Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 2 Complete the life winner task for the first time

Chapter 2 Complete the life winner task for the first time

Chapter 2

"Son, you can eat my cooking at any time. This time, your dad managed to make an appointment for Yongda, so we have to save face!" said mother Jiang Yan.

Gong Ming didn't know how to say it and wanted to go to Yongda, and now with his mother's words, he could just complete the task.

As for the car accident, how could the accident happen again after rebirth? In the previous life, it was on the elevated road, the driver of the big truck was driving tired, and it happened directly from the reverse direction. How could it happen again in this life.

"Okay, Mom, let's not take the elevated highway, and the time is very loose. I want to take a good look at the scenery of Sioux City!" Gong Ming said directly.

At the same time, task one is selected in the system.

The system prompt sounds again!

[Ding, after the host completes the task, the Audi vehicles will be parked in the underground parking lot of Baoen Temple in the North Tower! 】

The Baoen Temple parking lot is next to the Sioux City Garden in my own community.

This is also good, it is very convenient for myself.

The palace father's car is an Audi A6L, but it's a 2010 model. It's been five years since he bought it. With his current wealth, he should have changed it a long time ago, but his mother said: "What to change, I want to seduce that little vixen! "

The family headed towards Tongli, which has always been a tourist attraction and receives many tourists every year.

An hour later, Gongfu parked the car in the special parking space of Yongda.

At this moment, a system notification sounded in Gong Ming's mind!
[Ding, the host has completed the task, and the reward has been issued, please check the host in time! 】

One meal, very happy to eat!
At night, Gong Ming was lying on the bed, recalling what happened one day, he couldn't believe it, it was all real, it felt like a dream, but it was such a good dream!
Jiang Yan gently opened the door and saw that she had already fallen asleep. It seems that the child is really tired after studying for this period of time!

"The child is asleep?" Gongfu's voice rang in Gongmu's ear!

"Well, he's under too much pressure to study during this time, why don't you report him to a travel agency for a while and let him have fun in the country!" The palace mother said to the palace father.

"Well, that's fine, kick him out, and no one will disturb the world of the two of us!" The palace father let out a meaningful smile!
Today, the boss of Yongdahao made a three-burner and let the palace father eat it all. This is a good thing for a man.

"Let's add a younger sister to Gong Ming, so that he won't be alone in the future!" Gongfu whispered in Gongmu's ear.

"It's dead!" The palace mother gave the palace father a shy look, and the two went downstairs and returned to the bedroom!
Soon, an indescribable sound resounded in this retest bungalow in Sioux City Garden, and a light rain began to float outside the house, washing away the hustle and bustle of the city for a day.

Xiaoyu also took away, the exhaustion of the three years of struggle of the college entrance examination students!
In the early morning, Gong Ming pushed open the window, and a gust of fresh air outside the window took away everything about Gong Ming from yesterday.

Starting today, Gong Ming will start a new life!
"Master, the grandson is calling again..." A mobile phone rang!

Gong Ming picked up the fruit phone that he left on the desk yesterday!

"Grandson, what are you looking for with Dad!" Gong Ming answered the phone and said directly.

"Me! Gong Ming, your uncle is taking advantage of me again!" The one who called was Gong Ming's only friend, Haizi!

Haizi's original name was Qian Hai. His family was in the seafood business, while Gong Ming's father was in the real estate business. The two families had no business relationship.

"Brother Ming, did you see that the class group exploded yesterday!" Qian Hai said directly!
When Gong Ming came back yesterday, he washed up and went to sleep. As for the mobile phone, he charged it immediately when he came back, so he didn't care about the class group.

The fruit phone is not good at this point. The standby time is too short, and it will run out of power for a day. There is a joke.

A Chinese man, a free country man, a neon man, and a stick man, the four of them crashed and drifted in the sea!
The Bangzi people didn't get out their eight-star mobile phone, and they were about to call for help, but it exploded as soon as they were turned on, and fell into the water and fed the sharks!

People from the free country, how can I find out that my fruit machine has no power. You must know that this mobile phone was charged just before boarding the plane, and now it has been out of order for a few hours. In the end, he was also eaten by sharks!

The neon man saw his father was eaten by a shark, and wanted to fight the shark to get his father's inheritance, but he was also eaten!
The Huaguo man took out a pack of Su cigarettes from his pocket, lit one, took out his rice phone, saw that it was full of signals, and dialed the emergency number without haste!
After one cigarette is smoked, Huaguo's rescue ship arrives!
Now that Gong Ming thinks about it, this is entirely possible. It seems that the next time I fly by myself, I must bring a large power bank!

"Okay, let me check the news first, see you later!" Gong Ming hung up the phone!
Gong Ming thought about it before going to bed yesterday, when the phone beeped, and it sounded like someone in the class penguin group @Everyone, Gong Ming clicked on the class penguin group to check the situation.

What the hell is this 99 plus? Don't these people need to sleep after the exam?

In the penguin group of Class [-] of Senior Three, the class leader, Ye Hang, is @Everyone. He is one of the group administrators and naturally has the rights of @Everyone.

Ye Hang: "Students, the college entrance examination is over today. Those who pass the exam need to celebrate, and those who fail the exam need to vent. I propose to watch Qianjie Dezhuang hotpot tomorrow night." '

Wu Yong: 'Second!I performed supernormally this time. I only got around 320 in the second and third mode exams. This time I felt that I had a long time to perform in the college entrance examination. I should be able to achieve around 350. The second grade is stable. '

Xiao Zhang: 'Second!I failed the test this time, and I usually get 370 points. This time, I didn’t do the three major questions after the math. It seems that I can only go to the second book. Today I want to drink to relieve my worries. '

Tang Huanhuan: "Dezhuang hot pot tastes very authentic, and its environment is not bad, I can participate." '

Wang Huanhuan: 'Participate +1'

Qiu Mojie: '@李琴儿: Is the goddess participating? '

Qian Hai: "What's the matter, don't take the ball, and find out the news for your master?" '

Qiu Mojie is Qiu Mojie's nickname, because of his nickname, he is as fat as Qiu, but he is the loyal dog of squad leader Ye Hang!

Ye Hang: "Qiandaizi are all classmates in the same class. I don't know when I will be able to meet again after graduation this time, so don't talk so hurtful!" '

Qian Hai: "Yo, beat the dog, attracted the owner, hypocrite, and you also called the money bag, what are you!" '

Li Qin'er: '@宫明, Gong Ming, are you going? '

Seeing that Li Qin'er actually @宫明, the class group immediately exploded, and all the discussions revolved around the relationship between the two!
Gong Ming looked at it, wondering in his heart, what's the matter, that strange thing is playing the rhythm!
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(End of this chapter)

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