man returning from hell

Chapter 192 Another God Realm!

Chapter 192 One God Realm Comes Again!

Under the vast and terrifying coercion, the entire Bai family seemed to be in an earthquake.

Outside the gate of the Bai family.

Yao Chen and the others raised their heads and looked at the void, with excited expressions on their faces.

I saw there...

An old man is coming through the void.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared directly above the Bai family!

"This is……"


Someone swallowed.

With the appearance of the secret realm, the strong man in the divine realm is no longer just a legend for hundreds of years.

During this period of time, the god-level powerhouses kept appearing, and even the masters who were only legends before were springing up like mushrooms after rain!

However, no matter how much psychological preparations this group of warriors have made in their hearts, it is still unacceptable to see a real strong man in the divine realm appear in front of them!

"I have seen your honor!"

Seeing the approaching old man, Yao Chen and other members of the four clans were full of excitement, and hurried forward, bowing their heads respectfully.

This person is a strong cultivator in the divine realm, named: Lu Wei!
When he was young, he had an emotional entanglement with Yaogu, so when he heard that Yaogu and the other four were all killed by Lin Tang, Yaochen directly went to find this powerful man in the divine realm.

For Yaogu's sake, plus her death, this strong man made a move.

And this now appears to be true.

Otherwise, with the formation arranged by Lin Tang, they might not even be able to enter the gate of the Bai family today!
The gate of the Bai family is within the formation.

Bai Yue, Bai Yafei and the others were also watching this scene...

Similarly, they also saw bloody corpses on the open space in front of the gate of the Bai family. They were the corpses of palace guests and others.

They fell in a pool of blood, and until they died, their faces were full of puzzled expressions. They didn't understand why they had clearly left the Bai family, and the people of the four clans wanted to kill them?
Lu Wei did not answer what Yao Chen and the others said, but looked at the gate of the Bai family.

The moment Bai Yafei and the others looked at this old man who seemed to be very old, he felt as if he had a peerless magic weapon and shot directly at him...

Their footsteps were staggering, and they took a few steps back before they stabilized.

And Tang Yan, Lin Yifei, Gao Xiaoling and others who were worse than them.

They just felt as if their chest had been hit by something suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly!

Bai Yue stretched out her hand, and with a small empty hand, a small formation directly covered everyone's bodies. This formation had no lethal power, but it could reduce the oppression of the breath of some powerful people in the divine realm.

But even so, her complexion was very ugly.

"The gaze is like a sword, the breath is like a mountain, even if it is blocked by Mr.'s formation, but just one glance is enough to make me wait for the half-step master to give birth to the heart of being unable to resist. This... This is the power of a strong man in the divine realm ?"

Fu Bo said with a pale face, a little frightened.

too strong!
It is too strong!

So strong that he didn't even have the courage to resist.

How can the Bai family survive?
Bai Yue and Bai Yafei clenched their fists tightly. They were also afraid, but they still stared at Lu Wei with firm eyes...

They know better than anyone else that they still have no way out!
Get out and die!

If you don't come out, you will also die!

This is a road without a second choice, because at the end of this road, until now, there is no other option but death,


The eyes of the strong man named Lu Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light circulated in the depths of his pupils.

No one knows what is interesting in his mouth.

Does it mean that Bai Yue and the others make her feel interesting?
Or, does this formation make him feel interesting?
Nobody can tell!


When he heard this sentence, Yao Chen looked at the big formation with dark eyes, looked at Lu Wei, and begged: "Please help me to break through this big formation and release this formation, so that we can let the big formation go." Let us take revenge and eliminate harm for the world!"



At this time, a cold snort came: "Since you want to eliminate the harm, why don't you get rid of you first? I am afraid that you, the people of the four clans, are the real ones who stay on the top of China." Damn it!"

The sound came extremely suddenly.

So much so that at the moment the voice appeared, no one reacted...

But soon, someone exclaimed!
"Oh my god, another strong man in the divine realm!"

On the dome of the sky, another person came through the void.

It was an old woman...

She bent her body, but her face was full of sneer.

Just took a sample and landed in front of the gate of Bai's house out of thin air, with his back turned to Bai Yue and the others, and looked at Lu Wei with a sneer: "Don't come here without any problems, Fellow Daoist Lu!"

"Who did this deity say, it turned out to be you... It's you, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, after experiencing the battle on the northern border, you don't have a good rest and wait for the opening of the spiritual realm, why are you here?"

Lu Wei's eyes were slightly squinted, looking at the old woman in front of him, it could be seen that when seeing this old woman, Lu Wei, a strong man in the divine realm, actually averted his gaze a little.

This old woman is none other than the Goddess Realm who guarded the northern border back then: Huayu!
"Since you can come, why can't the deity come? It's you, which really surprised the deity. Standing on the land of China, but accompanied by a group of people who betrayed me in China, it seems that Yaogu, that bitch, really She has really fascinated you so much that even if you die, you still won't be able to forget her..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people present suddenly became a little strange.

Why, they seemed to sense something wrong from this sentence?
Why does it seem that there is a very complicated entanglement between these two god-level powerhouses, no, there is also that Yaogu's god-level powerhouse?
Three... love triangle?

An absurd thought rose in their hearts.

Also at the moment Hua Yu appeared, Yao Chen's expression also changed.

He knows better than anyone else the emotional entanglement between Lu Wei, Yaogu, and this old woman who was in the God Realm when they were young...

The three of them back then were very good friends.

It was only later that Lu Wei fell in love with Yaogu, but he and he didn't even know that Huayu liked her...

So much so that the relationship between the three finally broke down, and even Yaogu didn't stay together because of the Yao clan's rule of never marrying outsiders.

Now that this person appeared, and when he said this, how could Yaochen not know what this old woman named Huayu meant, it was to prevent Lu Wei from breaking the formation of the Bai family!

(End of this chapter)

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