Chapter 92

That golden Tang knife.

It was only one meter long, and the width was only three fingers wide, but it just came from Chen Tiannan's eyes, from the golden light.

It just quietly floated in front of Chen Tiannan.

The void is oppressed.

An aura of destruction emanated from that golden knife.

Even this kind of breath had to make Lin Tang's face change slightly, and he felt an unspeakable sense of crisis.

"Spirit...spirit weapon!"

The moment they saw the golden long knife appearing in Chen Tiannan's eyes, everyone was completely restless, especially the group of warriors, whose expressions changed in surprise and gasped.

"It is said that in the realm of the master, when the sea of ​​energy becomes full, one can accumulate the spirit weapon, so that the spirit weapon and the host can reach a near-perfect state. It turns out... so this is true!"

"The tempering of true essence and the accumulation of blood essence can not only make the spiritual weapon feed back to the host, but also make the strength of the spiritual weapon more terrifying. Now that Chen Tiannan has actually used the spiritual weapon, then his strength... "


Everyone swallowed this saliva, they could feel Chen Tiannan's aura rising continuously...

"The current him, even if his strength is not a half-step divine realm, but he is definitely approaching the half-step divine realm endlessly, Lin Tang, it's dangerous!"

Hearing these words, the faces of a group of people in the Bai family changed dramatically.

They don't know what the divine realm is, but they can be called gods, which shows the horror of this realm.

And Chen Tiannan, who is boundlessly approaching the half-step divine realm...

Mr. Nalin...

"He is undefeated!"

Bai Yafei clenched her fists tightly, and looked at the somewhat blurred figure with firm eyes. He stood there, still so upright, as if he was talking to himself, and he seemed to be telling everyone in the Bai family generally!
Bai Yafei, trust Lin Tang!

I have to believe him too!

Chen Tiannan didn't move either, his eyes were set on the golden Tang knife, those eyes no longer had the golden light, but they became deeper, making people have the urge to not look directly at it.

Chen Tiannan suddenly looked at Lin Tang, his eyes piercing his soul like a knife's light: "Your strength is so strong that even this seat can't stop you, but that's all there is to it!

Ten years of tempering the heart, ten years of cultivating the sword, ten years of drinking blood... For 30 years, I originally wanted to leave this sword to that person...but now... Lin Tang, you, damn it up! "

"One knife for 30 years?"

Lin Tang's expression remained calm. Hearing Chen Tiannan's words, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and then laughed: "Alright, it's time to end... After all, a lot of time has been spent!"

He, step out!
He pointed his gaze directly at Chen Tiannan: "Come on, let me see what kind of power your 30-year knife has!"


Chen Tiannan sneered, grabbed out with one hand, and directly held the golden Tang knife in his hand.

The moment his hand was held, the golden Tang Dao trembled, as if it had come to life, and let out bursts of saber groans.

A golden ripple spread from the golden Tang Dao, sweeping out, the situation suddenly changed, the calm weather, and the violent wind suddenly blew up!

The ground is shaking!
The ruins and gravel on the ground floated under the strong wind, and were finally caught in the strong wind. A tornado as thick as a bucket was formed in an instant!

The wind blew Lin Tang's clothes flapping, and his feet had already sunk deeply.

The formed tornado is still growing rapidly. From the thick bucket at the beginning, it has turned into a size with a diameter of nearly five meters...

And it's not over yet, it's still skyrocketing!
Countless people watched this scene in horror, and some even froze.

Is this... is this still a means that humans can possess?
at last!

The growth of the tornado stopped, and it turned into a terrifying tornado with a diameter of more than ten meters!

The clouds are being stirred!
The whole sky is dark.

It has been covering and oppressing the entire Yuncheng, and countless citizens raised their heads in horror, talking and panicking, because they have not received any news about the tornado from the Meteorological Bureau.

This tornado... has at least level 12 terror.

Chen Tiannan stood in the center of the tornado just like that, with white hair all over his head, dancing wildly. In his eyes, golden light burst out, like a returning Shura!
"One knife every 30 years, the name of this knife is: Shura Doom!"


The golden long knife in Chen Tiannan's hand slashed down, and the violent tornado covered the sky and the sun, and swept straight towards Lin Tang.

In the center of the tornado, a huge golden long knife was more than [-] meters high, and it was being wrapped by this violent tornado, like a destructive weapon that destroyed the world, it was unstoppable!


It was the strongest blow Lin Tang had ever encountered!
Even Wang Lingyun's strongest trump card looked so insignificant and ridiculous under this blow!

Lin Tang still didn't move.

He raised his eyes, and looked at the knife that came from destruction, his eyes were calm, and there was even a trace of regret!

"It's a very strong knife. If this knife was done a month ago, even the deity would have fallen... It's a pity, it's a pity..."


Chen Tiannan sneered, now that Lin Tang is still so arrogant, does he really think that he can still survive after 30 years of one blow?

"Are you arrogant?"

Lin Tang smiled slightly: "It's okay, Wang Lingyun didn't see the second knife under the Six Paths of Cold Mountain back then. Today, let me show you the second knife of this seat!"


Step out!
The strong wind swayed his shoulder-length hair, his eyes were calm, and the blood-colored cold light burst out from his eyes.

The void was being torn open, and a terrifying cyclone appeared directly in front of him.

Lin Tang stretched his hand into the air vortex, and he slowly pulled out the bloody long knife from the air vortex.

"This is……"

Seeing this bloody long knife, all of them narrowed their eyes. This is not the first time they have seen Lin Tang pull out the bloody knife from the space.

"Is that his spirit weapon?"

Chen Tiannan narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the long knife in Lin Tang's hand.

But he quickly denied this idea, it was just a blood knife condensed by his true essence, although his true essence was very strange, it was only true essence!
"It's just the blade of true essence, but it is delusional to block my one day Asura supernatural power, Lin Tang, I think highly of you, you are nothing but arrogance!"

"It turns out that you called that knife a magical power..."

Lin Tang laughed suddenly, his knife pointed obliquely at the ground, and came towards Chen Tiannan step by step.

The bloody blade dragged on the ground, slashed across, bursting out bursts of bloody sparks, and the ground was torn apart.

"why are you laughing?"

Lin Tang shook his head, did not answer, just looked at Chen Tiannan: "See clearly, this is the real supernatural power...

birth and death of the six realms
The second knife: free and unmanned!
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(End of this chapter)

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