Chapter 68 Changes

Mr. Lin was cured, and it was useless for Li Yunfeng to stay here now, so he went back the next day.

As for Lin Qianmeng, under the mediation of her third uncle and grandfather, her relationship with her father has improved a little bit, so she has to go back a few days later.

After getting off the plane, Li Yunfeng was about to go directly to Cuiyin Community, but suddenly felt a strange feeling coming from the barren hills on the outskirts of the city.

"Could it be something wrong with the first clone?" Li Yunfeng frowned, and went straight to the barren hills on the outskirts of the city.

Feeling the position of the first clone, Li Yunfeng met the first clone not long after, and found that there was nothing wrong with the first clone.

Just as Li Yunfeng was about to ask what was going on, a divine thought came from the bone repair avatar, saying that the place where the bones were buried had been dug up again, and someone came to check it out. know who.

Li Yunfeng's face changed slightly, and he went to the burial place of his previous life, and the big hole that he refilled was dug up again.

"Who will come to look for my bones? Could it be Li Yunjie?" Li Yunfeng secretly thought, counting the days, Li Yunjie and Feng Jiaojiao will not have a few days to live well, why did they suddenly think of digging up their own bones?Could it be that he doubted himself?
Thinking of this, Li Yunfeng hurried down the mountain and went directly to the Xinghai Garden Villa. Li Yunjie and Feng Jiaojiao must have had a hard time this month. It is impossible for them to be in the mood to go to work, so they are more likely to be at home.

Xinghai Garden Villa, there are three people sitting inside at this time, a young man and a middle-aged woman.

There is also a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist uniform with a goatee, which looks a bit fairy-like.

"Master Daoist! Your calculations are really accurate, I didn't expect that it was really Li Yunfeng's fault!" The young man said bitterly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes again.

"That's natural. There is nothing in this world that the poor are not sure about!" The Taoist stroked his beard on his chin and said with a smile.

"Please save my life!" Li Yunjie gave a deep bow, and Feng Jiaojiao also stood up when she saw this.

"It's not impossible to save you, but I don't know what kind of adventure Li Yunfeng got. It's very difficult to crack his spells, and it requires a lot of funds. I need to prepare a lot of spell-breaking fairy materials to be sure to crack it in one fell swoop!" Daoist Said, but there was an elusive ray of light in his eyes.

"How much does the Taoist priest need?" Li Yunjie saw that the Taoist priest had a solution, a glimmer of hope appeared in his eyes.

Since I woke up from the villa inexplicably this month, I and my mother still have leopard heads, they will go crazy from time to time, and occasionally faint, although the duration is not long, but when I see each other when I am awake In this state, I am really afraid.

And since they paid a high price to invite this Taoist priest, when the Taoist priest even said that they would not live for ten days, they became even more frightened.

Although they were still skeptical at the beginning, when the Taoist said out loud that their illness was caused by someone else's magic, and that they were close relatives, they didn't believe it at first, but they secretly found out in the past two days After going to Li Yunfeng's burial place, they finally believed, so they were particularly convinced of this Taoist priest.

"[-] million!" Daoist said leisurely.

"What? So much?" Li Yunjie exclaimed. The total market value of their company is only 30 billion, and most of them are real estate. Asking him to get [-] million working capital at once would kill him.

"Master Dao, what kind of materials cost so much money?" Li Yunjie asked with some doubts.

"All I need are immortal materials that can break spells. If you don't have enough materials, you won't be able to completely break the spells cast on you by the other party!" Dao Chang said lightly.

"Of course, you can also choose not to spend this money, but you will definitely not survive this month! It is unknown who your property will fall to later!" The Taoist chief looked at Li Yunjie who was struggling. continued.

"Okay, I'll leave. I will prepare the funds within these three days, but the Taoist leader must also make preparations. I don't want to delay any longer!" Li Yunjie thought for a long time, and finally agreed.

"Well, then I'll wait for your good news!" The Taoist stood up and walked out.

It's just that when the Taoist priest stood up and turned around, his body trembled slightly, five hundred million!It's almost here!
Li Yunfeng was hiding outside the door at the moment, listening to the conversation between the Taoist priest and Li Yunjie, he smiled coldly.

Li Yunfeng really thought that Li Yunjie had invited some kind of expert, but he didn't expect that he was a charlatan with only early internal strength, and he didn't know he was cheated.

However, Li Yunfeng was really curious, how did this Taoist fool Li Yunjie into living here, and how did he know that this matter was done by him.

As for the Taoist's claim that he could break his Soul Disruption Technique, Li Yunfeng just took it as a joke at this time, let alone a martial artist at the early stage of inner strength, even an immortal cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage could not crack his own Soul Disruption Technique.

But now that he knew that the matter was still under his control, Li Yunfeng was not going to interfere anymore, let Li Yunjie go crazy for the last few days!

Li Yunfeng felt a little bored, so he left Xinghai Villa Garden District silently. He was a little bored on the road, and suddenly remembered that Su Xiaoru said that his mother had been bedridden for a long time, so Li Yunfeng was going to buy some medicinal materials and refine some simple Qingti Dan , When will you be free to help Su Xiaoru's mother heal.

Just when he was about to leave, Li Yunfeng touched his pocket and found that he had no money on him. There was more than 1000 yuan left on him before, but he was blown away by the bastard Jiang Xuan, and all his mobile phone ID cards and the like were gone. destroyed.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfeng felt a little bit pained, he didn't buy a damn medicine for a penny.

As for the wages at work, let’s not talk about how much money you have after working for a few days. Even if you pay wages, you will have to wait until the middle of the next month, which is still far away.

Li Yunfeng felt that it was time for him to get some money. He needed to buy a mobile phone and reapply for his ID card.

"How can I get money quickly?" Li Yunfeng thought for a while, and decided to go to the Jiang Group to find Jiang Ye. It was because of them that he became so poor, so it was not too much to get some money.

What's more, the two Jiang brothers are his contracted servants. Isn't theirs his own?
Thinking of this, Li Yunfeng smiled happily. He didn't expect that he would become the richest person in Jingnan City in an instant!

So Li Yunfeng walked towards the Jiang Group in the city center, and his mood immediately improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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