man returning from hell

Chapter 191 The Wall Down

Chapter 191 The Wall Down

Ancient martial arts world.

It has attracted worldwide attention.

All eyes were on the Bai family in Yuncheng, Jiangbei.

As the butcher of Tang, the only Bai family in China with a relationship, when Lin Tang fought against the eighth-level masters of the three major gods of M country, which caused him to fall, and even his bones disappeared.

Everybody knows.

The Bai family...

He will endure a disaster that is far more unbearable than Chen Tiannan's calamity!

Sure enough, from the day of Lin Tang's death, the Bai family completely closed their doors, and even completely took back the forces that were originally outside overnight!
Also on the third day...

The Dan clan, the Lei clan, the Gu clan, the Yao clan, and even a large number of warriors began to march into Jiangbei at lightning speed!
The power of the entire Jiangbei Bai family, which was too late to take back, was completely smashed in their hands!

Fortunately, the Bai family responded early, otherwise, the entire martial arts world would be completely bloodied!
Seeing this scene, some warriors hissed a little.

In the past, Lin Tang was indeed cruel, but at least before the emergence of the secret realm and the righteousness of the country, even though he was cast aside by the world, he still stood up!
on the contrary……

Thinking of the news that spread from the eastern border a few days ago, this group of people shut their mouths.

at this time……

They really didn't have the courage to dare to say anything.

The only thing we can do is to sit on the shore and watch the fire...

And, of course, there's the added insult to injury...

Because, when a group of powerful people from the four races are heading towards Jiangbei, there is also a group of people in the Chinese martial arts world who can't stand it anymore!

When Lin Tang was alive, they were aggrieved and could only look up, even prostrate and trembling, not to mention daring to make a move!

Even panting louder, they dare not...

But now...

They absolutely believed that their chance had come, as if, from the moment the four clans made their move, their ridiculous past had become a thing of the past, and they could completely shake them off!


In front of the entire Bai family gate.

Densely crowded with a group of people of all kinds.

Among them, there are a large number of warriors watching the show, but even more, they are a group of people who are eager to fight and want to make a move immediately to drink up the blood of the Bai family...

Among them, the people of the four clans headed by Yaochen and others are even more so.

It's just that now, even if the Bai family is close at hand, the formation looks like a mountain, generally isolated in front of them, and they can't get in anyway!


In the hall of the Bai family.

Bai Yue didn't speak.

Leaning against the door of the hall, she looked up at the sky of the Bai family...

There, there are layers of faint mist, if you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all...

Her eyes closed slowly, and the moment she closed her eyes, in front of her field of vision, there were lines that could not be seen clearly outlined, as if a brand new world was evolving.

In the hall, Tang Yan, Lin Yifei and all the stewards of the Bai family are here, even the original Gong family, Wei family and others are here

When Chen Tiannan fought, the Guwu family in Jiangbei turned their backs, and the price they had to bear was that they were completely annexed.

Although they still retain the title of the Guwu family, they are controlled by Bai Yafei like a puppet, so much so that at this moment, they dare not even think of it, let alone betrayal.

Bai Yafei was also sitting on the main seat.

Her brows were furrowed, but she didn't feel flustered...

Just looking at a group of members of the Bai family who are already trembling now, they couldn't help showing a sarcastic look on their faces.

"Are you afraid?"

She spoke lightly, the group of people did not speak, and did not know how to answer,

"It seems that you are afraid..."

Bai Yafei laughed: "Very well, then... the door is over there, if you want to leave, you can leave, don't worry, no one will stop you..."

Hearing Bai Yafei's words, a group of people immediately looked at each other, some of them didn't understand what Bai Yafei's words meant?
The head of the Gong family couldn't help but stand up: "Patriarch Bai, what do you mean?"

"It's not very interesting, but this time the Bai family may not be able to get through this catastrophe... So, I just gave you a choice!"

At this moment, everyone fell silent.

Lin Tang is dead!

He has offended too many people...

And the Bai family has grown up relying on him again, especially Bai Yafei, there is no possibility of surviving!

Do you follow her to pay for your life?

This is obviously impossible...

"Patriarch Bai, you...are you joking?"

Gong Ke stared at Bai Yafei, he wanted to know whether her words were true or not...

And soon, he will know!

"Patriarch, what do you think?"

Gong Ke took a deep breath and lowered his head: "Thank you Patriarch Bai, please forgive Gong, Gong does not want to die, and Gong also hopes that this time, the Bai family can survive this catastrophe!"

Don't say it's just a subordinate!

Even brothers, when disasters are imminent, they don't want to be affected, Gong Ke, they don't want to die!
So, he's gone!
Seeing that the palace guest left without being stopped, Wei Guoqing and the others finally couldn't stand anymore!
They came out one by one!
Like Gong Ke, they left without hesitation...

And Bai Yafei, without even frowning, just watched them leave like this...

However, in less than a minute, the Bai family hall, which was overcrowded, was empty, only Tang Yan, Lin Yifei, Gao Xiaoling, Bai Yue, and Bai Yafei, as well as the half-step who had been protecting him Grandmaster: Forbe...

"People's hearts..."

Fu Bo sighed, his face full of regret.

The Bai family, keep them...

Even, ignoring the hatred they had for betraying the Bai family...


After all, they were still unable to keep them. At this time, except for a group of Bai family members and two friends of Mr. Lin, there was not even a single person left behind!
This really made him shush a little!


Bai Yafei laughed: "It should be a pity, but unfortunately, it's not for us, but for that group of people... They still don't understand that after boarding this boat, there is no possibility of going ashore...Leaving, no There must be a way to survive..."

Fu Bo and the others laughed dumbly.

They thought they had left the Bai family and announced that they had broken away from the Bai family, but they never thought about why they appeared in front of the Bai family!

They never thought of letting go of the flowers and plants of the Bai family!


In less than a few minutes...

Outside the door, there were bursts of screams...

This voice spread throughout the Bai family, and it was a bit infiltrating...

Outside the door, there are masters from the four races, leave?None of them can get away!

It took half an hour for this burst of screams to end...

It was also at this time that Bai Yue's body trembled violently, and she opened those eyes that she didn't open even when the palace guest and the others left, or even when the screams came!
The moment Bai Yue opened her eyes, Bai Yafei stood up, walked to her side, and looked at her.

Even, everyone looked at her with anticipation in their eyes: "How is it?"

Bai Yue nodded: "I can't penetrate the formation left by Mr., but under the divine realm, I can stop it. It's just... once the strong man in the divine realm makes a move, this formation..."

She didn't say it directly, but everyone knows...

No one will be able to survive if they are attacked by the gods, and they will surely die. Even this formation can't save them!

"Divine Realm? That's a legend, how can it be so simple!"

Lin Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, and relieved his heart.

This divine realm is not the Chinese cabbage in the stall, how can there be so many...


As soon as his words fell to the ground, an extremely powerful aura suddenly enveloped the entire Bai family. Everyone's faces turned pale, and they almost knelt down!

Bai Yue's eyes narrowed even more suddenly: "A strong man in the divine comes!"

this moment……

Lin Yifei slapped himself hard...

This damn crow's mouth!

PS: Please don’t keep it anymore. I’m looking at this follow-up, this recommendation ticket, and I feel cold. It’s going to be on the shelves next week. Do you still want to keep it?
(End of this chapter)

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