, the old man is too polite!" Li Yunfeng said with a smile.

"Young man, your medical skills are really good. I also met the old man a few days ago. His health is not as good as it is now. I want to see how you have recovered, young man!"

Several old doctors looked at Li Yunfeng curiously. If the facts were not in front of them, they would not let Li Yunfeng mess around.

"What about ginseng, let me see if it is qualified!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Here!" Lin Qianmeng came out of the house, holding a box in his hand, which should contain ginseng.

Li Yunfeng took it and took a look. With his experience, he could tell at a glance that it was indeed 200-year-old ginseng.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the ginseng, Li Yunfeng asked the old man to go back to the room and prepare for treatment.

To be precise, it is not treatment, but to fully integrate the vitality of ginseng into the old man's body, so as not to cause harm to old man Lin because of the strong properties of the medicine.

Several doctors wanted to come in to observe, but Li Yunfeng got them out on the grounds that the secret technique should not be leaked.

In the end, the old men were so angry that their beards turned up, but they still retreated. In fact, Dr. Zhao had told them before coming, but they didn't give up.

In the room, Li Yunfeng took off the old man's clothes, leaving only a pair of underwear.

"Old man, lie on the bed first!" Li Yunfeng said.

Mr. Lin had seen Li Yunfeng's miraculous methods before, so he lay down on his stomach after hearing what Li Yunfeng said.

Li Yunfeng took out the ginseng next to him from the box, and suddenly felt a burst of vitality rushing towards his face.

Li Yunfeng held the ginseng with one hand, and the spiritual power penetrated into the ginseng. Not long after, the ginseng emitted visible gas. These are the essence of life force of ginseng, refined by Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng's other hand controlled the gas and moved towards the old man's back. Under the introduction of spiritual power, the water vapor entered the back of the old man very evenly, and the loose and dry back gradually became rosy because of the gas. Some.

Then Li Yunfeng asked Mr. Lin to turn over, and did the same on his chest and abdomen.

In the end, I applied the ginseng essence evenly on every part of the body, and the old man felt refreshed all over, as if he was several years younger.

After finishing all these, it is just warming up, and the real ginseng essence is only refined a little bit.

Li Yunfeng stepped up the refinement of ginseng, and not long after, drops of ginseng essence dripped out, and Li Yunfeng refined the liquid into the old man's body again.

This process was relatively long, lasting about half an hour, and finally all refining was completed, and finally the ginseng was only left with a layer of dry residue.

"Mr. Lin, it's all right. The effect is better than expected. If there are no accidents, it will be no problem to live for seven or eight years!" Li Yunfeng felt the old man's current body, and then said with a smile.

"Young people are awesome!" Mr. Lin said with some emotion, feeling his much younger body.

When Old Man Lin and Li Yunfeng came out, everyone's eyes turned to Old Man Lin.

Looking at it, everyone felt that the old man was indeed much younger, and his complexion was particularly good, and he walked very powerfully. Compared with Li Yunfeng before he came, there has been an earth-shaking change.

Dr. Zhao hurried up, without asking the old man's opinion, he grabbed the old man's wrist and felt the old man's pulse.

The old man's pulse is very strong at this moment, and the old man who is dying still wants to see the signs of this pulse. If there is no illness in the middle, it is possible to live for ten years.

"A real miracle doctor, a miracle doctor!" Dr. Zhao was in disbelief at first, and then murmured to himself.

Several other doctors also surrounded the old man, touching here and feeling there, and they were also amazed.

"Doctor Li, are you interested in opening a specialist clinic in our hospital?" A doctor asked expectantly.

"No time!" Li Yunfeng refused resolutely, and smiled secretly in his heart, I don't know how to see a doctor at all.

"Then which hospital is Dr. Li currently in high school, or which medical school is he in? I'll visit him when I have time!" These old men said unwillingly.

"I'm doing finance at Yuanlai Fashion!" Li Yunfeng said.

"What is this for?" Several old doctors were confused.

"It's President Lin's company, and I'm begging for food in it!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Here, Dr. Li, it's a waste of your medical skills not to become a doctor or a professor in a medical school. No, you resign immediately. Come to our hospital. I'll help you get an expert clinic number." I was working as a financial officer in a company, but I quit immediately, and they asked Li Yunfeng to be a professor or an expert.

Li Yunfeng couldn't take it anymore, so he broke free and ran out, thinking in his heart that he must not be able to show his abilities casually in the future, these old men would be terrifying if they annoyed others.

(End of this chapter)

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