The return of the immortal world

Chapter 95 A Japanese died

Chapter 95 A Japanese died (recommended at midnight)
Since this matter has started, it must be resolved. If it is not resolved, it will eventually be a hidden danger.

Although Cao Shi has been abolished, Liu Meng himself has no fighting power. If the two of them don't hire someone, they will definitely not be the opponents of these villagers.

So Li Yunfeng was not worried about the two of them at all, but in order to prevent the small one from being beaten, and the big one coming out, he couldn't stay here for a long time, so he decided to take the initiative to attack.

Cao Shi just laughed disdainfully when he heard that, he actually has no status in the Zhang family of the Xiuwu family, he is just a slave of the Zhang family, and he is just domineering in the secular world.

Hearing that this young man still wanted to go up the mountain to visit arrogantly, he just looked at Li Yunfeng with some pity, Li Yunfeng's end would be worse than him!

He knows the horror of the Zhang family best. Even if the top sects in China come here, they may not be able to please him, let alone such a young man, who really thinks that with some cultivation, he can put everyone in the world under his care. In eyes?
"Go away!" Li Yunfeng learned of Cao Shi's background, so he didn't bother to argue with them for the time being.

Although Cao Shi was unwilling, he didn't dare to say anything harsh, so he got up and went back directly. Seeing this, Liu Meng also ran away in despair.

But Cao Shi knew that he was completely finished, without his inner strength cultivation, he was just an ordinary person.

The only good thing is that I have accumulated a lot of money over the years, and it is no problem to live comfortably in the second half of my life.

And Liu Meng is better, although his arms are broken, but after he recovers, he is still a little gangster, but whether he will still be as arrogant as today, then I don't know.

However, Li Yunfeng looked at Liu Meng and Cao Shi with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes, because he knew that the two of them were completely finished.

Dare to hit your own woman's attention?How could he easily let these two go?He made manipulations on both of them, that is, the palm after breaking their arms has the effect of cutting off children and grandchildren, and it will be impossible for the two brothers to act as human beings in the future.

"Why are you so powerful?" The second uncle of the Su family and several surrounding villagers surrounded him.

Li Yunfeng's head suddenly grew dizzy, and he dismissed everyone after saying something about learning martial arts for a while.

After entering the door, Li Yunfeng found that Su's mother also got up from the bed, and her complexion was much better than yesterday.

Seeing that Mother Su's illness has been treated for so long, it hasn't improved much. Now Li Yunfeng has only been here for a day, and she has recovered so much. The eyes of everyone looking at Li Yunfeng are like gods and men. They can fight and have magical medical skills. Who is dissatisfied with your son-in-law?

Now even the second aunt of the Su family looks satisfied when she sees Li Yunfeng, she is even a little jealous of Su Xiaoru, why isn't she her daughter's boyfriend?
However, the second aunt of the Su family is still a little worried. Although she is realistic, she knows that this kind of bastard is the most annoying person. Although she may not do anything radical, she will come here from time to time to cause damage and harass you. It's too much trouble.

Especially that powerful Cao Shi, is there someone more powerful behind him?
Seeing the appearance of the second aunt of the Su family, Li Yunfeng smiled, and then said: "Second aunt, don't worry, I will go back after I have settled this matter."

"That's good!" The second aunt of the Su family heaved a sigh of relief, having seen Li Yunfeng's skills, she also trusts Li Yunfeng very much now.

"Go and see, I heard that a Japanese man died by the lake!" Li Yunfeng was helping Su's mother to check her body, when a villager suddenly came to the door and said to Su's second uncle and the others.

"Wa people died?" Li Yunfeng was a little surprised, what's going on?

"I'm going to see what's going on." Li Yunfeng said, and then walked out.

"It's okay to die. These Japanese people came to China to be arrogant. Do you think we are China a hundred years ago? We are now the second largest economic power in the world!"

