man returning from hell

Chapter 122 Medicine Clan

Chapter 122 Medicine Clan
The Hengduan Mountains lie quietly on the land of Huaxia like a long emerald green dragon, separating Lingxi from Huadong and sitting in it.


It was also known as one of the three major dragon veins in China!

Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, countless emperors and generals have counted one of the two places. Because of their sturdy atmosphere, there was a saying: the king of Lingxi, the Marquis of East China, and the horses of thousands of troops are not as brave as the bravery of one place!

This means to tell everyone that the courage of the East China soldiers in Lingxi is comparable to the spirit of thousands of troops!
Of course, this exaggeration is very large, but it also proves that the courage of the people in Huadonglingxi is definitely not something that people from Jiangnan, Jiangbei or even Hong Kong can look down upon!

And the members of the Yao clan are in the depths of the Hengduan Mountain Range.

It's just different from one school and two schools, the members of the medicine clan are extremely low-key...

For example, miracle doctors in history: Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Simiao, Hua Tuo, Li Shizhen, etc...

If it wasn't for Lin Tang's rebirth, because the environment he was in was completely different from his previous life, he wouldn't even know about these secrets. He knew that these legendary doctors who were famous in history were actually just names sent by the medicine clan to walk in the world. disciple!

In the past hundred years, the behavior of the members of the Yao clan has changed drastically. Although they are still low-key compared to other forces, they have not tried to hide themselves as hard as they did in the Han and Tang Dynasties. This is why the Yao clan will enter One of the four pavilions!
Lin Tang didn't know the true location of the Yao Clan, he only knew that it was deep inside the mountain range, but this was not difficult for Lin Tang.

The ancient forest is full of dangers, but with his strength, even if the ghost power needs to be suppressed, it is just like walking on the ground,

In less than half a day, Lin Tang had entered the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

Also when entering the central place, a faint mist began to form here. The mist was very light, but the deeper it went, the denser it became, making it impossible to see the road in front of it clearly.

"Sure enough, it's not surprising that a family that has been passed down for thousands of years can arrange such a large formation covering a radius of hundreds of miles!"

This mist is not real mist, but a formation!
The formation is not murderous, but even a grandmaster will easily get lost here unless there is a formula for entering the formation.

And these are not difficult for Lin Tang.

In front of him, this formation is like an emperor in new clothes, appearing in front of him without any concealment!

at last……

Lin Tang stopped in his tracks. In front of him was a cottage gate as high as tens of feet, and behind him was a vast city. At first glance, it looked ancient and ancient, and it was impressively a series of attic buildings, which maintained the most primitive style. Antique!

It just quietly crawled in front of Lin Tang, like a sleeping lion in the dusk, people couldn't help but sigh.

"Thousands of years of experience are really not simple. This medicine clan alone is like this. I am afraid that the remaining three clans are also so mysterious and terrifying!"

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Take a step and go in the direction of the gate!

"Stop, the land of the medicine clan, if you don't have a certificate of entry into the clan, please leave immediately, otherwise... kill! Nothing! Forgive me!"

Just as Lin Tang approached the gate of the Yao Clan's cottage, two men appeared. Although they didn't hold weapons, they stood there like two sharp swords, extremely intimidating!

Half step master!

But Lin Tang was not surprised, this is the gate leading to the medicine family, it would be strange if there is no half-step master here!
Not only that, Lin Tang even sensed a different aura, which is... the aura belonging to the master level!

"One grandmaster, two half-step grandmasters guarding the gate, I'm afraid that only a thousand-year-old family in this world has this momentum!"


The moment they heard Lin Tang's words, the faces of the two half-step masters of the medicine family changed slightly, and they were a little shocked.


How did he know?
Also at this time, a hoarse voice came: "As expected of beheading Chen Tiannan, defeating the four great masters with his own strength, and even beheading dozens of powerful Tang Butchers, I admire you!"

That is a middle-aged man!
He stepped forward and appeared in front of Lin Tang.

When he saw Lin Tang, he recognized him!
On the dark web, as long as you pay more attention, who can fail to recognize him?Even if you don't recognize him, Lin Tang's name is like thunder!
Sure enough, upon hearing the name Lin Tang, the two members of the half-step master's medicine clan thumped in their hearts. Obviously, they never thought that Lin Tang would appear here at all.

Lin Tang's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at him indifferently: "The Yao family really deserves their reputation, and there are only a few people in this world who can do it just by using the method of building beauty!"

Yaomu's eyes narrowed suddenly, even though he was the master, his face couldn't help but become serious now.

Although his current appearance looks like he is only around thirty, he is actually over eighty. Lin Tang can tell at a glance, which really surprises him!

"How did you see it?"

Lin Tang looked indifferently: "A person's appearance can be fixed, but a person's vitality cannot be concealed. The theoretical life span of a master can reach more than five hundred years, but the real life is only more than three hundred years. Your life One-third of the round has passed, so you will know it naturally!"

"Are you very good at Zhouyi's numerology?"

"Zhouyi's numerology is a small technique, the way of the deity, you can see the river of fate, the way of life, how can you talk about it together?"

A sneer appeared on Yaomu's face.

It was a kind of arrogant sneer, staring straight into the river of fate, even if a strong man in the divine realm didn't dare to say such a thing, he still said it without changing his face.

The rumors are true, this Lin Tang is really arrogant!

But he doesn't want to get entangled in this matter, he is bragging, he does his own duty, and no one affects anyone!

Lin Tang naturally knew that Yaomu didn't believe his words, so naturally, he wouldn't explain anything.

Do you still tell him that he has walked through time, against the years, where he passed, words came and went, not to mention peeking at the river of fate, even the avenues were crawling under his feet?
"My Yao Clan never welcomes outsiders to come. I don't know what you are here today, what are you going to do?"

"Two things!"

Lin Tang opened his mouth and looked at Yaomu: "One: Buy the Spirit of Willow Teng with a lot of money!"

Yaomu's eyes narrowed, and Lin Tang had already said the second thing: "It is rumored that the Yao clan has an ancient spirit weapon, the Medicine King Cauldron, and I will use it!"


As soon as these words came out, Yaomu directly refused, and his face turned even colder, "Don't say that the medicine king cauldron is the spirit of willow vines. It is impossible for me, the Yao family, to make a move. Please leave the medicine immediately." clan..."

Lin Tang narrowed his eyes.

He looked at Yaomu with silent eyes, and shook his head: "The deity is bound to obtain these two things!"

Yaomu took a step forward: "Are you going to rob?"

"If it is necessary!"

Lin Tang's eyes are still calm, he... is bound to win, because time will not allow it, if this medicine family refuses


Willing to use the butcher's knife again!

Yaoki's eyes narrowed tightly.

His gaze was icy cold, and the cold light was extremely intense, and the air around the entire cottage instantly froze.


It's on the verge!
(End of this chapter)

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