Chapter 82

"Li Yunfeng, how did you come in?" Du Sheng saw that it was Li Yunfeng, his face changed drastically, and he jumped down hastily.

Li Yunfeng didn't speak, but walked towards Du Sheng step by step, exuding a tyrannical aura that made people tremble.

"What do you want? Don't come here!" Du Sheng was only about 1.7 meters tall, and a little puffy. Seeing Li Yunfeng's gloomy appearance, he was very scared.

"Stop it for me. If you let me go like this, I promise not to target you again, and I will give you a lot of compensation!" Du Sheng shouted.

"Hehe!" Li Yunfeng sneered disdainfully, as if it came from the Nine Nether Hell, it was bitingly cold.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy, and then go to the police station to surrender, I can let you go!" Li Yunfeng said coldly, if he was in the world of cultivating immortals, he would have killed him directly, but when he came to the earth, he didn't want to cause too much trouble.

At this time, his strength is not enough. If he really kills people frequently, especially people in the secular world, and attracts the attention of the country, maybe he, a ten thousand year old monster, may capsize in the gutter.

The weak need to keep a low profile and strengthen themselves.

Blindly arrogant and domineering, perhaps looking for a way out.

And sometimes the punishment of death for some people is not necessarily the best, that would be too cheap for him.

The punishment that suits him best is the real punishment!
"You want me to kneel down? Do you want me to surrender?" Du Sheng looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief, and said, "It's impossible. If I surrender, my whole life will be finished!"

Although the attempted rape of a woman, plus surrender, can generally be given a light sentence, but as long as one enters, it will be a stain for life.

He is now a high-level executive in a big company, and he may not even be an ordinary employee after he comes out. It is impossible for him to agree to such a condition.

"You don't have to agree, you can leave now, but I have already recorded our conversation just now, so if you don't turn yourself in today, someone will come and arrest you in a short time!" Li Yunfeng He looked at Du Sheng coldly and said.

Du Sheng's whole body went limp, and he kept thinking about how to deny it, but since the recordings are available, what else can he argue, he's done.

Su Xiaoru was sober at this time, and hurried to Li Yunfeng's side, holding Li Yunfeng's arm, the same experience happened again, she aroused the hidden fear in her heart, although her body was still hot, but under the effect of fear, the medicine had no effect on her. impact has been greatly reduced.

Li Yunfeng hugged Su Xiaoru affectionately, she could feel Su Xiaoru's fear, and Su Xiaoru kept trembling in his arms.

"Li Yunfeng, please forgive me. As long as you let me go this time, I can give you all my money. I don't want anything. As long as you let me go this time, I will quit my job and never beat you again. Attention to my girlfriend." Du Sheng knelt down and said to Li Yunfeng.

After all, Du Sheng is not a ruthless person, even if he made up his mind to rape Su Xiaoru, he made up his mind for a long time, so he knelt down right now.

"Self-inflicted, I can't live!" Li Yunfeng felt Su Xiaoru's fear, he couldn't just let Du Sheng go, since he made a foolish choice, he has to pay the price for this choice.


Li Yunfeng looked at Du Sheng, and understood a little bit, no wonder Du Sheng dealt with him inexplicably, because he thought he had something to do with Su Xiaoru.

Li Yunfeng sent a little bit of spiritual power into Su Xiaoru's body, and slowly helped Su Xiaoru understand the properties of the medicine in her body. If the properties of the medicine remain in the body and are not released, it will also cause certain harm to the body.

"I'll give you one night. If you don't turn yourself in tomorrow, I will personally send you to the police station!" After Li Yunfeng finished speaking, he hugged Su Xiaoru and walked out, ignoring Du Sheng's pleas.

Du Sheng looked at Li Yunfeng who was leaving, his heart was ashamed, and he sat on the ground with a disheartened face, his eyes were a little dull, he knew that he was finished.

Li Yunfeng took Su Xiaoru out, took a taxi, and went to the villa given to him by the Jiang family. First, the villa was closer to here, and Su Xiaoru's situation was not suitable for returning to Cuiyin Community.

In the car, Li Yunfeng kept using his spiritual power to help Su Xiaoru clear the medicine. When he arrived at the villa, Su Xiaoru gradually fell asleep.

After getting off the car, Li Yunfeng carried Su Xiaoru directly into the villa, put her in his room, and Su Xiaoru fell into a deep sleep.

Li Yunfeng sighed slightly, then sat by the bed and began to practice.

A night passed, and Su Xiaoru didn't wake up, and she felt very at ease when she was with Li Yunfeng.

At about 06:30, Li Yunfeng finished his practice, cooked a pot of porridge, fried a few vegetables, fried an egg, and heated up two cups of milk.

Li Yunfeng has realized the benefits of being rich and powerful, you don't have to worry about anything, the people below will help you to make everything right.

Li Yunfeng seldom cooks here, but the people below will still buy him the necessities of life regularly. If Li Yunfeng doesn't use them, they will be replaced with fresh vegetables and fruits the next day.

After finishing these, Li Yunfeng went to the room on the second floor to wake Su Xiaoru up.

After entering the door, Li Yunfeng found that Su Xiaoru was already awake, but when Su Xiaoru found someone coming in, she pretended to be asleep again, with her eyes closed, but her eyelashes were still beating non-stop, looking very cute.

Li Yunfeng smiled, and he just sat by the bed like this, watching Su Xiaoru open his eyes from time to time, and then secretly looked at him.

When she found that Li Yunfeng had been staring at her, her face flushed red.

"Heh, Xiaoru is so strange, can she suddenly blush while sleeping?" Li Yunfeng said with a teaser.

"Okay! It turns out that you have already discovered that I have woken up, you big bastard." Su Xiaoru couldn't pretend anymore, so she opened her eyes and said shyly.

"Haha, get up quickly, get up and have breakfast, you still have to go to work!" Li Yunfeng looked at Su Xiaoru and said with a smile on his face.

Su Xiaoru nodded, and Li Yunfeng went out first.

Not long after, Su Xiaoru washed up and came out.

Because the clothes were torn badly in some places, I temporarily wore Li Yunfeng's clothes, which were loose and weird.

At the stairway, Su Xiaoru saw the luxurious decoration inside the villa, and she was a little lost. Seeing Li Yunfeng on the dining table looking at her with a smile on her face, she was a little worried about gain and loss, is she worthy of him?
"Come down and have breakfast, what are you thinking, it will be cold later!" Li Yunfeng shouted.

"Yeah." Su Xiaoru nodded and walked to the dining table, but she was a little confused.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang, and Li Yunfeng felt a little strange, he was alone in this villa, who would come over?

"It can't be Yunxue!" Su Xiaoru looked at the door nervously, if Li Yunxue saw her here, she would die of shame.

"I don't know!" Li Yunfeng smiled and went out to open the door.

"Hello, Mr. Li, these are clothes for the young lady inside!" After opening the door, a middle-aged man came over. Li Yunfeng met him once. He was the housekeeper of this villa, although the housekeeper no longer lived in the villa. But he is still in charge of everything about the villa.

Li Yunfeng took the clothes by accident, knowing in his heart that the housekeeper must have been notified by the security guard of the villa who saw it when he came in yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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