The return of the immortal world

Chapter 90 The Poisonous Aunt 2

Chapter 90 The Poisonous Second Aunt

After giving the Qingti Pill to Mother Meng, Su Xiaoru planned to go to the town to buy some food, but there was nothing left at home.

"Can you drive a motorcycle?" Su Xiaoru asked Li Yunfeng.

"I used to drive it when I was in my hometown in the countryside!" Li Yunfeng nodded, and looked around curiously, and saw a motorcycle parked in a nearby yard.

"Okay, you go shopping with me later! I'll go to the second uncle's house to get the motorcycle keys, and then drive to the town to buy groceries." Su Xiaoru smiled, and then pointed to the second uncle's house next to her .

"Second Uncle, are you home?"

Su Xiaoru knocked on the door of my second uncle's house, and a middle-aged woman came out.

"No, your second uncle hasn't come back from work in the land, you don't work well in the city, why are you back?"

The middle-aged woman glanced at Su Xiaoru and frowned, as if she didn't like Su Xiaoru very much.

"Second aunt, I'll come back to see my mother!" Su Xiaoru didn't care about the middle-aged woman's words, so she replied.

"What? Don't worry about me, afraid that I will abuse your mother?" The middle-aged woman was very upset, and then said: "Don't worry, as long as I have a sip, I will not miss your mother's sip!"

"Second Aunt, what's the matter? I haven't been home for a long time, come back and have a look, and let Mom go to the hospital for another check-up!" Su Xiaoru explained.

"Hmph, who knows what you think in your heart, I didn't say you, your mother is in this state now, and she can't survive for a few years with medicine jars, it's better to let her die, die early and be reborn early!" The second aunt said in front of Su Xiaoru's eyes. Face, said without any scruples.

"Second aunt, don't say such things in the future, as long as my mother is alive, I will not give up!"

No matter what Second Aunt said or thought before, she didn't care, but it was impossible for her to give up her mother's treatment.

"Heh, you will be the one who suffers in the end if you don't listen to the persuasion. You are still not married at such an age, so you are dragged down by your mother. If your mother is dead, you can pay back the 5 yuan you owe my family earlier. My Xiaoyuan is still waiting for you." Going to college with this money!" Second Aunt curled her lips and said very displeased.

"Don't worry, I will pay back your money as soon as possible!" Su Xiaoru was so angry that her face turned red.

After being in touch for a long time, Su Xiaoru knew that the second aunt's mind was not bad, but her mouth was too poisonous, and she liked to curse her mother to death every time.

"Damn girl, what are you talking about? How can you say that about sister-in-law!" A middle-aged man suddenly appeared behind him, he should be Su Xiaoru's second uncle, with a hoe on his shoulder, he should have just arrived.

"Don't we have 2 yuan left in our family? It's enough for Xiaoyuan to go to school. Now Xiaoru has to pay for her sister-in-law's medical expenses and pay for her younger brother's education. It's hard enough. Why do you keep forcing her? "The second uncle said very angrily.

"Hmph, you are a family anyway, so you didn't treat me as your family member. I'm not doing it for Xiaoru, okay? My sister-in-law is redundant now, she's dead!" The second aunt still went her own way, with a vicious mouth.

"You..." The second uncle was so angry that he almost threw the hoe in his hand at his wife.

"Xiaoru, don't worry about your second aunt, she's like this, I just saw a man in front of your house, is that your boyfriend?" The second uncle pointed to Li Yunfeng who was not far away, and asked.

"It's not decided yet!" When Su Xiaoru was asked here, she was also a little shy, but after all, she is not young, and she is not as coy as a little girl.

"Oh, it looks like there's something going on, you didn't go on a blind date before!" The second uncle smiled, and then said, feeling a little relieved in his eyes.

"What? I finally found a boyfriend. I'll go take a look." The second aunt's eyes lit up, she hurriedly looked at Li Yunfeng, then left Su Xiaoru behind, and walked over.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoru and Second Uncle also followed.

"Young man, your height and appearance are fine. What do you do? How about your salary?" Second Aunt hurriedly asked as soon as she walked over.

"It's okay!" Li Yunfeng scratched his head. In fact, salary and so on are like floating clouds to him now.

