man returning from hell

Chapter 11 The Cold-Blooded Butcher

Chapter 11 The Cold-Blooded Butcher

When the words fell to the ground, Lin Tang turned around and kicked Zhang Ru directly.

This kick is ordinary and flat!

But it was just such a kick that kicked Zhang Ru more than ten meters away, and hit the wall hard.

Loud noise, come!
The entire wall cracked.

Zhang Ru's whole body was embedded on the wall, his internal organs burst, and the blood spit out from his mouth contained the fragments of internal organs.

"Do not……"

His eyes widened.

With a look of despair and disbelief.

But he could only utter a low voice of unwillingness, and even died... without closing his eyes!

All the silence!

Everyone watched this scene.

Hold your breath.

They couldn't believe what they saw in front of them.

One of the four young masters in Yuncheng, Zhang Ru of the Zhang family...

He was kicked to death!

First Liu Zhiqing, now Zhang Ru...

This Xu Ze is crazy, almost crazy!

Uncle Fu lowered his head and said nothing.

He had no surprises.

Because Zhang Ru died very comfortably...

He never knew that he would be very happy to be able to fall into such a situation after offending a grandmaster.


A master cannot be humiliated, and those who humiliate him will die. This is not just a simple sentence.

It's the rules of their group!
Also, the rules of this world!

Bai Yafei was silent.

But the eyes looking at Lin Tang began to burst into an unprecedented light.

That's exciting!
And worship!

Lin Tang didn't look at them...

Because, his business is not over yet!

Killing Liu Zhiqing and Zhang Ru was just a matter of convenience, but his real target was never them!
He looked at Liu Yuebai, and finally said, "Do you regret it?"

Liu Yuebai was at the moment Zhang Ru was killed by him.

The whole person collapsed to the ground.

She didn't know what was going on.

What does it mean that a master cannot be humiliated...

But she could see that this Xu Ze was not afraid of anyone, not even Bai Yafei and the Bai family...

Even, judging from the attitude of Bai Yafei of the Bai family, she doesn't even dare to offend Xu Ze!
how can that be!

He's just a piece of trash!

Why did he become so... within two or three days?


Looking at the body of his brother.

Looking at Zhang Ru who is still embedded in the wall...

After listening to her words, she finally came to her senses, crawled directly to Lin Tang's feet, hugged his trouser legs, and begged:

"Xu Ze, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

"It's all about Zhang Chao, it's him who wants someone to kill you, not me, I don't know anything, it's none of my business!

"The previous things were all my fault. I swear, from now on, I will be a good wife. Forgive me..."

"I was really wrong, please, please forgive me!"

No one thought that Liu Yuebai would do such a thing of kneeling down and begging for mercy in public.

But when you hear what she said.

Everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

What a vicious woman!

In order to be with Zhang Chao, she even joined forces and asked someone to kill Xu Ze!
That's her husband!

Even if he was really a waste before, this heart can't be so poisonous, right?

Not to mention, she has been betraying him for so long, can't she even let him live?
Originally, everyone was still feeling a little uncomfortable with Lin Tang's cold-bloodedness.

But now...

They seemed to understand what Lin Tang was doing!

Not to mention Lin Tang, if this matter is placed on them, I am afraid, they will have the heart to kill their whole family!
Lin Tang didn't speak, but looked down at Liu Yuebai from above.

Looking at this is the existence of his own wife.

He wants to laugh...

It was such a woman who killed Xu Ze and created a chance for herself to be reborn.

If it wasn't for her, I might not be reborn! !

But should you be grateful?
Lin Tang doesn't think...

Because he is Xu Ze.

Even though he didn't admit it, when he saw this Liu Yuebai, the anger in his heart still couldn't help burning!
This kind of anger is not just because she is his wife, but betrayed him.

More because of this time...

She actually asked herself to forgive her over and over again, and promised herself that in the future, she would be a good wife to herself.

Somewhat ironic.

What Xu Ze has always wanted to do and work hard for has never been successful.

And now...

He stands here.

She was already kneeling in front of her, begging like a wronged little girl.


Lin Tang shook his head: "If you didn't ask someone to kill me, I might just leave instead of looking for you... Unfortunately..."

What a pity, Lin Tang didn't say anything!
But everyone understands!

He will never let Liu Yuebai go!
In this world, some people are not worthy of forgiveness.

Like Zhang Chao, like Liu Yuebai!

And Lin Tang has no habit of forgiving people!

"No...don't...don't kill me!"

Liu Yuebai finally panicked!

Her complexion changed drastically!

She felt the colder aura on Lin Tang's body...

He is going to kill someone!

She stood up, scrambling to escape in a frenzy, still yelling: "Help me quickly, I don't want to die, save me quickly..."

No one dares to stand up!
Bai Yafei of Lian Bai's family.

The first talented woman in Yuncheng dare not show up, let alone them?

That's when...

Liu Yuebai's body suddenly froze in place!

Her face was dull.

keep your head down...

in her belly...

one hand……

directly through...

From her back, directly to her lower abdomen...



Blooming on the ground, making a ticking sound.

Throughout the hall, countless people stared wide-eyed, trembling, and looked at the scene in front of them in horror.


Liu Yuebai's voice was weak, but her eyes were full of unprecedented resentment.

She stretched out her hand and held Lin Tang's arm tightly.

Bloodstains were scratched on his arm.

She is unwilling!
She hates him!
Why is he coming!

Why is he not dead!

He should die!
instead of myself!
Lin Tang's face was calm, but he just knocked off her hand expressionlessly.

Pulling out the hand that penetrated her body, and then, looking at her, knelt down in front of him, slumped down, and finally died completely!
Three corpses!

blood on the ground...

Bloom like a flower.

Lin Tang stood in the hall, took out a napkin, and calmly wiped the blood from his hands...

Poker face.

It was as if what he killed was just an ant!

Rise from the hearts of the people!

"Anyone else, want to stop me?"

A calm voice spit out from Lin Tang's mouth.

Everyone lowered their heads, trembling, not daring to look at Lin Tang!
He even held his breath, afraid of attracting his attention!
He is not only a lunatic, but also a butcher!
"It seems that the matter is really over!"

Lin Tang smiled, stepped over Liu Yuebai's body, and stepped on her blood.

Feet, in the hall, print blood!
His back disappeared at the stairs.

Finally, I didn't know who was there and couldn't help it, I just sat down and burst into tears!
If possible, they would never come to this damn party, because this is not a party, but a death meeting!

Is that still Xu Ze?
so horrible!

He is a devil!
(End of this chapter)

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