Chapter 76 Despised
Li Yunfeng continued to explain something, and then planned to leave.

Liang Chao was also very excited at this time. Seeing that Li Yunfeng was about to leave, he thought about testing the efficacy of the medicine.

For doctors, there is nothing more gratifying than getting a good prescription.

Li Yunfeng and Meng Yang hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they went out together to prepare a meal.

Meng Yang is also very happy at the moment, no matter what Li Yunfeng said is true or not, at least the follow-up treatment will not worry.

Meng Yang originally planned to treat the guests, but he touched the less than [-] yuan change in his pocket, but he didn't say it in the end.

Li Yunfeng was worth 50 billion now, and he felt very rich, so he chose a very luxurious restaurant nearby for dinner.

50 billion, no matter how much you eat, you won't be poor. Besides, Li Yunfeng is a foodie, so if you have money, you should eat better.

It's just that when they arrived at the door, the two of them became depressed and were stopped by a reception lady at the door.

"What are you here for?" One of the receptionists first glanced at Li Yunfeng, then at Meng Yang, with a hint of disgust flashing in his eyes.

Li Yunfeng was fine, although he was dressed in clothes all over the place, he was able to wear decent clothes, so he finally looked like a normal person.

But Meng Yang's image is a bit unsightly. Because of the tight medical expenses, he not only has to work in the company during the day, but also has a part-time job at night.

Introduced by a friend, I went to a dyeing factory to help burn the boiler. From [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., although I was a little tired and dirty, the salary was okay. The most important thing was that the time was relatively short, so I went faster at night. If you go back, you will have enough sleep time, and your body can barely bear it.

But the price is that his body is dirty all day, because he asked for leave today, so he didn't bother to tidy up too much, so he went out casually.

And because he was a bit unkempt, with a sloppy beard and disheveled hair, he was a little better than the tramps and beggars on the road.

Li Yunfeng hadn't paid much attention to these things because he had been in the world of cultivating immortals for too long.

Because he used to be in seclusion for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and the dirt on his body has accumulated over the years. The dirt is so hard that ordinary people can hardly chop it with an axe, so Meng Yang's current situation is just a child's disease.

But this is the earth, so the situation is naturally different, but you can't just shrink back after saying a word, who stipulates that if you are dirty, you can't come here to eat?

"Of course it's time to eat." Li Yunfeng said very unhappy, anyway, I am now a person with 50 billion in my pocket.

"Are you going the wrong way? The cheapest dish here costs one or two hundred yuan, and the best dish costs thousands of yuan. Are you two sure you can afford it?"

"Besides, look at his body. His clothes are so dirty. Don't disturb other guests' meals. Go away. This is not the place for you. Don't block the door and affect our hotel's business, or I will call security."

The woman said very arrogantly, her eyes slanted to the sky.

Li Yunfeng frowned. He had never seen such a person before. As a hotel receptionist, how noble can you be?
How much money can be earned, maybe not as good as Meng Yang.

Li Yunfeng was a little angry in his heart, frowned and said: "My friend didn't have time to wash and change clothes because of some things. Do you expressly stipulate that you can't go in if the clothes are dirty? If there is such a rule, I will turn around and leave."

"Although there are no regulations, I have to think about other customers, especially Mayor Qi is also eating here today. Our hotel has to pay more attention to its image."

The receptionist looked at Li Yunfeng and Meng Yang and said.

"Forget it, after all, I'm really a little dirty, or just go to the food stalls on the side of the road. I think there is a good one, and I often go there." Meng Yang's career and love have not been going well these years, Erase the arrogance of the past, and endure as much as you can.

"Look at how smart your friends are, you're just going to eat food stalls." Seeing Meng Yang backing down, the reception lady was very proud.

"Sister Ling, didn't Mr. Wu say in a company meeting some time ago that you can't look at people with colored eyes?" Another younger reception lady said weakly.

"What do you know? The head waiter asked you to follow me, just to let you study hard with me. You just have to study hard. What are you talking about? Not all monsters and ghosts can enter our hotel, we are taking a high-end route."

The woman scolded the younger woman fiercely.

"But..." The young woman wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly.

"It's nothing but, if you don't want to learn, you can get out of here immediately." The woman was very upset when she saw that this new employee was even fighting with her.

When the young woman heard this, her complexion changed drastically, she lowered her head, and stopped talking, but her eyes were a little red. Obviously, she still didn't agree with the senior's actions, but she didn't dare to refute.

At this time, a car horn sounded suddenly at the door of the hotel.

Li Yunfeng was about to say something, but suddenly heard the woman say: "You two get out of here, don't block the door, our president is here, what are you doing here?"

"And you, raise your head and stand up! Do you still want to do it? If you don't want to do it, I'll talk to the foreman later." The woman scolded the younger woman again.

Li Yunfeng was about to say something, but after hearing the woman's words, he turned his head and saw a Mercedes-Benz S600 parked in a parking space not far behind him.

The car door opened, and a woman who looked a bit elegant and luxurious got out from the co-pilot, about 30 years old, with a very delicate face, comparable to Su Xiaoru.

But because of his identity, he seems to have more aura than Su Xiaoru, even if compared to Lin Qianmeng, he is only slightly inferior, not much worse.

On the other side of the cab was a man who looked a bit ordinary.

Li Yunfeng smiled, really meet everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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