Chapter 121

A division of the Yun family's property came to an end in a surprising way.

As the initiators of the meeting, the Fang family and the Wu family became the biggest losers. Even, because of these two families, that Mr. Lin didn't even enter the hotel.Then leave directly.

A few words will determine a completely different development direction for the entire port area.


For the whereabouts of the Wu family.

Still, no one cares about the follow-up actions of the Fang family and the others this time because of the disappointment of the family members!

"The killing order mission failed, re-release..."

"The killing order mission failed, re-release..."

"The killing order mission failed, re-release..."


In this short period of seven days, there were at least five grandmasters above the international level who intercepted this task, but they all failed!

And at this time, brand new dynamic task information appeared again!
Also, is preceded by task failure.

"This many masters?"

"It turns out that there are still so many grandmasters in this world..."

The Grandmaster is a lofty, mysterious and inviolable existence.

Appearing in the public eye, even if the whole world adds up, there are less than thirty!

But at the moment when the killing order came out, five existences above the Grandmaster level appeared out of thin air in less than seven days.

And these, not even a single message!

"Sure enough, the water in this ancient martial arts world is very deep. It's hard to say how many strong people have never appeared behind this!"

Some people are lamenting their short-sightedness.

But more people were overwhelmed by Lin Tang's strength!
"Including the failure this time, there are already six grandmasters, that is to say, the number of grandmasters who died on Lin Tang's body is at least double digits..."

"This is such a crazy existence. Throughout the ancient martial arts world, and even the entire world, no one has ever been able to kill so many masters in the realm of masters!"

"Lin Tang, Butcher Tang, who else can deal with him..."

Just when everyone was feeling emotional, time passed by every minute and every second, even two days and two nights, no one accepted the killing order.

All of a sudden, a group of warriors peeked at each other, with complex expressions on their faces.


"So, among the group of grandmasters in the world, no one is willing to take on this task?"

Huaxia, Kyoto, in a certain villa.

Yi Qianqiu was also stunned when he heard the news from his subordinates.

The only killing order, and also the only time, ended up so that no one dared to take it, Lin Tang, you really are..."

Yi Qianqiu wanted to find an adjective to describe it, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know how to describe it. .

"If you don't come out of the God Realm, I'm afraid no one will be able to do anything to you. It's just that the God Realm powerhouse has not been seen for 500 years. How can the God Realm powerhouse be interested in this little reward?"

"It's just a pity that I didn't take advantage of this opportunity to properly get rid of some international grandmasters!"

Yi Qianqiu smiled: "Daomeng, Qingyunmen, Fangcunshan... I'm afraid you have already panicked at the beginning!"

Yi Qianqiu shook his head, he knew a little about Lin Tang, the Killing Order became the last hole card, and now this hole card, if it fails, will also become their death talisman!
"Everything depends on your luck!"

Also at this time...

The entire ground suddenly vibrated slightly, even though it was only a small vibration, how could an existence of Yi Qianqiu's level not notice it?
"This is……"

Yi Qianqiu's face changed, and at this moment, a mobile phone that was so ordinary that it couldn't be heard on his body rang.

Yi Qianqiu became serious in an instant: "Finally, has there been any movement? Immediately call people to vigilance, guard the forbidden area, and do not approach without my order. Those who approach will be killed without mercy!"


The phone hung up.

Yi Qianqiu took a deep breath, stepped out, and disappeared into the villa within a few breaths!



In a small county a hundred miles away from Xicheng.

Here is an abandoned steel yard, and now it has become a ruin. It can be clearly seen that this ruin was encountering an extreme battle not long ago!

The ground collapsed, new openings were broken in the waste houses, and all the surrounding trees were cut off by the waist!

Lin Tang sat cross-legged quietly in a corner, not far from him, a corpse was under the burst of sunlight...


Unlike the harsh heat outside, within a few meters of Lin Tang's body, it was extremely cold!
What's more, the severe cold reached the point where it became real, countless snowflakes fell several meters around his body, covering the whole ground with a thick layer...

There is no arrangement, even just exposed to the air, as long as a killer appears, even if Lin Tang is not dead, he will have to stagnate for the rest of his life!

But there is no way...

Because even Lin Tang didn't expect such a thing to happen. At this moment, the sea of ​​blood in his body is surging terribly...

The snow mountain has not yet been completed, but the spring of life is always gathering...

And now, if Lin Tang hadn't been suppressing the sea of ​​blood, he might have directly achieved the realm of the spring of life!
at last……

After half an hour.

The falling snowflakes stopped!

Only then did Lin Tang open his eyes. His face was already covered with sweat, even his back was dripping with sweat!
"Finally, it has stabilized, and it is almost on the verge of death..."

After a day and a night of suppression, the riot in the sea of ​​blood finally stopped, and the road leading to the Spring of Life was temporarily sealed by Lin Tang.

Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, like an air dragon, huffing and puffing, the snowflakes on the ground were blown away by the air dragon, and the severe cold around Lin Tang's body was also blown away.

Looking at the corpse exposed to the sun in the distance.

Lin Tang's eyes narrowed slightly. This time the sea of ​​blood will be such a riot because of the influence of the master's blood essence...

During these few days, there were always grandmasters who didn't know how to live or die because of the killing order, causing a huge sea of ​​blood to flood the sea of ​​blood, especially this grandmaster, which became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

But even if it is suppressed now, Lin Tang will not be able to use ghost power much!

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

Once the sea of ​​blood is surging, even if Lin Tang has the means, he can't suppress it!

"It seems that it is imminent to leave the medicine clan!"

Looking at the endless Hengduan Mountain Range in the distance, Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly...

Taking a deep breath, he took a step, stepped over the corpse of the international grandmaster, and rushed there.

In the depths of the Hengduan Mountains is the land of the Yao clan!

(End of this chapter)

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