The return of the immortal world

Chapter 78 Song Ying's Suspicion

Chapter 78 Song Ying's Suspicion

When Li Yunfeng saw Mayor Qi approaching, he also went up and shook hands. People respect me a foot, and I respect others.

"I went to the capital for something!"

Li Yunfeng nodded with a smile. Although the other party is the mayor and is unattainable to ordinary people, it is definitely not true for him, so Li Yunfeng didn't feel any panic, but just replied very plainly.

Mayor Qi saw that Li Yunfeng was neither humble nor overbearing when he saw him, and his face was indifferent. He didn't feel the nervousness of ordinary people when he saw him, and he was slightly appreciative in his heart.

"We just finished talking about some things today, so I won't greet you. Tomorrow night, I don't know if you have time. It's still here. I will take Yanran and her mother to host. Thank you for your spare no effort to help last time."

Mayor Qi said with a smile, with gratitude in his eyes, if not for Li Yunfeng, his only daughter might have passed away forever.

"Mayor Qi is serious. I will definitely come tomorrow." Li Yunfeng thought for a while, and there was nothing special, so he agreed.

"Okay, then it will be scheduled at seven o'clock tomorrow night." Mayor Qi nodded, and then gave Li Yunfeng a call, just ask him to come and make this call.

Li Yunfeng's mobile phone card has not been reissued, so he has not given it to Mayor Qi for the time being.

After Mayor Qi finished speaking, he saw Wu Jing next to him, smiled and encouraged him, and then left. He didn't know about the conflict between Li Yunfeng and the hotel staff.

Ye Feng led Li Yunfeng up to the luxury box upstairs, and under Ye Feng's greeting, the food was served soon.

Ye Feng said an apology from the beginning, and he didn't have too many polite words. Obviously, he belongs to the kind that is more down-to-earth. He doesn't know much about empty words and polite words on the wine table. The three of them exchanged glasses. On the contrary, it seemed very happy, completely without the tense atmosphere before.

But what surprised Li Yunfeng was that Ye Feng resigned after he recovered from his injury and was discharged from the hospital.

When Ye Feng said that he had resigned, Li Yunfeng also looked at Ye Feng fixedly and did not answer. He knew that Ye Feng was an arrogant and conceited person.

But when the reality made him recognize the gap between himself and Li Yunfeng, he would admit defeat and shrink back, just like a tiger in a mountain forest, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one Li Yunfeng is enough for Yuanlai Fashion.

In the end, Li Yunfeng just clinked glasses, the two looked at each other and smiled, and stopped talking about it.

Just suddenly, the door of the box was opened, Wu Jing walked in, followed by several policemen, Wu Jing smiled apologetically at Li Yunfeng.

"Mr. Li, I have already dealt with Gu Tong and Ma Lingyun and given them the penalty of expulsion, but because Gu Tong's arm was broken by you, the police want you to go to the police station to make a record."

Wu Jing pointed to the policeman behind her, and said helplessly.

"But don't worry, the police also watched the video of your dispute. It's Gu Tong's fault. You just need to cooperate and make a record."

"Isn't it just a trip to the police station? I'll just go!" Li Yunfeng smiled indifferently.

"Fengzi, it's all my fault!" Seeing that the police were going to take Li Yunfeng away, Meng Yang said with some self-blame.

"What does it have to do with you? Besides, it's not going to jail, it's just a record. There's nothing to worry about!"

Li Yunfeng smiled, and didn't really care about it. At most, he was self-defense too much, so he might be detained for a few days, and he might not even be punished.

"Brothers outside the police, don't worry! I took two lamb legs to eat on the way, and I'm still not full. You can come in and eat some if you want!" Li Yunfeng still felt a little sorry for the unfinished table.

After Li Yunfeng finished speaking, he took two lamb legs on the table, one in each hand, and everyone was speechless.

Li Yunfeng was also very honest. After taking the leg of lamb, he followed a few policemen and went down.

But after going down, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect Song Ying to be down there too.

Song Ying saw a few policemen taking him down, so she prepared to go back.

Logically speaking, it was just an ordinary fight, and it only needed the police station below to come forward, and she, the deputy director, was not needed, but because she knew in advance that Mayor Qi was eating here today, she was afraid of affecting Mayor Qi, so He personally led the team out, but fortunately, Mayor Qi has already left and has not been affected in any way.

It's just that the moment she turned around, he felt as if he had seen this person holding two lamb legs before somewhere, especially the figure, which was very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Song Ying was speechless when she saw that Li Yunfeng was holding two mutton legs, how big was her heart?

Also, why does this bohemian and even stupid behavior seem familiar?
"It's that mysterious person?" Song Ying glanced at Li Yunfeng in surprise, her eyes were full of doubts.

Feeling Song Ying's gaze, Li Yunfeng was also slightly surprised. Sure enough, he was able to become the deputy director of the district at a young age, and his eyes were a bit vicious, and he doubted himself so quickly.

But looking at the other person's eyes, it is obvious that it is just suspicion, and there is no confirmation.

This made Li Yunfeng slightly relieved, he didn't want to expose his secret identity.

"Take him to my car!" Song Ying ordered, then turned and got into the car.

Li Yunfeng felt a little bit pained, it seemed that the other party was going to test him.

After getting into the car, Li Yunfeng didn't speak, just ate the leg of lamb by himself, but the leg of lamb was not very big, so he finished eating it in a short time. Li Yunfeng was a little bit unfulfilled, and it was a pity to think of the whole table of dishes on the table.

While Li Yunfeng was eating the leg of lamb, Song Ying kept staring at her, but Li Yunfeng didn't hide anything, what happened at the beginning, he always did.

If she acted foolishly at the beginning, but then suddenly restrained herself after getting in the car, it would make Song Ying suspect that she was trying to cover up something.

Song Ying observed for a while, but she was also a little disappointed. The other party did not restrain herself because of her suspicious eyes, but calmed down. Did she guess wrong?
Song Ying didn't know why, but she felt a faint sense of loss in her heart. Although they only met once, they had more than one encounter, and each time they had a deep memory.

After arriving at the Public Security Bureau, Li Yunfeng also cooperated and made a record. The police station has already copied a copy of the video of the previous dispute.

In the deputy director's office, Song Ying looked at Li Yunfeng's autograph in front of her, and then looked at the note that the mysterious person gave him before, compared the two, and finally just sighed, it wasn't him after all!
Since Li Yunfeng knew that he was being suspected, he naturally wouldn't use his real handwriting, so Song Ying's suspicion of him was dispelled.

Just suddenly, Song Ying felt a colic in her heart, as if something was hitting her heart, making her break out in a cold sweat.

After about 1 minute, this feeling gradually disappeared. In the short 1 minute just now, she even felt that she might really die!
"Third time!"

Song Ying's face was still a little pale at this time, and she was muttering to herself.

 Thanks to Shang Xin Duzui for the reward of [-] book coins!
(End of this chapter)

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