Chapter 74 Cancer
"What, 20?" Mother Meng glanced at Li Yunfeng in surprise. Although the young man looks good, he doesn't look like a rich man.

But it didn't take long for Meng's mother to worry again, and said: "Yang, 20, and the tens of thousands owed before, how long will it take you to pay it off? In two or three years, you will be thirty thousand." If you don't even find a wife, what are you going to do in the rest of your life?"

"I also know about my disease. Cancer, a few people in the village have suffered from it before. After spending a lot of money, none of them can be cured. Why are you spending this money?" Mother Meng looked at Meng worriedly. Yang said.

"Mom, the doctor said, you have to keep a cheerful mood for this illness. Isn't your mood a nuisance to me? If you really want to treat me well, you can treat it well. If you can't borrow money, let's talk about it. Now the money is here. In front of me, if you don't treat me, I will live in self-blame for the rest of my life, don't you want to see me like this?" Meng Yang remained unmoved and said resolutely.

"Oh, I just listen to you!" Mother Meng sighed, and then said: "Thank you, Yunfeng, Meng Yang is lucky to have such a good friend like you, if he really doesn't get cured, you will take more care of him in the future , Let Meng Yang get a daughter-in-law first, and then slowly pay you back!"

Li Yunfeng heard and said: "Auntie, don't worry, I have been working with an old Chinese medicine doctor all these years, it is quite easy to make some money, Yangzi is my good brother, I will naturally help him, if he is not in a hurry Looking for a wife, I'll help you rush him!"

"Okay, it's good to study medicine!" Mother Meng said with a smile, and she was slightly relieved after hearing Li Yunfeng's words.

"Fengzi, you really went to study medicine? Didn't you study business management in college? Why did you go to study some old Chinese medicine? You can't be a deceitful magic stick!"

Meng Yang thought of Li Yunfeng's bank card, and looked at Li Yunfeng with a strange face, 50 billion, when did Chinese medicine become so easy to make money?
Don't you all believe in Western medicine now?

Moreover, Director Liang and the director of this hospital talked about a genius doctor, which made him very speechless. He remembered that Li Yunfeng didn't know anything about medical skills at all.

But for the dean and Liang Chao to be so convinced, there are only two possibilities, one is that the medical skills are really good, and the other is that they have become magic sticks.

Meng Yang thinks that the possibility of a magic stick is relatively high. After all, if you are a doctor, no matter how good your medical skills are, it is impossible to earn 50 billion.

"Yang, why are you talking like that!" Mother Meng said a little unhappy, she is older, people of the older generation have more trust in Chinese medicine than younger people, and when she was young, she met a wandering Chinese medicine doctor, who was very good, At that time, she had a persistent high fever, took a lot of western medicine, and tried a lot of liquid medicines, but the old Chinese medicine doctor only prescribed a few medicines, and she recovered within a few days, which was very powerful.

So Meng's mother actually believes in Chinese medicine. She planned to treat her cancer with Chinese medicine this time, but her son disagreed, saying that Chinese medicine is really good for minor ailments and pains. If it really involves serious illnesses, Western medicine is definitely needed.

She couldn't hold back her son, and apart from the wandering Chinese medicine doctor she met when she was a child, there were not many powerful Chinese medicine practitioners nearby. In terms of curative effect, it was indeed not as good as Western medicine.

So she had no choice but to agree to come to the city for treatment, but every time she received chemotherapy, she felt very uncomfortable. She really didn't want to go to treatment, but every time she thought of her son's earnest eyes, she had to endure it.

And Mother Meng said this mainly because she didn't know that Li Yunfeng had 50 billion. If she also knew that Li Yunfeng had 50 billion, she might also believe that Li Yunfeng was a great master. Earning 50 billion is more reliable.

When the old Chinese doctor cured her, it was only a symbolic fee of one dollar.

"I'm just talking casually. I absolutely believe in Fengzi's character. She was a good person in school." Meng Yang also felt that his words were inappropriate, but he didn't care. Good friends slandered each other and slandered each other. Just kidding, I did it a lot back then.

Liang Chao, who was behind him, heard their conversation, hehe laughed, and then said: "I can testify that, Dr. Li's medical skills are really not a joke. Back then, Mayor Qi's daughter had a car accident and her brain was seriously congested. The blood has already been declared dead, but was abruptly pulled out from the gate of hell by Doctor Li."

"So powerful?" Meng Yang was taken aback and looked at Li Yunfeng.

"It's okay, actually it's not my fault alone, Dr. Liang also contributed a lot!" Li Yunfeng said casually.

Liang Chao is also a fine person, knowing that he doesn't want to be too high-profile, so he smiled and didn't speak.

It didn't take long for the ward to be changed. Meng's mother looked at this single large ward, a little inconceivable. Before, Meng Yang spent a lot of trouble for a bed.

But thinking of what they said before, it is also clear.

"Let me take a look for my aunt first. My master cured a lot of cancer before!" When Li Yunfeng was speaking, he secretly observed Meng's mother's condition, and found that it had indeed reached a very serious stage, and it was possible to be cured. Less than one percent, it can basically be said to be waiting to die.

If the hospital can cure him, he will not take action, but in this case, he has to take action. He must save his good brother's mother.

"Really? Then where is your master? I'll ask his old man to come over, or I can bring my mother there!"

Meng Yang knew Li Yunfeng's character, and they joked with each other about small things, but when it came to big things, Li Yunfeng would never just talk about it.

Moreover, director Liang's respect for Li Yunfeng shows that his brother is really capable, but compared to Li Yunfeng, he believes in Li Yunfeng's master more.

And the main reason is that what Li Yunfeng said was that his master knew how to treat cancer, not that he knew how to treat cancer.

Li Yunfeng really hurts, every time he makes a move, someone will definitely ask him about his master who is nothingness, and every time he has to answer it solemnly, saying that this master is dead.

But this time without waiting for Li Yunfeng to speak, Liang Chao explained it for Li Yunfeng, which saved Li Yunfeng a little bit of talking.

After Liang Chao explained, he looked at Li Yunfeng expectantly. Compared with Meng Yang's desire to save his mother, what he cared about was whether Li Yunfeng could really cure the cancer. Sentenced to death.

(End of this chapter)

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