Chapter 120

As soon as these words came out, Wu Ziming and the others turned pale instantly.

They were completely dumbfounded.

Then, the cold sweat flowed down directly!

"Lin...Mr. Lin, how could he be Mr. Lin?"

They roared inwardly, unable to believe it.

Especially Wu Ziming and Fang Fan, the two of them didn't believe it.

But they couldn't believe it at all. If only their father and Fang Feilin admitted their mistakes, it was still possible.

But all the bosses in the entire port area admit their mistakes at the same time, which is simply impossible.

He is really Mr. Lin!

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Tang, and they finally understood why Lin Tang dared to say that they were not qualified just now!

Not to mention himself, even in the whole of China, he can say: You are not qualified!

Because he is Lin Tang!
That butcher Tang who kills without blinking an eye!

Lin Tang still just looked at the crowd indifferently, did not speak, and did not let this group of bigwigs who stirred up the situation in the port area look up.

He just keeps their heads down like that...

respectfully trembling...

Especially Wu Dong, Fang Feilin and others, they never expected that Mr. Lin would arrive so early.

What's more, he didn't expect that his son (nephew) would offend him so blindly.

Thinking of Lin Tang's method, even if Fang Feilin has Fang Qiong's relationship, she has no idea.

To offend his existence, there is only death...

This is something that everyone in the martial arts world knows. Even if they don't know, the thousands of lives of Wang Liyun and Zhang Liu, and the orders of four or five grandmasters have made them realize these facts clearly!

So, when they heard Lin Tang's arrival, they rushed out quickly, and even took the lead in beating them up.

The purpose, in fact, is to let Lin Tang see what they look like, so that he can let them go!
Not only Lin Tang knew their intentions, but also Wu Ziming and Fang Fan who were beaten finally came to their senses.

Seeing that Lin Tang was still looking at them indifferently, he became panicked and begged on his knees: "Lin...Mr. Lin, I...we were wrong, just treat us as a fart and let us go!"

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!
The blood of the Yun family murder case in the port area has not yet been done...

But now, I and others have offended the butcher in front of me, Wu Ziming and others can still be tough in front of ordinary people, but now, they are even worse than an ordinary person!

Lin Tang smiled lightly. He looked at Wu Ziming and Fang Fan faintly: "Let it go? If I, Lin Tang, were not the Mr. Lin you mentioned today, would you let me go?"


Wu Ziming and Fang Fan froze for a moment,

They... will not let him go!
"It seems that you understand!"

Fang Feilin's expression changed, looking at Fang Fan, his expression suddenly changed, and finally he couldn't help but begged: "Mr. Lin, please let this bastard go for Xiao Qiong's sake, he... He is Xiao Qiong's cousin after all!"

"Mr. Lin, please let Nizi go. If you let him go, my Wu family will pay any price!"

Wu Dong also begged quickly.

A tiger does not eat its own son, seeing his son is about to die in front of him, how can he not be moved by martial arts?

Lin Tang didn't speak.

He just looked at Fang Feilin and Wu Dong indifferently.

But in my heart, when I heard the name Fang Qiong, I still sighed after all.

"This is the last chance..."

Fang Feilin and Wu Dong looked happy, and so did Fang Fan and Wu Ziming on the ground!
But at this time, Lin Tang said calmly again: "Leave their legs. From today onwards, I don't want the Wu family to exist in the port area..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Fang Feilin: "Your Fang family has retired from this matter..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people present changed drastically, especially those big bosses, who looked at the Wu family and the Fang family in disbelief!

Why is this meeting held this time, if others don't know, how can they not know?
This is for the property left over by the Yun family!

Originally, the Fang family and the Wu family who were most qualified to take the lead, but now...

Especially the Wu family...

Lin Tang does not want members of the Wu family to appear in the port area. What does this mean?
This means that the governor, who was originally the most powerful in the port area, will leave the port area and become a commoner!
This blow, this price...

Everyone couldn't help but gasped!
But what surprised everyone was Lin Tang's treatment of the Fang family. From the words just now, everyone can understand one thing, that is, Lin Tang is very familiar with someone in the Fang family!

But even so, the Fang family still did not escape Lin Tang's punishment!
"Indifference, ruthlessness, cold-bloodedness, aloofness, arrogance... He is exactly as the rumors say, no matter who he is, once offended, he will eventually pay an unbearable price!"

Many big shots looked at the Fang family and the Wu family: "How would they choose?"

"No...Father, don't, I...I don't want to be a useless person, I..."

Wu Ziming looked at his father in fear. He knew his father very well, so he could immediately sense his father's deep helplessness, and...



Just when Wu Ziming begged, Wu Donghe moved!

Without hesitation, he directly grabbed the wooden stick and pushed it down towards his legs with all his strength.

At the same time, Fang Feilin also directly ordered that the bodyguards behind her crippled Fang Fan's legs without hesitation!

The screams resounded through the gates of the entire resort hotel, making people's hearts and souls numb!
No one thought, not even Fang Fan and Wu Ziming, that a few minutes ago they wanted to cripple that person's legs, but now, they were crippled by themselves and others!
"Sir... Within tomorrow, the Wu family will withdraw from the port area!"

The short stick in his hand fell, Wu Dong looked at Lin Tang, and lowered his head deeply. At this moment, he was much older!

The child does not teach, the father too!
He knew that this day would come one day, but he didn't expect this day to come so fast, so fast that the Wu family fell off the cliff overnight!
Fang Feilin didn't speak, but she lowered her head to represent her answer.

She also knew that the Fang family could only escape this catastrophe this time because of Fang Qiong...

at last……

When everyone was still worried, Lin Tang finally smiled!

He chuckled, glanced at all the bosses present, did not speak, did not go in, but turned around...

He stepped out step by step!

The breeze blows his clothes...

With every step he took, he covered more than [-] meters...

The world is so close at this step!
Everyone looked at his back and fell silent. There was a trace of envy and admiration in their eyes!
One word speaks volumes!
Kill with one word!

But in a moment...

"Being a human being should be like this... What about madness? What about arrogance? If you can't drink up the romance of all ages, what's the use of it?"

this moment……

It seems that that figure from the back is too high to look up to!

 The third update starts today, and there can be no more. If there are any more, the editor will scold me to death. Now the recommendation is based on the word count. If it is because the update exceeds the word count, then you are playing with your own book to death!
  I also hope that everyone will not gain weight and read more. This is really important. Whether a book can survive depends on your follow-up reading!


(End of this chapter)

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