Chapter 73

Li Yunfeng told Jiang Ye the woman's name, and then hung up the phone.

The staff in the hospital all have job badges, and the woman's name is Li Rong, who belongs to the same family, but Li Yunfeng will not show mercy because of this.

"Is it okay?" Meng Yang said with some doubts. Although he was scared to pee by Li Yunfeng's 50 billion, but in this day and age, it doesn't mean that if you have money, you will be able to do things.

"Miraculous doctor Li, why don't I go and talk to the dean!" Liang Chao didn't quite believe it at this time, Jiang Ye?It seems that I haven't heard much about this person, is he very energetic?
The main reason is that Jiang Ye has only recently taken over the Jiang Group, so not many people know about it. If he is looking for Jiang Wentian this time, many people will know about it.

"Don't worry!" Li Yunfeng still believed in the Jiang family's ability. Since Jiang Ye said that there is no problem, then it should be no problem.

Let’s talk about the previous explosion accident, let’s not talk about the dead man of Jiang’s family. Jiang Wentian, a famous figure, was killed in the bombing, and it didn’t cause any trouble. Jiang Ye took over the Jiang’s group smoothly. The energy of the Jiang family can be seen.

Li Yunfeng glanced at Li Rong coldly, walked to a charging window next to him, and paid the hospitalization fee, 20 in one lump sum, and if there was more, he could get it back later.

Li Yunfeng knew that Meng Yang's mother had terminal cancer, which would be very difficult to cure with the current level of medical care. Even if she was cured by luck, she might relapse in a few years.

But this is not difficult for Li Yunfeng. With his own alchemy skills, he can refine some pills and give them to the patients. However, due to the weak constitution of ordinary people, they can't bear the huge medicinal power all at once, so they need to be treated slowly. Absorb the power of the medicine, so it is better to stay in the hospital.

Although Li Rong scolded very happily at the beginning, seeing that Li Yunfeng really called and asked someone to deal with her, she was inevitably afraid, so she was a lot more polite to the patient or the patient's family when charging later.

At this time, a phone rang in the dean's office.

"President Zhou, does your hospital have a charge officer named Li Rong?" The director of the No. 1 civilian hospital answered the phone, and a voice came from inside, with a faintly unhappy look.

"Mu Bureau, there is this person in our hospital." The caller was the director of the Health Bureau, his immediate boss.

Because Li Rong's father and he are classmates, and usually have a good relationship, he knows about Li Rong.

"Someone reported that there is something wrong with this person, you must find out for me!" The person inside said with a cold snort.

"Okay!" Dean Zhou felt the anger on the other end of the phone, and was a little surprised. Who did Li Rong offend?

Li Rong usually treats patients very badly, he knows this, but because of the face of his old classmates, he has not dealt with it.

"Now go to the toll office and apologize to a Mr. Li. If you don't let him calm down, you don't have to be the dean anymore!"

"Okay, Bureau Mu, I will definitely manage it!" Dean Zhou wiped off his sweat. It turned out that Li Rong had offended someone he couldn't afford to offend, but who was Mr. Li?
"Besides, the relationship between doctors and patients is so tense now. Don't let anyone in. You must check it out. If you can't do this well, I can arrange someone else to do it." Director Mu's tone was a little low.

"Director Mu, don't worry, I will take good care of it."

Dean Zhou's heart shuddered slightly, knowing that Director Mu was a little angry, not to mention who offended Li Rong, this character alone is really not suitable for working in the hospital.

The meaning of Director Mu's words is not just that Li Rong has offended others, but that he is a little dissatisfied with his work.

After hanging up the phone, Dean Zhou's expression was gloomy, and he was a little annoyed at his old classmate. I don't bother to say that you are pushing someone in, but at least you have to take care of your daughter.

So Dean Zhou took out his mobile phone, dialed Director Li's number, and told the story as he walked.

Director Li on the opposite side was silent for a while, knowing that his daughter had provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, and even the director of the health bureau had come forward, but the expulsion of his daughter did not affect him, it was considered light, so Director Li had no choice but to agree.

