Chapter 81 Accident
Li Yunfeng was worried, so he went straight up to the second floor, and came to the room where the employee from the finance department had entered before.

Li Yunfeng pushed open the door, and there was already food inside, only two service staff were cleaning up inside.

"Sir, are you looking for someone?" the waiter asked.

"Yes, have all the people who ate in this room gone back?" Li Yunfeng said.

"Yes, all the guests in this box have gone back!" said one of the waiters.

"Thank you!" Li Yunfeng was about to turn around and go back. He always felt that something was wrong. Why did Su Xiaoru hang up her phone in a good manner?
"Sir, when I came to clean up just now, one of the beautiful ladies was very drunk. She seemed to have taken the elevator upstairs. It should be her friend who helped open a room, and she may not have left yet!"

Just when Li Yunfeng turned around to go out, another waiter said with some uncertainty.

"Then do you know what floor and room she is?" Li Yunfeng asked hastily.

"I'm not very clear about this. If you are in a hurry, you can go down to the front desk downstairs and check the room through your friend's name." The waiter shook his head and reminded.

"Okay, thank you!" Li Yunfeng turned around hastily, the beautiful woman was probably Su Xiaoru.

Li Yunfeng felt more and more that something was wrong, it was still early, but was it necessary to book a room in a hotel if he was drunk?Wouldn't it be better to just send it home?It doesn't seem to be too much trouble!
Li Yunfeng's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly went down to the front desk on the first floor, and then reported Su Xiaoru's name, but the front desk said there was no such person.

Li Yunfeng thought about it, maybe Su Xiaoru didn't use her ID card to open the room when she was drunk.

But who doesn't it belong to Su Xiaoru?Li Yunfeng scratched his head and thought for a while, he found that he just couldn't remember the name of the employee in the finance department before, and it seemed that he was too lacking in communication.

"The deputy director is here? Are you the director?" Li Yunfeng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that it was very likely that it might be a gathering of the leaders of the finance department.

Li Yunfeng hastily reported Du Sheng's name, and he did find out that he was in room 805.

Li Yunfeng thanked him, and hurriedly took the elevator upstairs.

Yaxing Hotel, room 805, Su Xiaoru said with some delirious mouth: "It's so hot..."

At this time, there was a man standing beside him, and this man was Du Sheng!
Du Sheng looked at the delirious Su Xiaoru, and he was very excited. This goddess he had dreamed of for more than a year, he was finally going to get it.

Du Sheng came to Yuanlai Fashion to apply for the financial supervisor a year ago. At the first sight of Lin Qianmeng, he was astonished, but knowing that he was just a part-time worker, he was very wise not to have any disagreements with Lin Qianmeng. thought.

But after arriving at the finance department, he discovered that there was actually a deputy finance director who was not much worse than Lin Qianmeng, and even a little more feminine than Lin Qianmeng.

But it's a pity that although I am Su Xiaoru's boss, Su Xiaoru mostly ignores him in her spare time except for following his arrangements at work.

A year passed without any progress, and his patience was wearing thin.

Especially some time ago, after he discovered that Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng had a vague relationship, he was even more furious. He wanted to fire Li Yunfeng at first, but was saved by the president, so he couldn't fix Li Yunfeng.

He couldn't deal with Li Yunfeng, so he put his eyes on Su Xiaoru again. The reason why he wanted to fire Li Yunfeng was Su Xiaoru. As long as Su Xiaoru was taken down, he didn't bother to care about what Li Yunfeng wanted to do.

Because he knew that all his love offensives were useless to Su Xiaoru, so he decided to take the risk.

He knew that if he invited Su Xiaoru to dinner alone, the other party might not agree, so he called some of his management team and said that they had been here for so long and everyone worked hard, so he organized a small gathering.

Because everyone was going, Su Xiaoru couldn't refuse. Fortunately, she had experienced many such dinners, as long as she wasn't drunk, it was fine.

It's just that she never expected that in order to get her, Du Sheng was basically insane and drugged her.

And the reason why it was so smooth and able to take her to the room was mainly because Du Sheng had bribed a few people a long time ago and asked them to send the other managers back first, saying that he would go later, and no one doubted anything.

Things basically developed according to Du Sheng's expectation. Du Sheng took Su Xiaoru to the room he had reserved long ago.

But when things came to an end, although Du Sheng was excited, he was still a little scared and hesitated by the bed.

Although he was full of daring, it was the first time he had done this kind of thing, so he was inevitably a little scared.

Finally, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was ready to pounce.

Su Xiaoru woke up tomorrow morning and killed Su Xiaoru because she was too drunk to walk, so she opened a room for her because Su Xiaoru pestered him.

After thinking it over, Du Sheng no longer hesitated, and jumped on it excitedly.

Su Xiaoru felt that a man threw herself on her body, felt a man's breath, and shouted: "Yunfeng..."

"Damn it, you pretend to be innocent in front of me every day, but you didn't expect to have an affair with that poor boy Li Yunfeng!" Du Sheng was furious.

It's just that during this process, Su Xiaoru suddenly woke up a little bit, opened her eyes a little and looked around, and vaguely felt that the person above seemed to be Du Sheng?

Su Xiaoru immediately struggled to push Du Sheng away, and she remembered the scene more than ten years ago, when she was pressed down like this, and her clothes were torn.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoru regained consciousness and struggled desperately.

Although his whole body was sore and weak due to the power of the medicine, Du Sheng was also greatly hindered for a while, and he was very embarrassed, and Su Xiaoru scratched his face several times.

"Little bitch, I don't believe I can't control you today!" Du Sheng was completely ruthless, and slapped Su Xiaoru directly.

"Slap!" The slap was not light, and Su Xiaoru was a little dazed.

Du Sheng grinned grimly, completely insane.

At this time, Li Yunfeng had just arrived at the door of 805. Although the sound insulation effect of the door was very good, Li Yunfeng could still hear the movement inside.

Li Yunfeng was completely angry, but at the same time, he was a little thankful in his heart. If he left directly, the consequences would be disastrous.

The self-defense jade is to prevent killing intent and protect life, but it can't prevent the situation in front of you.

"Du Sheng! How dare you touch my woman!"

Li Yunfeng was completely angry.

The spiritual power in the palm was released, directly destroying the door lock, walked in, and entered the room with monstrous anger.

"Who?" Du Sheng heard the movement behind him, his mind cleared up a little, and he looked behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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