Chapter 89

Seeing that the dagger was about to stab Li Yunfeng's heart, everyone was stunned, including the young man who claimed to be a martial arts master sitting next to the killer.

When the dagger was less than one centimeter away from Li Yunfeng, everyone thought that Li Yunfeng was dead, but the next scene caught everyone's attention.

Li Yunfeng moved a little with one hand, and used his thumb and middle finger to clamp the dagger that was about to stab him.

The killer's blushing face turned red again, because after he found that Li Yunfeng had clamped his dagger, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move forward.

And he wanted to pull out the dagger, but still couldn't pull it out. The assassin's expression changed drastically, knowing that the gap between himself and the opponent was too large, he raised his left hand and swung it at Su Xiaoru.

Seeing this, Li Yunfeng also changed his face slightly, and hurriedly focused on Su Xiaoru.

But the killer took advantage of the time when Li Yunfeng was diverting his attention, and directly punched the glass of the train window next to him. The normally strong train glass window shattered in response, and the killer stepped on the young man next to him, throwing himself Jump, even jumped out directly.

Li Yunfeng wanted to catch the killer back with his hands, but found three silver needles in the air, which were aimed at Su Xiaoru's body.

Although Su Xiaoru is protected by the body protection jade, it is impossible for these silver needles to pierce Su Xiaoru's body, but once the body protection jade is triggered, the momentum will be too great, so Li Yunfeng decided to grab the silver needles directly with his hands, he does not want to become a big Orangutans are watched.

Li Yunfeng's right hand was in front of Su Xiaoru's body, and he circled around quickly, and the three silver needles fell into his hands. The movement was not big, and the silver needles were very thin, so the people around didn't know about the silver needles.

The assassin stabbed suddenly, and Li Yunfeng clamped the dagger between his fingers. Seeing that he couldn't succeed, the killer fled away, and Li Yunfeng intercepted the silver needle in mid-air. The whole process was quite long, but in fact it was completed in an instant.


The young man who had been bragging before had his thighs sorely trampled by the escaped killer, and his face was scratched a little by the glass, but he didn't care at all, he just looked out the window in a daze, and then looked at Li Yunfeng .

The objects he pretended to be emotional are two real martial arts masters?I have always been a joke in the eyes of the other two?
The young man wanted to jump off the train in embarrassment, but after seeing the speed of the train, he finally didn't have the courage, but his face turned as red as that of the previous killer.

In fact, at this time, not only this young man who loves to pretend is confused, but even Li Yunfeng is also a little confused. Is that blushing man just now a killer?instead of an actor?
A killer can pretend to be a shy man, so that Li Yunfeng can't find out. It wasn't until the young man drew a dagger at the end, when Li Yunfeng felt a clear killing intent, did he react.

If this man becomes an actor, he can definitely win the title of actor easily!

Even Li Yunfeng was stunned, let alone the passengers around him. They all looked at Li Yunfeng curiously at this moment. This person is a real martial arts master. I never thought that martial arts masters really exist in this world.

When we got to the middle platform, the glass window on the train was replaced again, and the train returned to normal, and continued to go towards Xijiang Province.

Along the way, Li Yunfeng was thinking, who sent the killer and who did he offend?

In the end, after much deliberation, there were not many people who had enmity with him on earth, the first being his younger brother Li Yunjie and Feng Jiaojiao's mother and son, but counting the time, Li Yunjie should have died, and it was unlikely that it was Li Yunjie.

Then there is Yang Wei, but looking at Yang Wei's appearance, Li Yunfeng feels that he is not a person with that kind of weight.

As for the Jiang family?Li Yunfeng felt that it was completely impossible. The Jiang family had the energy to hire a killer of this level, but would they do it?Obviously impossible!
Du Sheng?He has already surrendered, and his energy is much worse than that of Yang Wei, so it is impossible.

There are only these people in Jingnan City. It is unlikely that they have been to the capital by themselves. Could it be that they are people from the capital?
Taekwondo's young patriarch, defeated by himself, holds a grudge?
It's possible, but not the most suspect.

Yuan Wenzhong, the Yuan family is the most likely, the power is big enough, the hatred is big enough, is it the Yuan family?
Because of the killer, Li Yunfeng thought that Li Yunjie and Feng Jiaojiao's mother and son died, there should be some news, so Li Yunfeng took out his mobile phone, opened the webpage, entered the word Shenglong Group, and searched.

It's just that the news he found was somewhat different from what he thought.

The chairman of Shenglong Group, Li Yunjie, disappeared, Feng Jiaojiao died, and the capital of Shenglong Group was broken, falling apart within a few days.

"Missing?" Li Yunfeng frowned. Feng Jiaojiao died, which was expected, but what happened to Li Yunjie's disappearance?
"It's related to that Taoist priest? Is there something I didn't see?" Li Yunfeng was a little surprised, did he miss it again?

It seems that this earth is really not as simple as I thought, and it is getting more and more mysterious.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru got off the train, took a bus in the middle, and arrived at Su Xiaoru's home around four o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Xiaoru's home is located next to Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China. Standing on a high point, you can see the misty Poyang Lake, which is very beautiful.

Li Yunfeng followed Su Xiaoru to the door of her house. Although Su Xiaoru has a high salary, but because of her mother's illness and her younger brother going to school, the house is still an old house built 20 years ago, and the bricks and tiles on the house are quite broken. , When it rains, it will definitely leak.

Although Li Yunfeng had expected it, but seeing it with his own eyes, he felt that Su Xiaoru's life was really hard.

Li Yunfeng followed into the door, and in the dark of the hall, there was a middle-aged woman sitting in the hall, somewhat decadent, her face was a little sallow, it should be caused by long-term illness, this person should be Su Xiaoru's mother.

Seeing someone entering the gate, Mother Su looked up and saw that it was Su Xiaoru, she hurriedly got up, but she was trembling when she stood up, as if she was about to fall down at any time.

"Mom!" Seeing her mother like this, Su Xiaoru's eyes immediately turned red, and it seemed that her mother's health was a little weaker. In this situation, Su Xiaoru also knew that her mother probably came back from the hospital early because she was afraid of spending money.

"Xiaoru, you're back!" Mother Su stood up.

"Well, this is my friend Li Yunfeng, who studied under a famous doctor. I came back this time to ask him to help you!" Su Xiaoru looked at Li Yunfeng, and then introduced to Su's mother.

"Hello, Auntie!" Li Yunfeng called.

"Hey, okay, Dr. Li, please sit down!" Mother Su pointed to the stool next to her.

Li Yunfeng was not in a hurry to sit down, and then said: "Auntie, let me take a look for you first!"

Li Yunfeng directly stepped forward and held Su's mother's hand, and felt it carefully for a while, and found that although Su's mother was not terminally ill, it was difficult to completely cure it with the current medical level.

But with his Qingti Pill, it's not a problem, at most a week, after combing Su's mother's body, it will basically be healed.

(End of this chapter)

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