Chapter 92

"Baga, what are you doing here?" Suddenly a few people came out from the forest not far away and shouted at Li Yunfeng.

"This place belongs to you?" Li Yunfeng frowned. How come the Wa people are always Baga?If he didn't know that it meant cursing, he would have thought it was a modal particle.

"It's not our place, but who knows if you were brought by someone else to spy on business secrets!" the Japanese said.

"Then I still say that you are spies from the Japanese country to China?" Li Yunfeng said with a mocking tone.

"Baga, get out of here immediately, or don't blame me for being rude!" the Wa people were furious and shouted at Li Yunfeng loudly.

"Dirty mouth, it's time to hit!" Li Yunfeng rushed forward with a big mouth, and the Japanese immediately turned 360 degrees and fell down.

"Ba Ga, give it to me!" The Wa man who was beaten and fell to the ground was furious, and said to the people behind him.

After hearing this, the Japanese people immediately stepped forward to form a joint attack on Li Yunfeng. Judging from the speed of Li Yunfeng's attack just now, the three of them did not dare to underestimate Li Yunfeng.

The three Japanese surrounded Li Yunfeng in a triangular manner, echoing each other, forming a triangular formation.

None of the three people was facing Li Yunfeng's front. When Li Yunfeng moved a little, the three Japanese people followed suit, and they never faced Li Yunfeng's front.

"It's interesting!" Li Yunfeng smiled, of course he understood the meaning of the Wa people's formation, attacking people's weaknesses and avoiding their sharpness.

People who understand these joint attack techniques are naturally not ordinary people. The young man who was knocked down at the beginning probably has a mid-stage internal strength cultivation, while the three older people in front of him all have late-stage internal strength cultivation Because, with this combined attack technique, it is possible to fight against the strong in the early days of Acquired.

Of course, there is no threat to Li Yunfeng, but Li Yunfeng doesn't mind playing with these people, he would like to see if these Japanese people really just want to build a scenic spot when they come to Laoye Temple.

One of the Wa people moved, and the second and third followed closely behind. It was very strange to see the moves of the three, as if the three had joined together.

Because the moves made by the three of them are very coherent, as if they were performed by one person, they are continuous, and ordinary people will really suffer a lot when encountering them.

Seeing the three people attacking, Li Yunfeng twisted his body slightly to avoid the attack of the three people.

Seeing that the attack didn't work, the three Japanese people spun around again, forming a tendency to encircle them again in an instant.

If it was really just a martial artist in the early days of Acquired who was surrounded, maybe he would really be beaten to death by this joint attack technique, and eventually exhausted his energy and lost the battle.

However, the three of them used one move each, which means that they only need to use one-third of their strength, and the continuous moves are extremely fast, and they will naturally be able to defeat their opponents in the end.

Several times in a row, Li Yunfeng didn't make a move, just observed. When the observation was about the same, Li Yunfeng made a decisive move.

If these people were just ordinary Japanese, Li Yunfeng might still believe that they came to invest in the scenic spot, but seeing that all of them are masters of martial arts, Li Yunfeng would not believe it even if he killed them.

Although the three Japanese people have been avoiding Li Yunfeng's front in the form of a formation, it is useless when the strength of the two parties is large enough.

Li Yunfeng turned around, and then rushed towards one of the Wa people without any pause during the whole process. Under the absolute speed, the Wa people's triangular formation couldn't be avoided in time, so he had to take Li Yunfeng's palm hard.

"Bang!" The Japanese were shot flying without any accident.

Seeing that the battle was broken, the other two had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight with Li Yunfeng.

It's just that after two palms, their fate was the same as that of the Wa countryman before, they were shot flying.

"What's your intention for coming here, tell me." Li Yunfeng saw that the younger Japanese man behind him was about to run into the woods, so he rushed up and lifted the Japanese man back like a chicken.

"Baga, as I said before, we are here to invest in a scenic spot!" The Wa man was thrown directly to the ground, and his buttocks hurt, and then he said.

"Crack!" Li Yunfeng found that the Japanese man's mouth was too cheap, he couldn't do without beating him, and he was always a baga.

"Don't move, it's Baga. If you say Baga once, I'll slap you!" Li Yunfeng touched his palm, then said with a sneer.

"Eight..." the Wa people were about to scold, but they stopped in time when they heard Li Yunfeng's words.

"It's really an investment in a scenic spot!" The Japanese were very aggrieved at the moment, and finally got beaten up, and answered obediently.

"Then why do you all have martial arts?" Li Yunfeng sneered when he saw that the Wa people were not telling the truth.

He can use the soul search technique, but it is not good to use this technique too much. Not only will it consume a lot of spiritual power, but also absorb too many people's memories, which will easily lead to confusion. , there is also a certain backlash effect.

So for the soul searching technique, Li Yunfeng can use it as little as possible, because this kind of technique may be affected by other people's memories, and even produce inner demons when breaking through the level in the future, which will cause danger.

"Isn't this normal? Don't you also possess martial arts? And you are much stronger than us. There is a martial arts family on the opposite mountain, and there is also a martial arts sect on the island in the center of the lake. What's so strange? "

The Wa people said a little aggrieved, and also a little angry. Could it be that only you can have martial arts, and we can't?

Li Yunfeng didn't expect that there would be a martial arts family and martial arts sect in such a small place nearby, which surprised him.

It seems that these extraterrestrial families like to live in seclusion in the mountains, forests, lakes and seas. On the contrary, they are not very visible in the real metropolis. For example, among the more famous families in the capital, there is only one Xu family, which is not a well-known martial arts family.

"Hmph, although I know that you are still hiding something, but if you don't tell me, I don't bother to find out, but I advise you to restrain yourself in Huaxia, don't bully others, I will stay for a while, if I hear you bullying the villagers again If the behavior happened, I will throw you into the lake to feed the fish!" Li Yunfeng said loudly to several Japanese people.

Li Yunfeng now knows what the second uncle said about the conflict between the Wa people and the villagers. It must be caused by the expulsion of the Wa people.

"Go!" The Wa people wanted to refute at first, but thinking of Li Yunfeng's terrifying skill, they finally endured it, yelled at the Wa people who were still screaming on the ground, and then turned and went back.

Li Yunfeng returned along the original road, experiencing the scenery of green mountains, green waters, lakes and mountains, and felt very comfortable.

Especially the aura of heaven and earth here is much stronger than other places, no wonder there are two Xiuwu families who established clans here.

"Wow!" Li Yunfeng just turned around and was about to go back, when he found another burst of water splashing in the lake.

Li Yunfeng turned his head hastily, and found that it was still the same black shadow, but soon sank down again, as if he was a little afraid of him, but also a little curious?

"It really is a strange place!" Li Yunfeng looked thoughtfully at the scenic spot drawn out by the Wa people, the mountain forest on the opposite side, and the small island in the center of the lake. Everything seemed so unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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