The return of the immortal world

Chapter 79 Black Shards

Chapter 79 Black Shards ([-]rd update)

After Li Yunfeng came out of the police station, he didn't go to other places, but went directly to Cuiyin Community.

Originally, he planned to go to the antique market in the south of Jing to see if there was a pill furnace for refining pills, but because a lot of things happened today, it was a bit late, so he didn't go.

After returning to the Cuiyin community, he checked the time. The younger sister and Su Xiaoru should be off work soon, and Li Yunfeng became the housekeeper again.

When he was cooking, Xiaomei and Su Xiaoru also came back.

"Oh, I haven't eaten brother's cooking for a long time, it's so delicious!" Li Yunxue cheered happily, very happy.

Su Xiaoru also tidied up a little bit, and then started to eat and drink.

"Brother, it's a good thing you don't cook every day. If I cook every day, I will definitely become a fat girl in the future!" Li Yunxue said while lying on the sofa with a satisfied face after eating, belching full.

"I'm full too!" Su Xiaoru also lay reclined on the sofa, patted her belly and said, her whole body had the lazy beauty of a mature woman.

"Little girl, you don't have a lot of meat in total, you just need to eat more. You are too thin and not feminine. Look at you, Miss Ru, you have just the right figure!" Li Yunfeng said while cleaning the dishes.

"Okay, Li Yunfeng, are you saying I'm fat in a different way?" Su Xiaoru has treated Li Yunfeng a lot better since Li Yunfeng came back from Jiang's house, and she no longer looks coldly.

"How dare I praise you for being feminine, how can you understand that you are fat!" Li Yunfeng said innocently.

"Hmph, I hope so!" Su Xiaoru snorted, and said with a smile on her lips. In fact, she was also very happy when Li Yunfeng praised her.

After Li Yunfeng finished eating, he was ready to clean up the dishes, but Su Xiaoru and Li Yunxue pushed him away directly. Now their division of labor is very clear, Li Yunfeng is in charge of cooking, and Li Yunxue and Su Xiaoru are in charge of washing.

"Xiaoru, I may have to ask for a day off tomorrow!"

After washing, Su Xiaoru and her younger sister were sitting on the sofa watching TV, Li Yunfeng said suddenly.

"Are you here for work?" Su Xiaoru touched her head and said in a speechless voice.

"Well, I do have something to do, and it has something to do with your mother!" Li Yunfeng said.

"My mother? Are you going to help my mother with treatment?" Su Xiaoru said with some surprise, she thought Li Yunfeng had forgotten about it.

"Well, yes, I met one of my classmates today, and his mother is also seriously ill. I can treat it well, but I have to prepare some things first." Li Yunfeng nodded, and then said.

"That's good! Let me know in advance when you go back one day, so I can prepare." Su Xiaoru said with some surprise.


The next morning, just as Li Yunfeng was about to go out, he found a knock on the door. Li Yunfeng was a little surprised. When he opened it, it turned out to be Jiang Ye.

"Master, I have already prepared your mobile phone card and ID card." After Jiang Ye finished speaking, he took out a mobile phone and ID card from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunfeng. The phone turned out to be the latest version of Tangerine phone.

Looking at the mobile phone and ID card in his hand, Li Yunfeng also sincerely admired the efficiency of the Jiang family. He managed to help himself well in just one day. Now he has realized the benefits of having servants around him. The bosses like to subdue the strong to do things for them.

"Ask you something!" Li Yunfeng looked at Jiang Ye, and he wanted to find the alchemy furnace. These martial arts families were more likely.

"Master, you ask!"

"Do you have a pill furnace for refining pills?" Li Yunfeng asked directly.

"Pill stove?" Jiang Ye frowned, thought for a while, and then shook his head: "Our family doesn't have these, and as far as I know, there should be few people in the Xiuwu family who make pills. It was used by ancient alchemists to deceive the emperor."

Jiang Ye suddenly felt that what he said seemed to include Li Yunfeng, so he hurriedly explained: "Master, I'm not talking about you, it must be true if you want to make alchemy!"

Li Yunfeng didn't care, just waved his hand and fell into deep thought.

Li Yunfeng originally wanted to go to the antique market to have a look. Although this kind of low-level elixir can be condensed in the void, it consumes a lot of energy every time he refines it, almost consuming most of his spiritual power. If he had an alchemy furnace , you can refine the elixir with very little spiritual power.

