man returning from hell

Chapter 91 It Comes from the Eyes 【End of Chapter 4】

Chapter 91 It Comes from the Eyes [Fourth End]

"not good!"

As the blood blade fell, Chen Tiannan's scalp suddenly tingled slightly, and a bad premonition hit him directly.

The power of this knife is far more destructive than the random knife at the beginning.

The blood-colored rays of tens of feet are like the most indestructible sharp blade in the world. Even with his strong defense, Chen Tiannan dare not underestimate the enemy at this moment!
Immediately, his figure retreated violently. At the moment when he retreated violently, the knife directly rubbed against his body and fell in front of his eyes.

The white hair fell leisurely, and he saw a crack with a length of [-] meters that was forcibly split under his feet.

Dodging this attack at a critical moment, Chen Tiannan just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, Lin Tang's leisurely and calm voice came again: "It's too early to rejoice now!"


Chen Tiannan's expression changed in shock.

Looking up suddenly, Lin Tang was looking at him with a sneer. In his hand, he was already holding a blood blade!
The bloody blade was full of blood, swallowing and spitting, and it was tens of feet long. It was like a sharp blade reaching the sky, and it was like a sickle in the hands of the god of death. It was full of endless death breath, and dyed half of the sky red like blood.

"Fall for me!"

The blood blade, like a tidal wave that pours down the sky and the earth, descends from the sky.


Everything is trembling, the air is being torn apart, and there is an explosion sound, that is endless destruction!

Chen Tiannan's expression changed drastically, this time he could no longer hide.

The power of that knife is too great, and there is no way to avoid it in this narrow place of the Bai family.

"Damn it, wake me up!"

He stomped his feet fiercely, the whole ground exploded, and streaks of golden light rushed straight out of the ground.

It was a golden Tang knife!

The knives are about five meters long, they surround Chen Tiannan's body, turning into a knife formation, guarding it!
The blood blade falls!
Dazzling golden brilliance erupted from the knife array!

The entire sky was dyed gold and red, covering a radius of more than ten miles, shocking the world.

The collision of the blood blade and the knife array stirred up a series of shocks of true energy, which turned into ripples and swept out.

The Bai family compound was directly shattered. The ripples have not stopped, they are stirring, and all the buildings were destroyed and shattered at the moment they swept across.

The Bai family, which covers an area of ​​several acres, completely collapsed, and the place centered on the two of them became even more empty and desolate!


Lin Tang narrowed his eyes tightly.

I saw that the blood blade was directly blocked by the knife array. Although the knife array was trembling, it still blocked the blood blade's destructive attack!

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being Leader Chen, but, can this saber array protect you!"

Lin Tang stepped forward suddenly, he stretched out with one hand, Yaoyao seemed to grab the blood blade, and the light of the blood blade burst out again!
"Break again!"


A crack appeared in the golden knife array, and then densely packed, the sound of falling like glass came!
Without the obstruction of the knife array, the blood blades poured down, like a nuclear bomb explosion, the entire ground was completely split open, and a terrifying mushroom cloud erupted!

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, everyone felt their scalps go numb.

The fighting power displayed by both Lin Tang and Chen Tiannan was simply beyond what they could have imagined.

They are like two angry gods, destroying the world!

Especially Lin Tang...

They couldn't imagine who else in this world could resist that blood blade?
Although the impact of each blow of the two of them would not really destroy the entire city like a nuclear bomb, it was definitely more terrifying than the destructive power of missiles!
Within a few miles, it became an absolute forbidden zone for the two of them!
"Is Chen Tiannan dead?"

When seeing that knife directly destroying the entire knife array, everyone's heart was raised.

Especially this group of warriors in Jiangbei, they clenched their fists even more, without shifting their eyes.

They knew that once Chen Tiannan died, it would be a disaster for them!

This is their punishment for getting worse!

"It must be alive!"

However, different from them are a group of people from the Bai family, and Gao Xiaoling from the Gao family.

They also stared at this scene closely, and even trembled a little.

"Let's end like this..."

They are praying.

Only when it's over can the final curtain be announced, and Mr. Lin can retire!

"Sister Ya..."

Lin Yifei and the others also came here, and Lin Tang's appearance let them know that their chance had come, whether they failed or won, they would no longer have to hide.

Because, once they fail, they will have no place to stay.

Seeing such a terrifying movement caused by the battle between the two, Lin Yifei swallowed his saliva, and looked at Bai Yafei tremblingly, feeling extremely nervous.

He is now more and more grateful to Bai Yafei, and he also obeys Bai Yafei's orders.

If Bai Yafei hadn't rescued herself from Mr. Lin back then, she would never have seen this kind of magical world for a long time.

This is the battle of the immortals!

And I am the only existence who has offended the immortal and survived from the immortal!
This life is worth it!

Bai Yafei didn't speak, she clenched her fists tightly, and her pair of glass-like jet-black eyes were staring at the place shrouded in dust and smoke.

Not only him, but everyone!

The dust and smoke cleared!

Everything inside was finally revealed to everyone's eyes.

" still alive!"

Some people are excited, some people are disappointed!

Bai Yafei's fists were clenched tightly again, and then she let go. Although she was mentally prepared and knew that the death of the grand master would not be that simple, she still felt a sense of loss!

Because she knows that without death, there are variables!


Chen Tiannan knelt on the ground with half his knees, his white hair was messy all over the sky, and the clothes on his body were already torn, exposing his upper body!
On the body, there is a hideous and visible knife mark, and the blood is dripping all over the body, which is full of embarrassment!
"You're good!"

He stood up slowly, looked up at Lin Tang, and let out a hoarse voice from his mouth.

He is very calm!

But in those eyes, the golden light was flickering, a vague oppressive force, as if it was about to explode!

Lin Tang still had his hands behind his back, but at this moment, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Are you going to fight back when you die?"

The golden light in Chen Tiannan's eyes became more and more intense, and his body was trembling, as if he was suppressing something!
"This seat has always underestimated you, thinking that you are just a kid who was lucky enough to enter the realm of a grandmaster.

But now, this seat is wrong, because you are not a fluke, but have this qualification. If you don't die, you will be the only existence who has the opportunity to enter the divine realm in the past 500 years! "

He is still talking to himself.

But his aura has become more and more terrifying. The scars on his body didn't seem to affect him, but instead aroused some kind of restraint in his heart!

"It's a pity that you met me, Lin Tang, you killed my disciple, cut off my Chen family's blood, and ruined my chance. Today, now, it's time to end!"

Chen Tiannan's voice suddenly became high, he was roaring.


Being torn apart!

An extremely terrifying aura erupted completely from his eyes, and the golden light in his eyes shot out like a horse running through the world!


Come from the eyes!


Emerge from the golden light!


PS: The latest update time, 0:01, 10:18, 21:[-], [-]:[-]...

(End of this chapter)

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