After hanging up the phone, Dean Zhou came to the toll office on the first floor not long after. It was a little strange to see that Liang Chao was also here.

He was about to ask Liang Chao why he was here, but before he could say anything, he was attracted by the young man next to him. He had met the young man before, and he was also there when Mayor Qi's daughter was in a car accident last time.

At that time, Qi Yanran, who was judged dead by the hospital, was rescued by this young man, so he was very impressed with Li Yunfeng.

Li Yunfeng?Mr. Lee?Dean Zhou suddenly remembered what Director Mu said to him. Could it be that Li Yunfeng was the one Li Rong offended?

"Master Li, hello, I, Zhou Tu, is the director of the People's Hospital." Regardless of whether it is true or not, I didn't have a chance to say hello last time, but I must say hello now that I see you.

"Well, hello, Dean Zhou." Li Yunfeng also shook hands with Zhou Tu.

Li Rong, who was in the toll office, saw that Dean Zhou also took the initiative to greet Li Yunfeng at this time, and her heart was cold. It seemed that this young man was really a person with energy.

"Are you here to deal with Li Rong's matter?" Li Yunfeng and Dean Zhou were polite, and then asked directly.

"Yes, as long as the response is true, we will deal with it fairly."

Dean Zhou didn't expect it to be Li Yunfeng's fault, but it's normal to think about it. Li Yunfeng saved Mayor Qi's daughter, which means he is Mayor Qi's benefactor. Mayor Qi will definitely agree to such a thing.

"Well, I don't worry about Dean Zhou's work." Li Yunfeng saw that although Dean Zhou's face was not an absolutely righteous person, he was not a duplicity, so he didn't say much.

"Uncle Zhou, you can't fire me. You hugged me when I was a child!" Li Rong was a little unwilling. Although the job was not bad, it didn't mean that she couldn't live without leaving the hospital, but the most important thing was her face. , and future job resumes, being fired will be a stain.

Dean Zhou looked back, didn't speak, just snorted coldly, if he knew this, why bother?
Then he turned around and continued: "Master Li, I can help arrange a separate ward."

"Didn't it mean that the wards are tight? So many people are living in the corridor, why is there a separate ward?" Meng Yang's eyes widened.

"Ahem..." Dean Zhou was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Li Yunfeng was born in a wealthy family with a broader vision, so he understands it. There is nothing to say about it. A poor family can't afford an [-]-square-meter house, and the rich don't want to use flats or villas. It's the same reason.

Li Yunfeng nodded and said, "It's enough to arrange an ordinary independent ward, and it doesn't need to be too high-end."

Li Yunfeng and Dean Zhou continued to chat for a few words, and then Dean Zhou went to arrange wards.

Li Yunfeng followed Meng Yang to his mother's ward, and when they arrived at the door of the ward, a nurse helped to change the ward. This speed was invincible.

Liang Chao also followed, can the dead be saved?
Can advanced cancer be cured?Liang Chao looked forward to it.

Mother Meng is a woman about 50 years old, with a haggard face at the moment, she looks at least ten years older than ordinary people, but at the moment she is a little dazed, what ward should I change to?
"Mom!" Meng Yang called out.

"Yang, the doctor has said that there is no hope for my disease. Let's go home. We will only waste money here." Meng Yang's mother looked at Meng Yang, who was not much better than her, and felt very distressed. Said.

"Mom, Dad left a long time ago. It was you who worked so hard to bring me up and pay me to go to college. Now I only have you as a family member. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never give up." Meng Yang Holding the hospital bed, he said firmly.

"This is my good buddy from college, Li Yunfeng. I ran into him by accident today. I have been doing well in the past few years. I just borrowed 20 from him, and I am not in a hurry to pay it back. So don't worry about the cost. Relax and recuperate. That's fine, you don't have the heart to let your son live alone in this world!" Meng Yang pointed at Li Yunfeng.

Seeing Meng Yang and his mother's deep affection, Li Yunfeng sighed slightly in his heart, thinking that his mother was actually killed by Li Yunjie's mother and son, and felt a little uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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