He started looking for a job, firstly to play in the world and integrate into the lives of ordinary people, and because he was really poor at the time, so he couldn't just steal and grab it, so it would be better to find a job.

"How much more?" Second Aunt asked unwillingly.

"This..." Li Yunfeng was a little embarrassed, and I was embarrassed to say it. Su Xiaoru has [-] for a month, so it would be embarrassing for him to say [-].

"Damn it, why are you asking so much? It doesn't matter how much someone's salary is, as long as you treat Xiaoru sincerely!" The second uncle saw Li Yunfeng's faltering, knowing that his salary should not be very good, so he accepted it. The words said.

"Don't interrupt." The second aunt glared at her man, and then continued to say to Li Yunfeng: "Could it be a little lower than Xiaoru? If it's just a little lower, it's okay, the two of them add up to 5 to [-] a month, pay me back." [-] yuan shouldn’t be too difficult, right?”

The second aunt was still thinking about her 5 yuan and asked unwillingly.

"I'm five thousand and five a month!" Li Yunfeng said with some shame.

"What? Five thousand and five is not enough for you. I heard that your consumption in big cities is very high. How can you have enough for five thousand and five? You don't want to use Xiaoru's, do you?" Second Aunt said with wide-eyed eyes.

"This, it seems to be a bit low!" The second uncle was also stunned for a while, and then muttered in a low voice.

"Xiaoru, what's the matter with you, even if you are a little older now, you can't be so casual, you still have to live in the future, how can his salary be so low?"

At this time, the second uncle also pulled Su Xiaoru's clothes with some dissatisfaction, but the voice was very low, obviously afraid that Li Yunfeng would hear it.

But Li Yunfeng's hearing is so keen, he heard everything that the second uncle said to Su Xiaoru.

Fortunately, he didn't say what kind of job he was. If he said that he was an employee of Su Xiaoru's, or was introduced by Su Xiaoru, I wonder if her second aunt would explode?

Seeing that Su Xiaoru's second uncle and aunt didn't like her so much, Li Yunfeng had no choice but to come out and explain.

So Li Yunfeng said: "Second uncle and second aunt, although my salary is not high, I still have a job, that is a doctor, and I treat difficult and miscellaneous diseases, so I can make a lot of money!"

"Really?" Second Aunt looked at Su Xiaoru with some doubts, and then asked.

Su Xiaoru nodded. Li Yunfeng's medical skills are indeed very good. Just now he gave the medicine to his mother, and her face improved a lot. Now she went to sleep.

"How much can I earn in that month?" Second Aunt decided to break the casserole and ask.

"Twenty to thirty thousand a month is about the same!" Li Yunfeng said a number casually. To be honest, he has not earned a penny for helping others treat diseases, and even lost a lot of money.

"Then can you pay me back the 5 yuan owed by Xiaoru first?" Second Aunt asked expectantly.

Just as Li Yunfeng was about to answer, Su Xiaoru said, "Second Aunt, I will definitely pay you back your money before Chinese New Year today!"

Li Yunfeng stopped talking when he saw this, everyone had a little pride in their hearts, and he cured Su Xiaoru's mother's illness, and Su Xiaoru had less to spend money on. Dollars are still fine.

"Xiaoru, don't worry about your second aunt, she's just getting into money's eyes all day long!" The second uncle thought Su Xiaoru was angry, and hurriedly explained.

"Second Uncle, I'm not angry. Your family is also in trouble. You still have to take care of my mother. I don't even have time to be grateful. How can you be angry?"

Su Xiaoru didn't want to continue talking on this topic, and then said: "Second Uncle, give me the keys to your motorcycle, I'll go to the town to buy some food, and have dinner together tonight."

"Okay, don't worry about the money!" The second uncle nodded, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunfeng.

"Wait and be careful in the town. Recently, a group of Japanese people came nearby. They seem to say that they are investing in Laoye Temple Scenic Area. When you meet Japanese people, be careful to avoid them. This group of people is very arrogant in the name of investment. , Some time ago, there was a conflict with a few villagers in the neighboring village, and they were beaten and hospitalized when they disagreed."

The second uncle saw Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng getting on the motorcycle, and reminded him.

(End of this chapter)

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