man returning from hell

Chapter 63 The Book of War!

Chapter 63 The Book of War!

Tang Yan Hu Bayi didn't understand what Lin Tang was talking about, who was coming?
But soon they understood.

I saw people from the Hu family rushing in hastily.

Before Hu Ba could be furious, the servant hastily said: "Sir, master, Li Yue from the Li family, here we come!"

Li Family Li Yue!

Hearing this name, the two quickly looked at Lin Tang.

But he didn't look surprised at all.

Seeing this, the two were shocked. It turned out that... Mr. has already guessed that the people from the Li family will come to the door?
"Sir, people from the Li family..."

"They didn't come to ask for peace, did they?"

"Begging for peace?"

The corners of Lin Tang's mouth curled up slightly: "You guys think too much!"

After speaking, he looked at the member of the Hu family lightly: "Let him in!"


Li Yue is angry!

What happened to the Li family definitely exceeded my imagination!

More than 1000 pairs of people!
Those are living lives, but in the eyes of that person, what are they?

There is no reason!

No reason!

He dragged the entire Jiangcheng into the water so despicably, just to despair the Li family!

He did it.

Li Yue admits...

But what about this?
What kind of thing is he, Lin Tang, who wants to cut off the roots of the Li family?
So, here he is!
When his son Li Shi got the result from his master, when he heard that his son gave him a task, he came!
There is no one more suitable than him, because he wants to take a look, look at that damned Lin Tang, his terrified expression when he heard the news he brought!
After Hu Bayi called Li Yue in, Li Yue immediately recognized Lin Tang.

So obvious!

The guy who sat on a chair, drank tea, and didn't even raise his eyes.

Besides that arrogant lunatic Lin Tang, who else?
Therefore, at the moment when he saw Lin Tang, Li Yue seemed to see the dead Chen and Li family members crying and screaming in front of him.

Even if Lin Tang in front of him is a grand master, he couldn't help roaring, his eyes filled with blood instantly: "Lin Tang!"

He rushed directly in front of Lin Tang, slammed his hands on the table, and roared: "You madman, you devil, that's a human, not a beast!"


Tang Yan and Hu Bayi didn't expect Li Yue to be like this at all, they were furious and wanted to arrest him.


I saw Lin Tang slowly put down the teacup in his hand.

He raised his hand to signal the two to back off.

Slowly raised his eyelids, looked at Li Yue lightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "You know, are they human?"


Li Yue was stunned, a little confused about what Lin Tang meant by saying this.

"Do you know, Lin Yue?"

Li Yue stepped back.

There was shock and surprise on his face: "You...what did you say, what do you mean by that..."

Lin Yue.

How could he not know the name Li Yue.

In order to make Lin Yue meet that senior's request, they bought Zhang Xiaoyun, let her betray Lin Yue's brother Lin Tang, and then killed him.

In order to avenge Lin Tang, the Lin family killed his parents one after another.


What does Lin Tang mean by saying this?
Did he know something?
"what did I say?"

Lin Tang sneered:
"Patriarch Li, what do you think I said? The members of your Li family are human beings, but the members of the Lin family are not human?
Lin Li and his wife, Lin Tang's death, Lin Yue's affairs, I don't know when you were doing these things, your Li family can remember that they are also alone! "

Li Yue stepped back several steps at a time.

He had a look of horror on his face: "You... how do you know... wait! Lin Tang... Lin Tang, who are you? What is the relationship between you and Lin Tang from the Lin family?"

Li Yue's scalp is numb!

At the beginning, he didn't think of it.

But now...

He suddenly had a terrifying thought...

Could this Lin Tang in front of me be that Lin Tang!

"No, he's dead. We saw it with our own eyes. Who are you? Could it be that you dealt with my Li family because of them?"

Lin Tang didn't speak.

Just looked at Li Yue coldly!

Li Yue finally panicked. He took out a letter from his body and placed it directly on the table.

Turn around without hesitation.

"Patriarch Li, do you want to leave like this?"

A cold voice came, and at the same time, Tang Yan and Hu Bayi directly stopped in front of Li Yue,

"Lin Tang!"

Li Yue's face was extremely pale. He turned around and gritted his teeth: "You want to kill me? You are from the martial arts world. Today I am here to send the letter of war!"

"so what?"

Lin Tang looked at Li Yuedao indifferently.

"Since ancient times, when the two armies are at war, it is a rule not to be beheaded!"

Lin Tang smiled.

"Regulations? What are regulations?"

Li Yue was taken aback.

"It seems that you are not very clear. Well, then I will tell you what the rules are!"

Lin Tang's eyes narrowed.

He grabbed it with one hand.

In the void, a blood-red giant palm formed directly, and it directly grabbed Li Yue's neck.

"you you……"

Li Yue's pupils constricted, and it became difficult to breathe. His feet were off the ground and he stared, but he couldn't find any support.

He clutched his neck tightly, trying to break off the phantom blood palm, but he couldn't touch it at all.

And Lin Tang just looked at him coldly!


The bloody palm exerted force, and Li Yue's struggle stopped.

The blood palm disappeared.

His body fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and until he died, he had an expression of disbelief.

Lin Tang looked at his corpse indifferently: "Remember, there is only one so-called rule, and that is me...

Where I am is the rule

what i do is the truth

My actions are the way

If the sky crushes me, I will split the day
If the earth seizes me, I will crush it

Because I am the rule
Birth and death

life and death

All in my mind.

If I say it is a rule, who would dare to disobey? "

Lin Tang's voice was very soft and emotionless.

But it stopped in the ears of Tang Yan and Hu Bayi, like thunder on the ground!

In this world, who would dare to say such a thing?
only him!
Lin Tang!

Don butcher dare!

Soon, the two reacted and quickly pulled Li Yue's body down.

in the room.

Except for Lin Tang, there is no one here.

Lin Tang looked at the letter on the table, bloody coldness flickered in his calm eyes...

"Ancient Cang Yue...

After all, are you still here?
That's okay, then let me see who gave you the courage to plot against my family like this.

Let's see who gave you the courage to set your mind on my little sister! "


The fiery red hellfire blazed fiercely.

Burn that letter.

in flames...

The font on that letter is faintly visible:
Three days later, on the top of Mount Qingcheng, His Excellency Gu Cangyue Jinghou!

(End of this chapter)

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