Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 10 A Little Streamer with a Daily Salary of RMB

Chapter 10 The Little Anchor with a Daily Salary of Ten Yuan

Chapter 11 A small anchor with a salary of ten yuan a day

Gong Ming calculated again in his mind,
Today is already Saturday, so an average reward of 30 yuan a day?

In addition, Su Mei's anchor level is only tenth, so she must be a rookie anchor, and the contract share is probably only 30.00%, so does she earn an average of ten yuan a day?
This is too bad!

She is obviously a big beauty with a face value of 95 points, but she is so miserable!
A beauty with a beauty of over [-] is simply one in a million.

Don't think that one in a million beautiful women seems to be very common. Based on the national population of 14 billion, if the number of men and women is equal, the number of women is [-] million.

Take those between the ages of 18 and 25, that is, [-] million people,

Screening according to the one-in-a-million level, there are actually only 1 people!

1 people across the country, is it really that many?
However, is such a beautiful woman of this level so miserable in the live broadcast circle?

"Little anchor, aren't you too miserable?" Gong Ming said suddenly, "We haven't even filled the weekly list, and the total rewards for a week are only more than 500 yuan. Why are you so miserable?"

Su Mei responded while driving, "I don't sing well, I don't know how to dance, I don't understand hints, I'm a topic stopper, and I don't know how to kneel and lick big brother. I only show Su Cheng to these dog audiences." It’s great to have more than 500 tips a week, okay?”

Gong Ming laughed, "You little anchor is interesting!"

Seeing Gong Ming like this, Su Mei immediately asked back, "Since the boss thinks I'm an interesting anchor, would you like to support me?"

Gong Ming joked, "The question of whether I support it or not mainly depends on how good your driving skills are!"

The audience in the live broadcast room once again erupted in barrage.

'However, I am uneducated, so I can walk the world with a single sentence! '

'I always feel that this local tycoon is driving again, this time he is really driving! '

"Little anchor, come on, try to win the local tyrant brother, and reach the pinnacle of life from now on!" '

'exist?Driving openly? '

'The little anchor's path to depravity? '

Facing Gong Ming's teasing, Su Mei teased back, "Boss, what do you think of my driving now? Is it stable and comfortable?"

Gong Ming turned his head and looked at Su Mei with great interest. If it wasn't for her 90-odd health points, he would have begun to suspect that the person in front of him, even if he wasn't a veteran driver, might not be a novice.

"Not bad, not bad, the car you drive is very stable and comfortable, I am very satisfied!" Gong Ming replied along.

Su Mei quickly picked up the topic, "Since this is the case, do you want to support me, big brother, for example, if you come to a super fire, please support me! I haven't seen super fire rising to the sky for a long time!"

The water friends in the live broadcast room also posted bullet screens one after another
"Little anchor, are you drifting away? When did you go super popular in the live broadcast room?"

"Little anchor, are you drifting away? When did you go super popular in the live broadcast room?"

"Little anchor, are you drifting away? When did you go super popular in the live broadcast room?"

Gong Ming couldn't help but burst out laughing!
Baoguo Temple, underground parking garage.

Gong Ming directly rejected Su Mei. He locked the car first, and then looked at Su Mei with a smile, "Thank you, little anchor, for the driver. Today I saved another 50 yuan for the driver. I am really happy."

"As for the thousand yuan list, we will contact you later, and I will make it up for you next time we play together!" Gong Ming added.

Su Mei glared at Gong Ming, she snorted softly, "How do we get in touch?"

"Of course it's a phone call!" Gong Ming said solemnly.

"Do you have my phone number?" Su Mei was taken aback for a moment.

"No." Gong Ming replied honestly.

Su Mei asked again: "Do you have my prestige?".

"No." Gong Ming answered honestly.

Su Mei rolled her eyes, "So how do we get in touch?".

"Don't ask, it's God's will to ask!" Gong Ming waved goodbye and walked towards the elevator.

Su Mei looked at Gong Ming's back in a mess. She thought that Gong Ming was trying to catch him, but he just left.
The water friends in the live broadcast room were equally messed up when they saw Gong Ming's leaving back. They thought the same as Su Mei, thinking that this wealthy Audi brother wanted to flirt with the anchor.

In the end, he really regarded the little anchor as a substitute driver?

'Isn't this...too pretty? '

'Little brother really left?Little anchor, hurry up and have a look, the rich little brother will definitely be waiting for you in the elevator. '

'To tell you the truth, I have been shown as a Pippi Shrimp! '

'So the wealthy Audi brother has no shortage of beauties at all? '

'Little anchor, my mentality has collapsed! '

'Don't ask, it's God's will to ask!I burst out laughing, it's God's will! '

'May I ask the little anchor's psychological shadow area? '

'Su Daji actually lost? '

Su Mei walked towards the elevator while watching the barrage. Her mood was a bit complicated. She hoped that Gong Ming would wait for her in the elevator, but she also didn't want Gong Ming to wait for her in the elevator.

With such a complicated mood, Su Mei walked to the elevator room, but there was no one in the elevator room.

Such a situation made the water friends in the live broadcast room express their scalp numbness from being shown.

"Attention the house manager, these dogs are too arrogant, I can't accept it!" Su Mei snorted and said, "Unless these dogs show some gifts, I can get better."

'Publicly cheating on gifts? '

'Yaoshou!Can't the gifts from Audi's wealthy little brother be fooled, but us poor ghosts? '

'Grandpa vomited! '

When Su Mei was about to complain again, a call came from her mobile phone suddenly. Seeing that the caller ID said 'Guild Operations', her expression changed slightly.

Su Mei took a deep breath, and she swiped the screen to answer.

"Ari, I'm the guild running San Dao Feng. The guild has arranged for you a guild battle at eleven o'clock tonight. The requirement for you is to win at least two rounds." Said the man named San Dao Feng on the phone, .

Su Mei asked back, "What if you can't pass two rounds?"

"If you don't pass two rounds, you won't be a member of the guild from next month." The other end of the phone responded, "Your turnover is too bad, only more than 500 yuan per week, far below the guild's expectations."

Su Mei sighed. At the beginning, she signed a good live broadcast contract with her excellent appearance. According to the contract, if her turnover does not meet the requirements, the guild has the right to terminate the contract with her.

"Okay, I see. I'll go back and prepare for the live broadcast." Su Mei responded.

In order to live broadcast, Su Mei, who is in her sophomore year, rented a house outside and installed a high-performance computer. She has only broadcast live for more than two months, and these costs have not been recovered.

In the Sucheng courtyard, Gong Ming returned home. After washing up carefully, he lay on the bed. He logged into the Dou Sha live broadcast, clicked into Su Mei's live broadcast room, and found that Su Mei had ended the outdoor live broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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