man returning from hell

Chapter 93 The Death of Chen Tiannan

Chapter 93 The Death of Chen Tiannan


Chen Tiannan was stunned for a moment, but soon, his expression changed drastically, his pupils opened even wider, with deep disbelief.

I saw that Lin Tang was still welcoming the approaching tornado step by step, as if in the eyes of everyone, the disaster that could destroy everything was nothing in front of him.

Also at this time, the tornado was less than [-] meters away from Lin Tang, and the moment the golden long knife in the center crashed down,
Lin Tang moved!

I saw him slowly holding the blood-red long knife in his hand, floating down like flowing water, and spit out from his mouth softly:


The knife is falling!

That one is calm and ordinary, compared with Chen Tiannan's knife, it is simply incomparable.

It's as if a child is holding a wooden stick and jumping in front of a special soldier equipped with the most top-notch hot weapons, it looks so ridiculous!
All the warriors couldn't help being disappointed.

They thought that what kind of cards Lin Tang had was enough to break Chen Tiannan's doomsday blow, but it turned out to be just such a blow.

"He is really crazy!"

"However, this is the only way to go. The youngest grandmaster left today, a genius who is expected to break through to the divine realm, can only fall into his own arrogance in the end!"

"He shouldn't have provoked Chen Tiannan, otherwise, he would have lived longer!"

"Low-key is the only way to get to the end. He doesn't understand this truth, and the price of not understanding it is his own life!"

Everyone was feeling sorry, Gao Xiaoling's face was a little pale, and the people of the Bai family were in despair!

But Bai Yafei sneered: "Low-key? If Mr. Lin could keep a low profile, then he wouldn't be Mr. Lin. You think he lost, but unfortunately, you are all wrong!"


Bai Yafei's words caused dissatisfaction among many warriors, Bai Yafei didn't answer, but just looked towards the field.

Following Bai Yafei's gaze, the complexions of many warriors suddenly changed, and they even exclaimed suddenly: "How is that possible!"


Lin Tang's knife had no momentum at all!

But at the moment of falling, Chen Tiannan's expression turned pale, and he couldn't believe it.

The knife fell.

Slashed on top of the tornado, the terrifying tornado with a diameter of ten meters was like paper. Under this knife, it was easily split open, revealing the golden long knife inside!

It was a bloody long knife that was far more terrifying than the golden long knife.

It's all over the sky!

Up to hundreds of meters!
No one saw how it appeared, only saw that the moment it appeared, the entire tornado had been split apart, and even the violent wind was being suppressed, but it disappeared completely in an instant!

Countless boulders were wrapped, and the ruins of buildings fell from the sky like rain.

And also at this time, the bloody long knife that reaches the sky has disappeared!
"Damn, where did he go? How could he disappear!"

Chen Tiannan was terrified.

He could feel that the knife hadn't disappeared, it was still there.

No one could feel it, but he himself knew it, because he was tightly locked by an indescribable dangerous aura.


Lin Tang smiled faintly: "It never disappeared..."


As if responding to Lin Tang's words, the moment his words fell to the ground, that blood-colored long knife hundreds of meters long appeared in front of Chen Tiannan's golden Tang knife again out of thin air!

The golden knife is falling!
The bloody long knife is also falling!

The two are like splitting the entire sky, dyeing the whole world in golden red, just like the sunset glow!

Everyone thought that this would be an earth-shattering confrontation, a battle of absolute supernatural powers at the peak of the masters.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations.

There is no resistance!

One day, Chen Tiannan's sword from Shura was extremely destructive, but it was cut open as easily as tofu!

The golden long knife shattered suddenly, turning into dots of golden light, without any sound, just as weak as broken glass!


The phantom of the golden long knife shattered, Chen Tiannan's face was pale and frightened.

"how can that be!"

He growled!

I can't believe it at all, but even so, his horns still stepped on the ground fiercely, and the endless infusion of true energy shot out, and the whole ground exploded, turning into an absolute shock force, making Chen Tiannan shoot back like a meteor. !

Once the phantom of the golden long knife was destroyed, the 30-year Doomsday Shura was directly broken. He knew that he had no strength to kill this Lin Tang!


Where there is life, there is hope!

"Lin Tang, I will never die with you!"

After speaking, he fled directly into the distance without hesitation!

"Perpetually dying?"

Lin Tang sneered: "Do you think there is still a chance? The Bai family is the power of the deity. If you killed hundreds of members of the Bai family, how could I let you go like this?"

"Cut me!"

The disappearing bloody long knife appeared from the void.

It fell peacefully.


Chen Tiannan turned his head in horror, only to see a bloody saber shadow descending rapidly in his pair of golden eyes!
"Lin Tang, you have deceived others too much. I will drink your blood, eat your flesh, and gnaw your bones to repay today's humiliation!"

Chen Tiannan's face was ferocious, and he turned around directly, and directly blocked Lin Tang's knife with the spiritual weapon long knife in his hand!

The bloody long knife was resisted by the golden long knife, emitting dazzling sparks.


At this moment, cracks appeared on the golden long knife, and then covered the entire blade, breaking directly!

The spiritual weapon shattered and a terrifying explosion was emitted. Chen Tiannan spat blood and was knocked out, but he fled without looking back the moment his body just landed on the ground!

At that moment just now, although he was seriously injured, he also relied on the power of the explosion to keep himself away from the attack range of the bloody long knife!
"Sure enough, he is an old guy who has lived for a hundred years, but do you think you can escape this way? Why do you think this knife is called Ziziwuwu?"


Chen Tiannan felt a bad premonition in his heart, and he turned his head suddenly.

I saw that I had clearly seen that Lin Tang's knife was far away from my range, but now, it appeared again!
And the place where it appeared was less than ten meters above his head!
"That's because, this knife is everywhere, no one can escape!"

Lin Tang stepped forward with a knife-like hand, and shouted coldly: "Slash again!"

With that knife, there is no longer any obstacle to fall!


Chen Tiannan was terrified and screamed. He stretched out his hand, frantically trying to block the falling knife.


The knife directly chopped off his body, the whole body shattered into pieces, turned into dust, and disappeared with the breeze!

Lin Tang watched this scene quietly with his hands behind his back. The afterglow of the setting sun fell, and his figure became dreamy and blurred, as if coated with a layer of golden light!
A few miles away, there was a dead silence, no one spoke, because they didn't dare to talk to each other!

That one traverses the ancient Chinese martial arts world.

Even the leader of the Taoist League who is a top existence in the monastic world.

That Chen Tiannan who is known as the reincarnated dead?
(End of this chapter)

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