man returning from hell

Chapter 64 The Sensational Martial Arts World

Chapter 64 The Sensational Martial Arts World
Gu Cangyue made an appointment to fight Lin Tang on November 11, at the peak of Qingcheng Mountain.

The news disappeared.

Not only the entire Jiangcheng, but even the entire martial arts world became a complete sensation.

When hearing the news, everyone couldn't believe it.

Ancient Cang Yue...

Master of Martial Arts

Master of Zhouyi
Array Master
With countless honorary titles, even if he is not invincible in the realm of the master, he is still a top powerhouse in the realm of the master.

And Lin Tang...

A sudden emergence of a strong guru.

From the moment he showed his power to the present, in just a few months, he first killed Wang Lingyun, and now he offended Gu Cangyue?
They don't know what the hell is going on.

But when they knew about the shocking changes in Jiangcheng overnight, they couldn't help but gasped.

"He is really a lunatic!"

Thousands of lives!
Countless martial arts are scattered outside!

He not only offended the Li family, offended Gu Cangyue, but also offended the entire martial arts world!
The matter of the Li family is still acceptable in the martial arts world.

After all, this is the world of martial arts.

But using countless martial arts to stir up this battle...

This is something that the entire martial arts world cannot tolerate.

The value of a book of martial arts absolutely cannot be calculated with money.

Although the martial arts world is powerful, the pattern of the millennium has always been the development within the martial arts world.

Even the twelve ancient martial arts families are just their spokespersons, and martial arts and the like are issued by the martial arts world.

Now this Lin Tang has unleashed a lot of martial skills.

Everyone knows what kind of consequences this will cause...

One book of martial arts is enough to generate a new family of warriors, and several books, even more than ten books, what will happen?

That will be the emergence of a large number of newcomers!
They will impact the structure of the entire martial arts world and completely change the balance of the entire martial arts world!

So, after hearing about the decisive battle between Gu Cangyue and Lin Tang, it was a follow-up.

Some people in the martial arts world couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With Gu Cangyue's move, this Lin Tang should be responsible for his actions, right?

However, they expect more.

How will the above people deal with this matter.

Is it blocked?
Or, to help Gu Cangyue?

But when everyone was surprised and puzzled, there was still no news from above.

Just like the incident with Wang Lingyun last time!
"What is that person thinking?"

Some people were puzzled, but in the same way, a group of people fell silent.

They vaguely seemed to have guessed something!

at the same time
Qingcheng Mountain!
This place was originally the most famous scenic spot in Jiangcheng.

November is another great time to travel.

But in the early morning of the 10th, countless uninvited guests wearing body armor and special police uniforms with weapons directly blocked the entire entrance of Mount Qingcheng! !
Even more.

Countless travelers drove out those who stayed overnight on the mountain one by one.

From the foot of the mountain!
to the top!
Densely packed!
All the police officers in Jiangcheng were mobilized.

not only that.

on this day……

All over China, countless mysterious figures keep appearing in various places under Qingcheng Mountain.

Especially on a mountain opposite to Mount Qingcheng, the flow of countless mysterious people gradually increased.

Here and Qingcheng Mountain just across the mountain, although can not see the whole scene, but can also vaguely see some.

In just two days, the surroundings of Qingcheng Mountain and the opposite peaks are already full of trends!

They are all warriors from various places in the ancient martial arts world.

They didn't see the battle between Wang Lingyun and Lin Tang back then, but when they received the news today, some people finally rushed over.

However, the time is still too short after all, most of them are some warriors near Jiangbei.

That's not enough, it's more than enough.

Because, this place can no longer accommodate more people!

No matter how Jiang Cheng tried to cover up such a terrifying movement, he couldn't cover it up anymore.

From various families to some ordinary civilians.

The sound of the wind began to flow out continuously.

Even, indistinctly, the existence of the martial arts world was spread out.

This is a taboo!
At least in the past, things in the martial arts world were perfectly covered up.

But now...

As Lin Tang's movements became more and more serious, he could no longer go his way.

Because since the emergence of the martial arts world until now, there has not been a single existence that breaks the rules like Lin Tang!

Among Jiangcheng University.

Moran also heard the news. She was stunned for a moment, and then rushed out the door regardless of whether she was in class or not.

Came directly to the old town.

"Yueyue, Yueyue, come on, come on, I have something to tell you!"

She slapped Lin Yue's rental house frantically, and the moment Lin Yue opened the door, she jumped on it, so excited that tears flowed out.

"Lan... Lan Lan? Why are you here?"

Lin Yue looked at Moran in astonishment.

What happened to my best friend?How can you be so excited?
"Chen Heng, Zhang Xiaoyun is dead, the entire Chen family has been wiped out, and the Li family is already dying. Do you think I can't be excited?"


Hearing this, Lin Yue almost couldn't stand up, and then grabbed Moran's shoulder and roared excitedly.

Being grabbed by Lin Yue's shoulder, Moran only felt painful, but when she saw those pale and unbelievable faces, she hurriedly said:

"Chen, the Li family offended someone. In one night, more than 1000 people, all of them are wiped out!"

After hearing this, Lin Yue felt a sudden bang in her head, then went dark, and fell into a coma.

Amidst Moran's exclamation and frantic rescue, it took him a long time to wake up.

And the moment she woke up, tears had already stained her cheeks.

She is laughing!
But also crying...

It's been three years!
It's been three years!
Who can know what kind of pain she is enduring?
First is his brother.

my parents again

I was forced to have a home and couldn't go back...

I was so forced that I didn't even dare to show up...

Who is responsible for all this?
The Chen family!

Chen Heng!

Zhang Xiaoyun!
she cried!
I cried heartbreakingly.

Moran hugged Lin Yue tightly, she was also crying...

At this moment, the two of them didn't think about how cruel the person who destroyed Chen and Li's family was. They were just relieved because they were not human!
"Three years, three full years, month and month, we have waited, we have waited for their retribution!"

Lin Yue was trembling.

It was unbelievable like a dream.

But soon, she realized again: "Lan Lan, tell me, who is it, who is it..."

Moran froze for a moment.

She fell silent.

She knew that person's name, and among her classmates, there was one whose family had some background.

Not only her, but also many in the school.

It was precisely because of this that when she heard that name, she almost couldn't believe it.

just now……

Hearing Lin Yue's question, she hesitated.

But when she looked into Lin Yue's eyes, she finally said the name:

"His name is: Lin Tang!"

(End of this chapter)

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