A villager said gloatingly that this villager was one of the villagers who had just come to help the second uncle of the Su family, and he was very relieved when he said it.

"How did you die?" asked another unsuspecting villager.

"It seems that he drowned in the water, but I don't think so. The water area of ​​Laoye Temple is very evil. These Japanese people are still building some scenic spots there. They are simply tired of living!"

"Ah, something happened again? It's been quite peaceful in the past few years. Could it be that these Japanese people have offended the gods?" Someone said with a little fear.

"How can there be any gods? Didn't experts come to investigate before? Did you say there is an undercurrent sand dam below?"

"Who can say this clearly? At that time, the investigation did not find many ships underneath, right? If it was caused by the undercurrent of the sand dam, these ships and their items should be there! Why did most of them disappear? "

"Yeah, I think it must be unusual down here, maybe the Lake God doesn't allow these people to build any scenic spots."

"I think it should be the giant turtle below. This legend has been passed down for many years."

"What kind of gods, ghosts, ghosts and beasts are all nonsense, everyone must believe in science, I think the water below is too deep, too muddy, and the water is too fast, and then they drowned, this is their death! "

Everyone has their own opinions, but Li Yunfeng is more interested in the Laoye Temple waters.

Li Yunfeng talked to Su Xiaoru, and then followed these curious villagers to the scenic spot of the Japanese people.

Because of the death, the Wa people originally wanted to cover it up, but for some reason, the news spread, and many people flocked in. The Wa people had limited manpower and couldn't stop it all at once, so they let it go.

When Li Yunfeng came to the scenic spot where the Japanese people were, there were already many people there. Li Yunfeng found that many Japanese people had internal energy fluctuations, but it was different from the Chinese people's internal energy, but the basic fluctuations were similar.

In addition to the Japanese warriors, there are also some Chinese warriors. Judging from the fluctuations in their cultivation bases, they are also quite strong. Several young people have reached the level of the early days of Acquired, which surprised Li Yunfeng. This lineup is at least better than Jingnan There are many strong Jiang families in the city, and a family built on such a blessed land is indeed extraordinary.

At this time, the deceased had been transferred out, and not many people knew how the deceased died.

And several Japanese people have always emphasized that the deceased was drowned, and the undercurrent vortex below was too strong, causing the diving equipment to be hit and damaged, resulting in death.

Because the corpse had been transferred, everyone came full of curiosity and left disappointed.

However, Li Yunfeng found out that the few young people who had cultivated levels did not go back, and still refused to leave here. Li Yunfeng hid behind a big tree, wanting to hear what they had to say.

"Why don't you go back!" the Wa people looked at these young people and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Don't think we don't know what you are here for!" One of the young people laughed and said indifferently.

"Hmph, you have been watching here for many years, and you dare not go down to explore. We come to explore, and you want to follow us to eat meat? This kind of behavior of your family is a bit shameless!" One of the Japanese said darkly.

"How could it be? I just came here for a casual look, and there is no other purpose!" A young man from the Zhang family said with a smile.

"Whether it's interesting or not, you know for yourself, please leave now!" The Wa people issued an expulsion order very bluntly.

"You explore yours, we will never interfere, but it seems that the person you died was not drowned as you said, a Japanese warrior in the middle of the internal strength will be drowned, do you think this joke is funny ?” The members of the Zhang family said sarcastically.

"You don't need to worry about this, please leave, otherwise we will be impolite!" The Wa people were very upset seeing these people endlessly, so they issued an ultimatum.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, don't make the whole army wiped out." Several young people spread their hands and went back, but there was some schadenfreude in their tone.

Li Yunfeng listened to the conversation between the two parties behind the tree, thoughtfully, and he determined two questions.

The first one is that these Japanese people did not want to build any scenic spots, but to explore something, and more precisely, to find something.

The second is that the so-called drowned Japanese people were definitely not drowned, but they were not drowned. How did they die?Li Yunfeng was a little curious!

(End of this chapter)

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