man returning from hell

Chapter 10 The Humiliated: Death

Chapter 10 The Humiliated: Death


Just when Lin Tang was about to kill Zhang Ru directly, an icy and light voice suddenly came, breaking the solemn hall that could not breathe.

Lin Tang frowned, came again?

He turned his eyes slightly, and saw two people walking in at the entrance of the hall!

When seeing the person coming, even Lin Tang couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

That's a woman!
There was a faint smile on his face, as if it could brighten up the entire oppressive space.

she is pretty!

At least Fang Qiong and Liu Yuebai were overshadowed by her in front of her!

Especially her temperament...

Different from Liu Yuebai's charm and Fang Qiong's delicacy, she has an impeccable elegance, no matter how she walks or moves...

Can touch everyone's heart!
However, Lin Tang didn't look at her!
Instead, she looked at the old man beside her!
His hair and beard are a little gray, his body is bent, and he looks like he is dying, but his steps are very steady!

Especially between breaths, far surpassing anyone Lin Tang has ever seen!


Lin Tang's gaze began to change color.

When he saw the old man, he suddenly felt that his thinking about the earth was a bit simple!

At the same time, there was a sudden gasp in air from the entire hall.

Accompanied by bursts of exclamation!

"It's her, why is she here!"

"Oh my god, it's Sister Ya, how is this possible!"

"It's the first time I've seen Sister Ya, she's really just like the legend, she's definitely a perfect woman!"

Faced with these exclamations, the woman called Sister Ya just smiled.

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, and looking at Zhang Ru, a look of surprise flashed in those water-like eyes.

Soon, calm was restored.

She walked up to Lin Tang and stretched out her hand: "Hello, I am the person in charge of Yayuan Hotel, Bai Yafei..."

Bai Yafei!
A legend in Cloud City!
On her body, there are all kinds of auras that cannot be looked up to!
Back then, when she was still in high school, she received admission letters from well-known universities around the world.

Such as: Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, MIT, Columbia, etc., there are nearly fifty poems!

However, she rejected these notices and entered Yuncheng University, a school that is not even ranked in China!

But this is just one of them!
During the four years of college in Yuncheng, he took over a dilapidated hotel from the Bai family. In just four years, he developed this hotel into the most upscale five-star hotel in Yuncheng!
Gradually infiltrate into entertainment, film and television, real estate, IT, and other industries!

In just four years, it has created an income of no less than tens of billions for the Bai family!
Personal assets have reached billions!

It can be said that the name Bai Yafei is a legend...

Not only a legend among the younger generation, but also a legend among the older generation!
It is said that after ten years,
Yuncheng will be ruled by Bai Yafei alone!

Although it may be a bit exaggerated, it just shows how terrifying Bai Yafei's ability is!

and so……

At this moment, Bai Yafei reached out her hand to shake Lin Tang's hand.

The eyes of everyone present were filled with envy and jealousy.

In their hearts, how could such a goddess' hand be defiled?
Not to mention, she even offered to say hello!

What makes them even more angry is.

Lin Tang didn't reach out his hand, but just glanced at the white jade hand that stretched out, and finally, looked at Bai Yafei indifferently.

"You, want to stop me?"

Bai Yafei was slightly taken aback, obviously she didn't expect Lin Tang to say such words.

Bai Yafei had also heard a little about Xu Ze.

But now...

Although she didn't know exactly what happened just now, she knew one thing, that is, this person was definitely not the Xu Ze in the rumors!
"Ya... sister Ya... save... save me..."

Zhang Ru begged, finally color appeared in his eyes,

"He's crazy. He killed my younger brother Zhang Chao and Liu Zhiqing, and now he wants to kill me! Sister Ya, save me, save me!"

Bai Yafei ignored Zhang Ru.

Just looked at Lin Tang with a slight smile:

"It is true that I have this idea, Mr. Xu, right... I have heard a little about the affairs between you and the Liu family, Zhang Chao, and I don't want to care about your affairs.

It's just that this place belongs to the Bai family after all, and you've already killed someone, so it's a relief, or how about letting Zhang Ru go to save me? "

"Your face?"

The corners of Lin Tang's mouth curled up slightly!
Instead of going to Bai Yafei, he looked at the old man beside Bai Yafei: "Tell her, do I need to give her face?"

The old man the silent one.

Shaking his head: "You don't need it, not only her, but the entire Yuncheng, and absolutely no one needs your face!"

on hearing this.

Bai Yafei was stunned.

He took a deep breath and looked at the old man: "Uncle"

No one knows the identity of this Uncle Fu better than Bai Yafei!

This world is very mysterious!
In society, everyone is divided into third-class and ninth-class!
They are the pyramids on which this society is built.

But only some people know that among these third-class and ninth-class people, there are some people who are no longer among them!

They are called martial artists!
Bai Yafei has seen their existence before, their strength is incomparably miraculous, and they even possess various supernatural powers.

It is precisely because of this that she has an unprecedented motivation to burst out and achieve her current achievements!

Because, she wants to enter that field!

But she has no threshold!
Want contact, get in, money only!
The richer she is, the closer she will be to that field!
Because people in those fields also need resources...

And money can help her get in touch with their existence!
Uncle Fu is from that world.

Even the upper level leaf in the martial arts world was only one step away, but because of his age, he completely lost his chance.

Even so, Bai Yafei exhausted a lot of resources to recruit him by her side!
But now...

This Uncle Fu, who could easily dodge even with a pistol, told himself, this Xu Ze, let alone her, no one in Yuncheng needs him to show face!
Isn't that...

Bai Yafei looked at Lin Tang suddenly, and her heart was as shocked as a river crossing a sea!
In fact, it's not just him, but Uncle Fu.

Also in horror!

Because he never thought that there would be such an existence in this cloud city!
Is it an illusion?

Do not!
When he came in, when he saw him, he found it!
The blood on this person...

His pressure...

There is only one kind of person who can make himself so nervous and uncomfortable...

That is……

He is a true ascetic!
Lin Tang glanced at Uncle Fu lightly, and said again: "Then, tell her, tell them, I... what should I do!"

Uncle Fu looked at Lin Tang, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "Grandmaster, don't be humiliated! Those who humiliate, die!"

 Since yesterday, I have been stuck in the sage mode, not to mention, now I walked out while leaning on the wall......

(End of this chapter)

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