"Master, although the Xiuwu family doesn't have any alchemy furnace, if you really want to collect it, it's not too difficult!" Seeing that Li Yunfeng was not angry, Jiang Ye said.

"Oh?" Li Yunfeng's eyes lit up slightly. That's right. If I have anything to do, I can just tell Jiang Ye directly. Their family has good financial resources and connections. It must be much better than looking around by myself.

"That's fine, but try not to make the alchemy furnace too big, a smaller one is better!" Li Yunfeng instructed.

"Yes, master!" Jiang Ye nodded.

"As long as you can find the real alchemy furnace, I will give you a good fortune with Jiang Xuan!" Li Yunfeng smiled, and then said, since the Jiang family recognizes him as the master, he is considered his, and he can help If you look at them, you will naturally not be stingy.

"Yes, master!" Jiang Ye was overjoyed. Although he didn't know what the so-called great fortune was, he was extremely excited in his heart. He seemed to be happy from the bottom of his heart to be recognized by the master. The impact is too great.

After Jiang Ye left, Li Yunfeng still decided to go to the antique market to see if he could get lucky with the alchemy furnace.

It didn't take long for Li Yunfeng to come to the antique market. With his keen perception, he found quite a few old objects, but now that he has a net worth of 50 billion, there is no need to fiddle with these gadgets.

Along the way, there was nothing that caught his eye, which made Li Yunfeng slightly disappointed.

It's just that when he walked to a corner, he suddenly felt a wave unique to spiritual weapons. Although this wave was weak, he really felt it.

Li Yunfeng looked along the breath, and in front of a stall not far in front, a black blocky object was casually regarded as waste by the stall owner and used as a pad for the stall.

"Little brother, what do you want? Just look around, I often sell treasures here." The stall owner immediately became excited when he saw a customer coming.

Li Yunfeng first pretended to look at the items on the stall, pretending to be very interested in some of them.

But as soon as the price was asked, he immediately stopped, which made the stall owner understand Li Yunfeng's mentality to bear the price.

It's not that Li Yunfeng is reluctant to part with the money.

But I don't want to wait for the stall owner to see my real purpose, and then buy something that I really fancy, and the stall owner will find out that it is abnormal, and then I won't sell it.

While watching, Li Yunfeng walked to the booth, pretended to glance down casually, and then squatted down with a huff.

"What is this black blocky thing? It seems that the material is a bit special!" Li Yunfeng said pretending to be surprised, and took the black blocky thing underneath into his hands, which looked like fragments of something.

"Little brother took a fancy to this object?" The stall owner asked in surprise.

"I don't like it, but it feels very special. Does the boss sell this?"

"This is really special. I don't know what kind of material it is. I bought it by accident. It has no other advantages, except that it won't be smashed, so I used it as a mat." The boss laughed.

"If you're interested, little brother, I'll sell you two thousand!" The boss found out Li Yunfeng's details, so he didn't quote too high a price.

"Two thousand?" Li Yunfeng frowned, as if a little hesitant, but in fact he was about to laugh.

Not to mention two thousand, he would buy even two million!
But looks have to be done.

The boss saw that Li Yunfeng was hesitant, so he gritted his teeth and said, "One thousand eight, if you want it, take it away, don't let me continue to use it as a stepping stone!"

"Okay, [-] is [-], just buy it for fun!" Li Yunfeng seemed a little heartbroken, but in fact he was a little happy in his heart. This is definitely a fragment of a spiritual weapon!
After Li Yunfeng paid the money, he walked out of the Antique Street with the small black fragment, thinking secretly in his mind, he had met a cultivator, but it was an evil cultivator, and now the earth, the cultivator's spiritual weapon, also appeared.

Based on these judgments, it is certain that there are immortal cultivators on the earth.

But through what he learned at Jiang's house and the previous conversation with Yuan Qiurong, he found that there seemed to be no so-called immortal cultivators in this world, which made him very puzzled. Where are the real immortal cultivators?
The black shard was as solid as the stall owner said, and Li Yunfeng couldn't break the black shard with all his strength. Judging from the material, it should be made of ground crystal, which is extremely hard.

(End of this chapter)

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