man returning from hell

Chapter 9 Lin Tang, Laughing Again

Chapter 9 Lin Tang, Laughing Again
Lin Tang is crazy!
Also very arrogant!

But he has the capital of madness and arrogance.

The way of ghost cultivation is the way of the original heart, and it can also be called the way of killing.

He is destined that when Lin Tang picks up this path again, it will be full of blood and blood.

That being the case.

What has he to be afraid of?
Not to mention, after returning from rebirth this time, my future life will not be peaceful at all!
God blocks and kills God.

Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!
He prefers this kind of life!

Zhang Ru clenched his fists tightly, he was really angry.

The warm look on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by a gloomy and cold look.

"Good! Good! Good!"

"What a Xu Ze, I admit that both me and everyone underestimated you.

You are definitely not a waste, but a real madman! "


Only a lunatic would dare to kill Zhang Chao!
Only a lunatic would dare to kill Liu Zhiqing in front of hundreds of people!

Only a lunatic would dare to stand in front of him and admit that he killed Zhang Chao, and dare to threaten himself!

The Zhang family is a behemoth!
It is definitely not groundless that they are the masters of the four major merchants known as Yuncheng.

No matter in the political arena, in the business world, or anywhere, the Zhang family has the means to reach the sky.

There is only one consequence for offending the Zhang family, and that is to completely disappear in Yuncheng.

"Kill Zhang Chao first, then Liu Zhiqing, and now you dare to threaten me, Xu Ze, you... are very good, really good!"

Zhang Ru, I don’t know how many times I’ve said it’s great!
But every time he opened his mouth, everyone could feel that the chill on his body became colder and colder!


There is already a killing intent!

Liu Yuebai laughed!
Laughing distortedly.

He is dead!

Zhang Ru, definitely not Zhang Chao!
Zhang Chao needs bodyguards by his side, but Zhang Ru doesn't need them!
That's because he is very good, and it's because Zhang Ru and Zhang Chao are different!
Because he has learned martial arts!

She heard from Zhang Chao that Aaron, who had crushed more than a dozen soldiers, couldn't stop even a single punch in Zhang Ru's hands!

Although she didn't know why Xu Ze became so frightening, compared to Zhang Ru, what was he!
"You're dead, you're dead, damn Xu Ze, you're dead!"

Her face was full of grin, she was full of resentment, and she was shouting in her heart!

Lin Tang still just looked at Zhang Ru indifferently, but there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes:

"I thought it would be different for the four young masters of Yuncheng, but you are just like them, just talking nonsense nonsense...

If it's just like this, the fourth young master of Yuncheng is nothing more than that, and this family should also be in decline! "

Zhang Ru's expression froze immediately!
"you wanna die!"

No one has ever seen Zhang Ru do it!

And now, he finally did it in front of everyone because of Xu Ze!

He is very fast!

It was so close that he could hardly see his movements clearly, but in an instant, he had already punched!
That punch caused the sound of breaking through the air.

It went directly towards Lin Tang's neck!

There is no doubt that under such a terrifying punch, let alone a person, even a wooden stick, will be broken at the sound!

There was a smile in his eyes under the glasses.

Even if Xu Ze could kill Aaron and Liu Zhiqing, he would never be able to stop his fist!

He is dead!
Zhang Ru could even see that he was directly killed by his punch!

"It's just a pity!"

"Unfortunately, he is only alone, otherwise, I can take good care of his family!"

Liu Yuebai is sneering!

Everyone is shaking their heads!
They all knew that Xu Ze was doomed.

Because he met Zhang Ru.

Now he not only has to pay for Zhang Chao's funeral, but also to be buried with Liu Zhiqing!
However, no one felt sorry for Xu Ze!
Even if there is, no one dares to show it.

Because he offended the Zhang family, he was doomed, not to mention killing the second son of the Zhang family!
However, at this time.

When faced with this punch, Lin Tang shook his head in disappointment.

"This punch is not bad. At least it looks much better than the punch of the bodyguard next to Zhang Chao. It's just a pity that you... are still just an ant like him!"


Zhang Ru sneered.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Xu Ze is still so arrogant.

"You die for me!"

He growled!


that is at this time

Lin Tang slowly raised his hand.

He also punched directly into Zhang Ru's fist...

The speed of his punch was not fast, but no one could see clearly, not even Zhang Ru could react.

Like lightning!
The fists of the two collided like this!
The sound of an explosion came directly.

The expressions on everyone's faces froze together.

His pupils widened, as if he had seen a ghost!
in their field of vision.

Bloom like fireworks!

Zhang Ru screamed, and knelt down on the ground in pain, his face was pale and ferocious, completely distorted!

His entire fist has completely exploded!
The bone was pierced directly from his shoulder, revealing the pale and bloodshot bone.

On the ground, there are even some broken finger residues!
Looking at Lin Tang...

He still stood where he was, motionless!


how can that be!

everyone trembling in fear
Is that human being?
One punch...

It actually shattered Zhang Ru's fist!
Liu Yuebai and the others looked at Lin Tang. At this moment, they even forgot to breathe...

I just feel that my back is cold and the cold sweat is constantly flowing!


At this moment, Lin Tang took a step forward!
He slowly walked towards Zhang Ru who was screaming on the ground, his expression was calm and indifferent...

But in the eyes of everyone, it is as frightening as a devil.

"You...what are you going to do, you...don't come near me!"

Zhang Ru was terrified.

His voice was trembling because of fear, and because of the pain, he couldn't speak clearly!

Lin Tang, no answer!
Still coming towards him.

Until, standing in front of Zhang Ru.

He opened his mouth.

He was condescending like that, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "What am I going to do? Young Master Zhang, don't you know?"

Zhang Ru was really scared!
He saw Liu Zhiqing's body...

He remembered what Lin Tang said just now.

no one can threaten him...

And the person who threatened him has only one end!
"No, don't come near me, I am Zhang Ru, I am the Fourth Young Master of Yuncheng, and I am the future ruler of the Zhang family!"

Zhang Ru was finally scared!
He backed away frantically.

He was growling.


"If you kill me, the Zhang family, you will never stop, you can't escape!"

Zhang Ru!

Never had such a gaffe!

In front of others, he has always been a calm and mature outstanding young man!
It is precisely because of this that he can become the leader of the Zhang family.

But now...

He, can't keep his mentality!

Because he believed that he would really kill himself!

Lin Tang didn't respond, but he smiled!
When laughing, Zhang Ru suddenly became even more desperate!

Because he suddenly woke up, and he...

Just threatened him again!

And he...

No threats allowed!
(End of this chapter)

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