Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 1 Opening the Life Winner System

Chapter 1 Opening the Life Winner System

Chapter 1 opens the life winner system

Gong Ming looked at the familiar classroom, at the familiar electronic clock on the wall, and at that time, June 2015, 6.

Here he will never forget that this is a turning point in his life, the last test of the college entrance examination.

After leaving the examination room, my parents all picked me up outside the school, wanting to celebrate for myself.

But a sudden disaster changed Gong Ming's life, and a car accident took the lives of his parents.

My own company was also annexed by those relatives and joint shareholders who were supposed to stand behind me.

His own house and car were also auctioned off.

As for myself, relying on the support of my grandparents, I was able to complete the Pheasant University.

His own grandfather even joined forces with his second uncle to change his admission notice into a cousin.

Gong Ming, who has graduated for two years, spends 996 days in the society doing nothing.

He's the kind of guy who says nothing.

Now that I am back, everything will be different, you have to spit out everything you have taken from me.

Gong Ming thought of this, and excitedly patted the table.

"Student, please pay attention to the discipline in the examination room!" A female invigilator stepped forward and asked.

Gong Ming hurriedly apologized: "Teacher, I'm sorry, this question was originally written like this, and I suddenly found that I was a little excited!"

The invigilator looked at Gong Ming with the original expression on her face. In her opinion, this student must also be a good student.

In fact, Gong Ming's grades can only be considered in the top [-] in the grade, but in a province with a large education like Suzhou Province, Gong Ming's grades are definitely not close to that of a top student.

But he couldn't stand the family being rich, and he received the best education since he was a child. In such an environment, Gong Ming's excellent character was also cultivated.

[Ding, find the host, open the perfect life system! 】

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Gong Ming's ear.

[Ding, may I ask the host if you want to bind. 】

Gong Ming couldn't believe it, this was too awesome, he had just been reborn, and the gold finger would be credited immediately.

It seems that I am really the protagonist of Destiny!
Gong Ming slapped himself, felt the pain, made sure it was not a dream, and whispered: "Binding!" But this was still seen by the male teacher who had been watching him.

"Student, be quiet, and pay attention to the discipline in the examination room. If there is another time, I will let you out!" The guy interrupted.

"I'm sorry, teacher, there will be no next time!" Gong Ming said apologetically.

The male invigilator glanced at Gong Ming, and then said: "This is the best way, take the exam well, this is an important opportunity to change your lives!"

After hearing what the male invigilator said, the thirty candidates in the classroom seemed to have been beaten to death.

Gong Ming said secretly in his heart: "Bind!"

[The system starts binding, 1% 50% 100%, the binding is complete, and the system starts loading! 】

After about ten seconds, a system prompt sounded again.

[The system is loaded and initialized! 】

[Ding, the system is on! 】

【Host】Gong Ming

【Level】Level [-]

[Money] Get 0.1 yuan per second

[Experience] 0/100 gain a little experience for every 1 yuan spent

[face value] 76
[props] novice gift pack

Gong Ming looked at the list in front of him, good guy, 0.1 yuan per second, 360 yuan per hour, 8640 yuan per day, 259200 yuan per month, and 311 million yuan per year.

In other words, I can easily earn millions a year.

Actually, Gong Ming didn't count the money he got after upgrading.

By the way, I still have a novice gift package that I haven't opened yet.

"System, open the novice gift bag!" Gong Ming thought in his heart, this time he didn't dare to shout out again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, you have gained intermediate language proficiency (English, French, Arabic)! 】

A large amount of knowledge was poured into Gong Ming's body, and after 1 minute, Gong Ming recovered.

At this time, the bell rang for the end of the exam. Gong Ming looked at the exam paper that had already been written, it was okay!
More than a year of 996 career has already allowed him to return to the teacher the knowledge he learned in high school many years ago.

Now looking at the densely packed answer sheets, it’s a good thing, I don’t need to go through it myself, otherwise this time I will definitely hit the street!
Gong Ming checked again and found that the names and registration numbers were all correct, so he put away all his things and prepared to leave the classroom.

At the school gate, the parents who had been waiting for a long time saw Gong Ming's appearance, and something good was officially launched. May I ask if the exam papers are difficult?
Gong Ming really didn't know how to answer it. After all, he didn't write this test paper from the beginning to the end. Let him say it's difficult. This test paper is actually quite difficult.

At this time, a parent of Gong Ming's classmate in the crowd recognized Gong Ming, and said directly: "Don't ask him, what kind of test paper is a top student, it will be difficult for others to say!"

Gong Ming touched his head, and he recognized this man, who was the father of his best friend, Qian Hai.

The crowd gave way, and Gong Ming came to the man and said, "Hello, Uncle, Hai Zi should have come out too. Considering his grades, this test paper is not difficult for him. Don't worry, Uncle!"

"Son! Here!" A woman in a cheongsam stood outside the crowd and waved to herself. Standing next to her was a middle-aged man who was slightly fatter!
"Mom! Why aren't you in the car on such a hot day? What if you get sunburned!" Gong Ming ran over and hugged the woman tightly.

Since that car accident, I have become an orphan. Although my two uncles are very kind to me, my grandparents also love me very much.

But Gong Ming still feels that loneliness is different now, he has the opportunity to change all this, and will not let his parents leave him again.

"Brat, let go, this is my wife!" The middle-aged man stepped forward and gave Gong Ming a brain break.

"Dad!" Gong Ming hugged Dad again!

"Stinky boy, if you fail the exam, just tell me, I promise I won't beat you to death!" Gong Jianguo, as an old fox who has been in the mall for many years, saw his son's performance today, and his first reaction was that the boy failed the exam this time. !
"It's okay, I did well in the exam. You know, even if you don't take the exam, you will be able to get back to college!" Gong Ming let go of his father.

"That's right, I don't even look at whose son it is!" Gong Ming's mother, Jiang Yan, said with a smile, looking at her son with pride!
"En!" Gong Ming nodded.

"Okay, let me make a reservation at Yongda. Don't you like to eat their five pieces the most? The boss is ready today!" Gong Jianguo happily patted Gong Ming's shoulder.

In the previous life, Gong Ming's family had a car accident on the way to Tongli. Now, of course, Gong Ming wants to change everything.

"Dad, let's not go to Yongda House anymore, let's go home, I want to eat the food my mother cooked!" Gong Ming said.

At this time, a system prompt sounded:

[Ding, release a random task: change the route]

[Option 82014, the host and parents go to Yongda, and ensure that they arrive safely, and reward an Audi r5.2 [-] Spyder[-] FSI quattro]

[Option 488, come back to eat the meal made by mother, and reward Ferrari 2015 [-] GTB five-yuan voucher]

[Remark [-]: The rewards of the system come from various investment market funds, which are legal funds that cannot be traced and will not cause any financial and legal risks. 】

(End of this chapter)

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