The return of the immortal world

Chapter 91 The Big Fish in the Lake

Chapter 91 The Big Fish in the Lake
"Women? Laoye Temple?" Li Yunfeng was a little strange, and then asked: "Is there anything special about Laoye Temple? Can it attract Japanese people to invest?"

"In terms of scenery, it's passable. It can be used for landscape investment, and it's more suitable for investment. It's just that Laoye Temple has experienced a lot of strange things in the past century, and many ships have sunk in this place, so there is no big capital development!"

The second uncle paused, and then said: "I don't know if these Japanese people are out of their minds, or if they have too much money, anyway, I don't understand!"

"Strange thing? The ship sank?" Li Yunfeng looked at the lake thoughtfully.

Li Yunfeng got on the motorcycle, got familiar with getting off the motorcycle, and then asked Su Xiaoru to get on, and the two of them drove the motorcycle to the vegetable market in the town, which took about 10 minutes.

When they arrived in the town, the two of them had just finished buying vegetables and were about to go back when a voice came from behind them.

"Yo, isn't this Miss Su?"

Su Xiaoru couldn't help trembling when she heard this voice, and said to Li Yunfeng, "Let's go!"

"What's the matter?" Li Yunfeng looked in the direction of the voice. It was a man who looked about 30 years old, but there was an obvious scar on his forehead, which seemed to be smashed.

"Let's go!" Su Xiaoru said again, with a nervous tone.

"Okay!" Seeing that Su Xiaoru didn't want to say anything, Li Yunfeng went directly outside, ready to ride back.

"Su Meimei, why are you walking so fast, I won't eat you?" The man ran over directly, stopped in front of Su Xiaoru, and said with a smile.

"Get out of the way!" Su Xiaoru's complexion changed, and she hurriedly backed away, seeming very afraid of this man.

"That little boy is your boyfriend?" The man pointed to Li Yunfeng in front of him with some jealousy.

Su Xiaoru didn't speak, but walked to the side, ready to go around.

The man stopped Su Xiaoru again, and then said: "So you like this kind of fair face. I remember that I was also quite pale. Why can't you follow me?"

"It also caused me to go in and squat for a few years, how do you think you will compensate me?" When the man said this, his eyes were a little dark.

"Do you want me to compensate you?" Li Yunfeng said in a low tone after putting the vegetables in his hands on the motorcycle, and then walked over.

"Heh, the boy is quite sensible. My request is very simple. What I didn't finish back then, I can finish it today. I can lend it to your girlfriend, okay?" The man picked between his teeth with his fingernails, and then said.

After the man finished speaking, he snapped his fingers, and a group of non-mainstream young people appeared around him, with yellow hair, red hair, and green hair, at least seven or eight of them.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoru became even more terrified, and hugged Li Yunfeng's arm directly, trembling, as if she had encountered something frightening.

Li Yunfeng looked at Su Xiaoru with some doubts, and combined with what the man said before, something should have happened to the two of them.

And it should be that kind of bad memory, otherwise Su Xiaoru wouldn't be so afraid, because Su Xiaoru knows his skills, and there is no pressure at all against these ordinary people.

"Can you? Come here, I'll tell you!"

Seeing that Su Xiaoru was so scared, Li Yunfeng felt a little distressed, and then looked at the man with an ugly expression on his face.

The man thought that Li Yunfeng was scared, so he grinned and said: "Look, your boyfriend is so cowardly, why don't you just replace me as your boyfriend, I will treat you well!"

But as soon as the man finished speaking, he felt a fist the size of a sandbag hit his eyes.

"Bang." After a muffled sound, the man's left eye immediately became a panda's eye.

"Good boy, you dare to hit me?" The man looked at Li Yunfeng in disbelief, he was surrounded by them, how dare he attack first?Tired of life!

The man was so angry that he rushed up and punched Li Yunfeng in the eyes, obviously wanting to make Li Yunfeng look like a panda.

Li Yunfeng snorted disdainfully, then punched, and took the man's fist.

"Crack." After the two fists met, there was a sound of fracture.

"Ah!" The man folded his hands and rolled on the ground in pain.

"Quick, do it to me, I want this kid to lose his limbs and his third leg!" The man yelled at the younger brother behind him.

"Come on, dare to hit the boss, I'm getting impatient!" a yellow-haired man behind him waved his hand and said to the young people beside him.

Several young people rushed forward, but the yellow-haired man stood there motionless, no, he should be in control of the battle.

"Bang bang bang..." A series of coherent voices sounded, and all the young people who rushed up fell to the ground in response, without a single enemy.

"Oh my god, it's really me who is the best. I can tell at a glance that this person is unusual!" Seeing this, Huang Mao ran away immediately.

"Damn it." The group of young people who were kicked to the ground by Li Yunfeng cursed fiercely at the ground.

"Boy, just wait for me, I have never suffered such a big loss!" The man before hurriedly got up, and then ran out holding his broken arm, while uttering harsh words.

"Let's go! Li Yunfeng patted Su Xiaoru's body, then took Su Xiaoru's hand and walked out.

On the way back, Su Xiaoru has been silent all the time, obviously she didn't suffer any harm, and it's just a few punks, why is she afraid of this?

After returning to Su Village, Li Yunfeng specifically asked Su Xiaoru's second uncle, and then Li Yunfeng understood why Su Xiaoru behaved like this.

It turned out that when Su Xiaoru was in high school in the town, she was almost defiled by a young man named Liu Meng. At that time, Su Xiaoru was only sixteen or seventeen years old.

But Su Xiaoru was lucky, because there was a small brick not far from where she was at that time, Su Xiaoru grabbed the brick in her hand and smashed it on Liu Meng's forehead when she was scared, and then she was able to escape.

But since then, Su Xiaoru has been very disgusted and disgusted with men. This is also the reason why she hasn't found a boyfriend at the age of 30, because an experience at this age has caused a great psychological shadow on her.

After Li Yunfeng listened to it, he finally understood, and understood why Su Xiaoru was so afraid of that young man named Liu Meng.

But after returning, Su Xiaoru became normal again, but her mood was still a little low.

When I came to Su Xiaoru's hometown, she definitely wouldn't let Li Yunfeng cook, so Li Yunfeng was happy to relax and walked to the lake not far away.

At this time, there was only the last twilight of the sun left, and the setting sun was setting, and it looked very beautiful with the scenery of the lake and mountains.

By the quiet lake, a splash of water suddenly sounded, Li Yunfeng looked forward, and a black shadow disappeared in an instant.

"Big fish in the lake?" Li Yunfeng looked intently, and the black shadow had already sunk into the water and disappeared.

 Thank you Yudi for the book coin reward, and the brothers who have recommended votes voted
(End of this chapter)

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