Chapter 75
Li Yunfeng walked to the side of the hospital bed, and pretended to help Mengmu feel her pulse again, and then she let go after about a minute or two.

"How? Can it be cured?" Liang Chao was even more anxious than Meng Yang, looking at Li Yunfeng expectantly.

"Yes, but I need to collect some medicinal materials first!" Li Yunfeng nodded.

"I can help you collect the medicinal materials. Most of the medicinal materials are available in the Chinese pharmacy of the hospital!"

When Liang Chao heard this, he was even happier. If it was the same as last time, the treatment of tapping left and clicking right, there is no possibility of duplication at all. It can be completely cured, which makes him very excited. This is a great progress in the medical field.

After Li Yunfeng listened, his eyes revealed a look of contemplation.

Seeing Li Yunfeng's appearance, Liang Chao thought that Li Yunfeng didn't want to announce the prescription, and was slightly disappointed.

"That's right, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes family inheritance from master to apprentice, and the secret recipes are generally not revealed!" Liang Chao said with a sigh, very disappointed.

It is because Chinese medicine is too secretive and pays too much attention to personal inheritance, which leads to further decline.

"What are you thinking? I'm thinking how much of my medicine's potency can be achieved without special refining techniques!" Li Yunfeng said.

"Ah?" Liang Chao opened his mouth wide, thinking that his feelings were wrong.

"I'll write you a prescription later!"

Li Yunfeng originally planned to collect medicinal materials by himself, but seeing Liang Chao's appearance, he knew that Liang Chao must be very interested in this prescription and wanted to use this prescription to benefit the world, so Li Yunfeng just let him go.

Li Yunfeng took the pen and paper from Liang Chao, and wrote more than a dozen kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs on the white paper, all of which were relatively common, only two or three of them were slightly out of the ordinary.

The Qingti Pill in the Immortal Cultivation World is just the lowest level of medicine, and the medicinal materials that need to be refined are naturally not high-level, and the earth should be able to collect them.

"Can these medicinal materials cure cancer?" Liang Chao also studied Chinese medicine for a period of time, so he knew the medicinal properties of most of the above medicinal materials, and felt that it had nothing to do with cancer treatment.

Among them, there are several rare medicinal materials. The earth is relatively rare, and the medicinal materials are relatively expensive, but they are much cheaper than Western medicine in treating cancer.

Li Yunfeng thought for a while, and then said: "If these medicinal materials are refined by my special method, they can completely cure my aunt's cancer, or even any kind of cancer!"

Since he decided to give this prescription to Liang Chao, he didn't hide the efficacy of Qingti Pill.

"No way, I've never heard of a prescription that can treat many diseases! Especially cancer." Liang Chao looked at the prescription in his hand, uncertain.

"Who is making a big fuss here? One prescription cures all cancers, why don't you go to heaven?" A doctor walked by the door, who should be doing ward rounds. Hearing Li Yunfeng's words, he stopped and said.

Li Yunfeng frowned, the voice seemed familiar!
Li Yunfeng looked back, and found that it was the doctor in the emergency room who had been given acupuncture by himself.

The doctor had just finished speaking, and felt that the voice he heard was very familiar. When Li Yunfeng turned his head, he immediately backed away in fright. He couldn't move for a day, which made him suffer a lot. It left a deep shadow on him.

"Huh? You said it, then it's all right." The doctor was afraid that Li Yunfeng would give him another call, so he hurriedly said, and ran away in a hurry without waiting for Li Yunfeng to reply.

Li Yunfeng looked at the doctor who ran away speechlessly, am I so scary?Obviously your mouth is too cheap.

"Hehe, okay, let's see the effect later!"

Li Yunfeng didn't care either.

Indeed, if it was five years ago, if someone suddenly told him that my medicine could cure all diseases, he would definitely sneer at it, and maybe he would go up and slap him a few times. Now Liang Chao is just like this Such a reaction is already rare.

Seeing that Li Yunfeng was so confident, and thinking about the magic of Li Yunfeng saving Ye Feng and Qi Yanran, Liang Chao also believed it a little bit, but he was looking forward to when Li Yunfeng could really treat Meng Mu.

"What if it hasn't been specially refined?" Liang Chao asked curiously. He had seen the special technique Li Yunfeng mentioned before, so he knew what Li Yunfeng's special technique was, which ordinary people couldn't learn.

"I haven't actually tested it, but according to my guess, the cure rate of cancer in the middle stage should be able to reach 90.00%, and it can basically be cured in the early stage of cancer. In the late stage, it will be difficult, and it should not exceed 30.00%!"

According to Li Yunfeng's judgment based on the properties of the medicine before refining and the properties of the medicine after refining, the actual situation should not be too bad.

"So powerful!" Liang Chao looked at Li Yunfeng in a daze.

"Moreover, these pure Chinese medicines are not a cure in the ordinary sense, but a complete cure. Generally speaking, as long as you are cured, you will never relapse." Li Yunfeng said again.

Liang Chao was really shocked and speechless. The so-called cure of cancer is not really cured. Many people may still relapse. What Li Yunfeng means is that as long as the cancer is cured, it will never recur.

Liang Chao looked at the prescription in his hand, and his hands trembled slightly. If it is true as Li Yunfeng said, then this prescription is really a priceless treasure!
"Miraculous doctor Li, as long as the curative effect is real, I will definitely help you apply for the patent as soon as possible, and there will be absolutely no loss to your interests!" Liang Chao said to Li Yunfeng solemnly.

"It doesn't matter. I don't care about these things. You can sign your name. I don't want to be too famous. Just don't promote me everywhere!"

Li Yunfeng shook his head, if the whole world knew that this prescription was made by him, and if the curative effect came out in the future, it would become famous all over the world, maybe he would be awarded a Nobel Prize by then, then it would be over.

"Give me this prescription?" Liang Chao's voice trembled a little when he heard these words, obviously very excited.

"Yes!" Li Yunfeng smiled, Liang Chao's character is not bad, and people are easy to change, so it's not impossible to give him a fortune.

"Actually, I can cure all diseases, because I start from the source of the human body and improve fundamentally. In theory, any disease can be cured!" Li Yunfeng whispered to Liang Chao.

"Ah!" Liang Chao felt that he was going to be stupid.

"You can test the efficacy of the medicine with other diseases first! I still haven't collected the special equipment used to refine the medicine, so I have to wait a few more days, and I can't treat my aunt so quickly."

"However, you don't need to publicize that it can cure all kinds of diseases. There are several medicinal materials in the market that are not cheap, and they are relatively rare. A pair of medicinal materials costs several thousand yuan. If those rich people have a cold and fever, they will come here. One pair, maybe these medicinal materials will be exhausted in a short time!" Li Yunfeng reminded.

Liang Chao also nodded excitedly. He knew the properties of these medicines, and they would never kill anyone, so he could test them with confidence, and he would see the effect soon. He was very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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