The return of the immortal world

Chapter 94 The Mysterious Sect

Chapter 94 The Mysterious Sect
At this moment, except for Su Xiaoru, who was expected, the rest of the people were stunned.

Especially Su Xiaoru's second uncle and aunt, and the villagers in the field couldn't close their mouths in shock.

How strong is this young man?With just such a casual twist, the arm was broken?

After breaking Liu Meng's arm, Li Yunfeng slapped Liu Meng on the back and pushed another man directly.

Cao Shi hastily caught Liu Meng, felt the condition of Liu Meng's arm, his pupils constricted, his eyes were a little suspicious, and he said, "Are you a warrior?"

"No!" Li Yunfeng said lightly, he is a majestic cultivator, what does he have to do with warriors?
"Heh, then you have practiced a few hands of foreign kung fu!" Cao Shi slightly heaved a sigh of relief, because although Li Yunfeng was very powerful just now, Liu Meng didn't feel the breath of inner strength in him, so he didn't think Li Yunfeng Not a real warrior.

"However, outsider martial arts are just not popular in the world of martial arts. You still have to die today!" Cao Shi said with a sneer.

No matter how good the foreign kung fu is, it would be great if it can be practiced to one against ten. The man in front of him looks a little stronger, but how good can he be?One against twenty?It's amazing!

So Cao Shi is not so worried at this time, he is an authentic internal martial artist in the mid-stage of inner strength, and the previous martial artist who has only practiced external martial arts is not casual!

In fact, he has never seen a real outsider who has practiced to the extreme, such as Ye Feng, he is also casual in seconds, but Ye Feng is a fierce fighter who can defeat even late-stage internal strength warriors.

"Cousin, you must help me maim his two hands and three legs!" Liu Meng said while his head was covered with cold sweat, but he still looked at Li Yunfeng viciously.

"Don't worry, it's just a little horizontal practice, it's not too difficult!" Cao Shi nodded, helped Liu Meng aside, and then walked towards Li Yunfeng step by step.

"Beauty, as long as you come with me, I don't need his limbs, and he can cut off his own arms!" Cao Shi continued to say, still unwilling to give up.

Su Xiaoru didn't even look at Cao Shi, but Su Xiaoru's second uncle and aunt were very worried.

Although Li Yunfeng looked quite powerful, but after all, he only beat one by one, and they also knew how powerful Cao Shi was. Not long ago, he defeated them with bare hands and a pole with his bare hands, very powerful.

The second uncle just wanted to go up and say something, but was pulled back by Su Xiaoru.

"Okay, I hope you can be so calm later, don't think that your boyfriend can become king if he knows a few skills outside the home, here, I'm the master!" Cao Shi said coldly, squinting his eyes.

After speaking, Cao Shi quickly approached Li Yunfeng, and he was ready to make a move.

But because Li Yunfeng showed his hand before, although he didn't seem to care about Li Yunfeng very much, in fact, he was ready to use his full strength as soon as he made a move.

Sometimes people are too arrogant, and it is possible to capsize in the gutter in the hands of people weaker than themselves.

But it's a pity that Li Yunfeng is not a sewer, at least it is a big river, and it is easy to destroy such a small boat as him.

Li Yunfeng smiled, didn't care, stood there very calmly, just watched the opponent attack.

"Xiaofeng, get out of the way!"

The second uncle exclaimed that he had a good impression of this young man, and he was also happy for Xiaoru. Seeing that Li Yunfeng was motionless, he was about to be hit by Cao Shi, and he was very anxious.

After hearing this, Li Yunfeng also felt a little warmth. Although the second aunt was very realistic, the second uncle Su Xiaoru was a very simple and kind person who had nothing to say.

After Li Yunfeng heard it, he smiled back. When the second uncle saw it, he almost vomited blood in anger. His fist was almost on your body. Are you still laughing?

But Cao Shi looked at Li Yunfeng as if he was a fool at this moment, was he being overwhelmed?Your fists are coming up, and you still look stupid?
Because the moment Li Yunfeng turned his head, his fist was already close to the opponent's body, and even touched the opponent's clothes.

Just when Cao Shi succeeded in his blow, he imagined the scene of Li Yunfeng being punched flying, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This punch will at least make you lie on the ground for a long time and be unable to get up.

Just as Cao Shi was immersed in the obsession with victory, Li Yunfeng didn't turn his head back, moved his left hand a little, and grasped the hand that had rubbed his skin, and then gave the opponent's arm very easily and freely. It broke with a click.

"Ah!" After Cao Shi felt the excruciating pain from his arm, he also screamed at this time.

Li Yunfeng didn't care about these things, just like he did to Liu Meng, after twisting the opponent's arm, he struck out with a palm, and Cao Shi was directly thrown backwards.

And as Li Yunfeng struck out with a palm, Cao Shi felt a huge air rushing into his body, rushing wildly in the meridians of his body.

At this time, there were bursts of crackling sounds in the body, which was the sound of meridian bursting.

"Ah!" During this process, Liu Meng's cousin's expression was very painful. It lasted for about a minute, and Liu Meng's cousin spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You disabled my meridians?" Liu Meng's cousin felt his body and found that he had no internal energy. He had become an ordinary person, even weaker than ordinary people.

"Self-inflicted, you can't live, you are arrogant, you will kick the iron plate one day!" Li Yunfeng said coldly.

"Didn't you say that you are not a warrior? Abandoning people's meridians is obviously something that only inner warriors can do!" Cao Shi was a little desperate at this time, and said to Li Yunfeng with some resentment.

Li Yunfeng ignored this question, he had never lied to the other party, but the other party might not believe or understand what he said.

He just continued to ask: "Are you from the Xiuwu family on the opposite mountain, or from the sect on the island in the middle of the lake?"

"You still said that you are not a warrior, and you even know this." Cao Shi endured the pain and said.

"Aren't you from the sect on the island in the center of the lake?"

When Cao Shi mentioned that sect, he was also a little afraid. Although the Zhang family was powerful, they thought they were not as good as that mysterious sect. Few people from that sect were born, and they basically stayed on that island all year round.

It has been a hundred years since no one was born, but in history, as long as a member of this sect is born, it will shock the world, and even overwhelm several recognized martial arts families and sects in the world.

And most importantly, this sect has never died or weakened, and has always been strong.

It's just that because he hasn't been born in a hundred years recently, his impression is very low, and only some nearby martial arts sects know about it, and if it's farther away, maybe only the elders know about it.

"Oh, so you came down from the family on the opposite mountain. It seems that you have to pay a visit when you have time." Li Yunfeng looked at the mountain and said lightly.

 Wenhua list, bookshelf recommendation double list recommendation, everyone, give me some face, vote, give a little reward, I will be abandoned if my grades are too poor!

(End of this chapter)

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