man returning from hell

Chapter 65 He, Not My Brother

Chapter 65 He, Not My Brother
11 month 12 number

day, just dawn
The entire foot of Qingcheng Mountain is already crowded with people.

Looking up, all the famous families in Jiangcheng are here.

Because today is the day of the decisive battle between Lin Tang and Master Gu Cangyue...

Unlike the martial arts world who hoped that Lin Tang would perish in this battle, this group of family members hoped that Lin Tang would survive.

Among them, there are a group of people such as the Zhu family and the Zheng family.

Because when eradicating the Chen and Li families, they were the most active except for the big star princess Yun Qianqian in the port area.

Therefore, in their hands, they also have at least two martial arts books obtained from Lin Tang.

Martial arts!
Once Lin Tang loses, this martial skill will definitely be taken back by the martial arts world by means of coercion.

Only by being alive can these things truly belong to oneself.

Naturally, they don't want Lin Tang to fall in this battle, even if this Lin Tang is a butcher, the same is true!

At the foot of the mountain!

Zi Shuyu followed closely beside her father, her eyes kept looking towards the intersection.

Last night, I heard that Master Gu Cangyue had gone to Mount Qingcheng, and now only Lin Tang has not come.

Naturally, what Zi Shuyu was looking at was Lin Tang!
"Father, tell me, can the teacher win this time?"

For Lin Tang, from the beginning of respect to now, Zi Shuyu has nothing but admiration.

She never thought that the gentle and refined teacher at school would be a master-level powerhouse.

Every girl loves heroes and princes.

Even if Lin Tang was said to be a butcher, in Zi Shuyu's heart, he still couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the cold teacher Xu is really handsome!

And cruelty, to a teenage girl, is as deadly as a nuclear bomb.

Zi Fenghua didn't answer his daughter, because he didn't know it at all.

But if he really wanted to, he hoped that Lin Tang would be killed by Gu Cangyue.

Because this person...

Be a madman!
And lunatics don't follow the rules...

If he is alive, no matter whether it is the world of martial arts or the mortal world, there will be shocking waves because of him.

And in the crowd on the other side.

Lin Yue and Moran also hid in the crowd in disguise.

Their eyes kept looking at the uphill intersection of Qingcheng Mountain.

Especially Lin Yue, her face was full of nervousness and anticipation. At this moment, her already extremely weak body felt precarious, which made Moran couldn't help but worry and fear.

Afraid that she would just faint here.

"Yueyue, don't be like this. Although he is called Lin Tang, he doesn't have to be Brother Tang. Brother Tang, after all, he has... this matter, you..."

Moran felt it was necessary to prepare Lin Yue mentally.

Lin Yue shook her head, pursed her lower lip tightly and did not speak.

She also knew that her brother Lin Tang was dead, but she couldn't help but hope.

I hope that Lin Tang will be my brother!
There is only her in this world...

She really wants, really wants to have relatives to accompany her, so that she will not live alone.

That's why they are here.

She wants to see the Lin Tang that everyone talks about.

Is that Lin Tang who avenged her Lin family really her brother, Lin Tang!


Minutes and seconds passed.

born from dawn

to noon sun

to the sunset

Lin Tang's figure never appeared at the foot of Mount Qingcheng.

Everyone's hearts became a little irritable, and the scene became even more noisy.

"That Lin Tang, didn't he escape?"

"Maybe, that's Gu Cangyue, a long-established grandmaster.

"Although that Lin Tang is a dark horse, but he just made too much noise in this short period of time. How could he be the opponent of Master Gu!"

"He should have escaped!"

Everyone is talking about it.

Only a group of people were watching this scene with a sneer.

One is Li Shi from the Li family.

Second is Zi Fenghua

The third is Yun Qianqian from the Yun family...


Yun Qianqian smiled slightly: "A group of ignorant ordinary people, he will not run away. In this world, he doesn't think there is anyone who can make him afraid!"

This is not to say how much Yun Qianqian and the others know Lin Tang.

It's because Lin Tang is a crazy person!
And the crazier the person, the more arrogant and arrogant...

Unless he is not Lin Tang anymore, otherwise, he will never make such a big deal out of him!

That's when...

Suddenly, a burst of exclamation came.

"Look, who is that?"

"Why did he go straight up the mountain?"

"Why didn't that group of people stop him?"

Everyone followed the exclamation and saw the entrance of Mount Qingcheng at some unknown time.

A handsome man in Tsing Yi is walking up the mountain step by step along the mountain road!

It was the way up the mountain surrounded by many policemen. The moment this man appeared, the expressions of the policemen changed and they wanted to stop him.

But soon, the faces of this group of police officers turned pale, and even more so, they looked at the man in horror!
And that man's expression remained unchanged, one step at a time, slowly moving his steps!
When this group of policemen were about to attack, they felt an extremely terrifying pressure on their bodies, and they couldn't even move!
"It's him!"

"Lin Tang!"

"he came!"

Someone finally exclaimed,

They recognized this man, it was Lin Tang...

Zi Fenghua, Li Shi and others clenched their fists even more.

"Butcher Tang!"

A hoarse and gloomy voice popped out of Li Shi's mouth. It was this person who pushed his Li family into the abyss.

But now...

He didn't even dare to move, he could only watch him walking up the mountain step by step, looking at the sharp back that was as straight as a heavenly sword.

Li Shi lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

He knew that he was a lunatic, if he knew that he was here, he would kill him without hesitation!
And now, no one can save it!

When Lin Tang appeared, Lin Yue and Moran also found out...

When seeing Lin Tang, Moran froze for a moment.

"It's him!"

She knew him, wasn't he the man who saved her?
He is Lin Tang?How can it be?

But he is not Tang Ge in his memory at all!
She looked at Lin Yue, and sure enough, after seeing Lin Tang, Lin Yue's face became even paler, and her body almost couldn't stand and collapsed.

"He, not brother..."

Tears rolled down Lin Yue's cheeks, and even the last trace of expectation was completely destroyed at this moment.

At the same time, everyone turned their eyes to the top of the mountain, looking at the disappearing figure of Lin Tangjian.

They can't see it though.

But they also know...

Lin Tang is here, so this new battle of masters is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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