The return of the immortal world

Chapter 93 Seeking Vengeance

Chapter 93 Seeking Vengeance
After dinner, the sky gradually darkened, and Li Yunfeng felt the rich aura of heaven and earth around him, as if he had returned to the world of cultivating immortals.

Although the aura here is not as good as the Paradise and Paradise in the Immortal Cultivation World, it can have the concentration of aura in an ordinary place in the Immortal Cultivation World. On this earth where the aura is dry, it is very rare.

And compared to the land of the Jiang family, which is also the Xiuwu family, the environment here is much better.

Standing in the courtyard, Li Yunfeng looked at the sky and felt the breath of water. He found that this world was really magical. He always felt that this place was not simple, but because of his cultivation, he couldn't sense many things.

Shaking his head, Li Yunfeng didn't think about it any more. The villages usually went to bed early, and everyone gradually rested. Li Yunfeng also returned to his room and continued his evening practice.

There was nothing to say all night, and after breakfast the next morning, Su Xiaoru took Li Yunfeng to play by the lake.

But Su Xiaoru's cell phone rang suddenly.

Glancing at the caller ID, it showed Second Aunt's cell phone number, Su Xiaoru hurriedly picked it up.

"Second aunt, what's the matter?" Su Xiaoru asked directly.

"Come back quickly, your second uncle was beaten and his head was smashed!" The second aunt said in a panic with a tear in her mouth.

Su Xiaoru's expression changed drastically after hearing this, and she asked, "Who hit it? I'll go back right away!"

"It's that bastard Liu Meng, who seems to be looking for you!" Second Aunt said hastily.

After Su Xiaoru finished listening, she said something to Li Yunfeng, and the two hurried back.

Li Yunfeng figured out what was going on, and immediately sneered. Yesterday, he was thinking about when to teach this kid a lesson, but he took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

When Li Yunfeng came to Su Xiaoru's house, Liu Meng didn't expect a lot of people to come over, and then yelled at him arrogantly.

There were quite a few people in the field, except for Liu Meng, who had a splint on his arm.

Looking at the situation in the field, only one person who looked slightly older than Liu Meng was invited by Liu Meng, and the rest were the surrounding villagers.

When the neighbors heard that Su Xiaoru's second uncle had been beaten, they all copied him and came to help, but the one in the middle didn't look much older than Liu Meng, but he was extremely fierce, and he was beaten in just a few strokes. The surrounding villagers who came to help were knocked down.

At this time, several villagers also became afraid, moaning and chirping, obviously being beaten severely.

The second uncle looked like he was beaten badly, half of his face was covered in blood, he looked very horrified, but he glared at Liu Meng and another person in the field, showing a refusal to admit defeat.

Seeing Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng came back, the second uncle became anxious, and then said to Su Xiaoru, "Run, go back to the city, these people are here to look for you!"

Seeing that Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng ran over after listening, the second uncle became anxious immediately, and scolded the second aunt who was supporting him, "Why are they back? Didn't I ask you to call and tell them to go back to the city directly?" are you going?"

"You've been beaten like this. I will definitely call them back. After all, these two people are here to find Xiaoru. Maybe they are old friends!" Second Aunt flinched and quibbled.

"Old friend, old..." The second uncle was so angry that he couldn't speak clearly, so he slapped him down.

Anyone with a discerning eye will know that they are here to trouble Xiaoru, old friend?Isn't this a joke?
"Cousin, that kid beat me up yesterday!" Seeing Li Yunfeng and Su Xiaoru approaching, Liu Meng hurriedly said to the person beside him.

"It's this kid who can beat seven or eight of you by himself? It's useless!"

The man turned his head and looked over, and said with a look of disdain, in his eyes, this man looked very ordinary, and he would definitely not be able to resist his punch.

"But the chick next to her is nice, no wonder you want to see her for sex, my heart is moved!" The man laughed, and then continued.

"That's natural. If cousin likes it, you can enjoy it first. Just leave me a mouthful of soup after enjoying it!" Liu Meng also smiled lewdly, and then said.

"It's easy to say, easy to say, since you are my cousin, I definitely can't eat alone." The man laughed loudly, and then patted Liu Meng on the shoulder, making Liu Meng grin his teeth. Still laughing.

"According to my many years of observation, this girl is still a chick! And she is a mature chick, she is simply the best!"

At this moment, the man was observing Su Xiaoru carefully from top to bottom, his eyes were bright, and his saliva was almost drooling.

"What, no way, it was already quite large more than ten years ago, why is it still a baby now? You won't be obsessed with me!" Liu Meng was a little surprised, and then said with a narcissistic expression.

"Fuck your sister, who do you think you are? I didn't expect that this chick is still a baby. I'm almost forty now, and I haven't married a wife yet. Why don't I marry her home?"

The man looked at Su Xiaoru who was getting closer, and his heart became more and more fiery.

"What?" Liu Meng was taken aback, then looked at his cousin.

"What, what? It's best to marry such a good woman and be a wife. You can't ruin it at will. I'll find you a few more women in two days. Don't think about it anymore. It's my brother's woman!" The man saw Liu With an unhappy look on his face, he explained.

"Oh!" Although Liu Meng was upset, he didn't object, and he didn't dare to object. My cousin is a person who has learned martial arts in the mountains, and he can fight dozens of times. The villagers with hoes and poles in front of him are proof.

At this time, Su Xiaoru had already walked to the side of the second uncle. Seeing that the second uncle's face was pale and precarious, she hurried over to help him.

The man hurried over, looked at Su Xiaoru, and said with enthusiasm: "Beauty, you heard what I said just now, what do you think? As long as you agree, you can definitely walk sideways in this town from now on. I, Cao Shi, am the number one person here!"

Su Xiaoru didn't pay attention to it, and just helped her second uncle to walk inside. Seeing this scene, the second uncle knew that Su Xiaoru and Li Yunfeng couldn't escape, so he kept complaining.

"Shame on you?" Seeing that Su Xiaoru ignored him completely, Cao Shi's expression darkened.

"Yeah, shameless!" Liu Meng hurried forward, stretching out his uninjured arm, ready to grab Su Xiaoru.

"Do you want to break your other arm too?" Li Yunfeng, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly.

Liu Meng, who had seen Li Yunfeng's power before, cringed a little when he heard the voice, and paused for a while, but when he thought of his cousin's presence, he immediately became more confident, and pretended not to hear Li Yunfeng's words, and continued to arrest Su Xiaoru.

Although Li Yunfeng looks good, one can beat seven or eight of them, but they are all non-mainstream high school students, who can't be regarded as someone who can fight, but his cousin is different. Brother didn't take much effort to knock everyone down to the ground, but he didn't get hurt at all. Liu Meng still remembers it vividly.

But when Liu Meng was about to grab Su Xiaoru, Li Yunfeng, who was still far away from him, seemed to teleport to his side in an instant.

Seeing Li Yunfeng who came suddenly, Liu Meng shivered subconsciously, and hurriedly retreated towards his cousin.

The man in the field was also startled by Li Yunfeng's speed, and hurriedly prepared to go to rescue Liu Meng, but it was too late.

"Crack!" Liu Meng's other arm also snapped off.

"Ah!" Liu Meng let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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