Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Stupid and cute female anchor
Gong Ming nodded, and then pointed to Qian Hai's Porsche 718.

Seeing this Porsche 718, the substitute driver was obviously taken aback.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, "Are all the children these days so rich?"

Gong Ming fastened Qian Hai's seat belt, then came to the driver's seat, and said to the substitute driver, "Master, send my friend to Building [-] of Country Garden Community! I will transfer the substitute driver's money to you first." !"

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, transferred 300 from WeChat, and paid it to the substitute driver.

"Student, I have a lot of money!" The surrogate driver said hurriedly when he saw the receipt reminder!

Gong Ming put the phone away, and went back, "Master, please slow down on this journey! Also, don't open the window if you drink too much and open the window to blow air, you will have a headache the next day!"

Looking at the 718 leaving, Gong Ming returned to his car.

After sitting for a while, I felt a little thirsty, got out of the car and closed the door, and went to buy a bottle of water to drink.

Not long after he left, a young anchor came to the car with her handheld gimbal.

"Dogs, it's the first outdoor live broadcast today, and you actually let me drive. I'll let you know how scary female drivers are!" A tall, fair-skinned female anchor with charming features held her handheld gimbal. live streaming!
"Dogs, look what I saw! Audi R8." The woman continued, "A top-end Audi R8 costs almost 300 million."

"Guys, if I'm not mistaken, this one is the R82014 5.2 Spyder[-] FSI quattro!" He pushed his hair back as he spoke.

"Do you dogs know how powerful this Audi is?" The female anchor continued, "It is equipped with a 5.2L V10 engine that can burst out 525 horsepower and Nm of torque, coupled with the latest seven-speed With dual-clutch gearbox, the zero-to-hundred time in ejection mode only takes 3.8 seconds! The most important thing is that it is still a four-wheel drive vehicle!"

"Such a result kills a lot of supercars in seconds!" The seductive female anchor sighed, "Whether it's a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, or a McLaren, most models of the same level are inferior to this Audi!"

"Boys, so you have to work hard. When you have such a sports car, I, the little anchor, will marry the big brother!" The female anchor was doing the program effect.

In this day and age, female anchors are also difficult!
No matter how beautiful the female anchor is, it would be difficult to get up if there is no big brother to support her.

Of course, it's not easy for those anchors who are highly praised by the big brother. Everyone understands the reason, otherwise why do you think the big brother is praising you!

After all, those female anchors who are praised by the big brother also need to be praised by the big brother!
"Dog viewers, although this Audi R8 is almost perfect, it also has a serious shortcoming." The female anchor explained.

At this time, Gong Ming had already bought water and was walking towards his car. He heard the female anchor introducing the performance parameters of the Audi R8 from a long distance away.

So it's just him, who hasn't memorized those parameters that sound fierce?
But when I heard him say that this car has a shortcoming, I began to wonder, does this car have any serious shortcoming?

In the live broadcast room of the seductive female anchor, the audience is frantically swiping the barrage.

'Anchor, are you afraid that you are drifting? "

'Anchor, are you afraid that you are drifting? "

'Anchor, are you afraid that you are drifting? "

'Anchor, are you afraid that you are drifting? "

Gong Ming didn't know about the barrage of water friends in the live broadcast room, so he stepped forward and asked directly, "What are the shortcomings of this car?"

The hostess was taken aback, she immediately turned to look at Gong Ming, saw Gong Ming in cool clothes, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then responded, "Young man, the shortcoming of this car is that there is a problem with the air conditioning system , the female passenger of the co-pilot always feels hot!"

The female anchor continued, "Come on, young man! When you buy this car one day, you will know that its shortcomings are very obvious!"

Gong Ming directly took out the car key and pressed the unlock button. The unique LED lights of the Audi R8 lit up, as did the interior ambient light.

Gong Ming asked, "Little anchor, do you feel hot?"

In the live broadcast room, water friends frantically sent barrage.

'Come on, young man, when you buy this car one day sorry, I already bought it! '

'Slap in the face on the spot? '

'Today is another day when the little anchor was bullied! '

'The shortcomings of this car are too obvious, will this little anchor feel hot? '

'Am I the only one who thinks the streamer is dangerous? '

'Mom!I'm afraid the little anchor will be taken away by the boss, right? '

The hostess also had a black question mark on her face. Was God joking with her?Facing Gong Ming's ridicule, the hostess retorted on one point.

"I'm a little anchor?" The female anchor hummed and turned off the camera first, then turned her phone screen to Gong Ming, "Look for yourself, my popularity is more than 5000, am I a little anchor?"

Gong Ming glanced at the anchor's nickname on the phone screen, "It's not Su Daji". He looked at the female anchor again, and said directly, "Are you sure your screen name is okay?"

Although the camera was turned off, the water friends in the live broadcast room also burst out laughing, sending a large number of barrage.

'The local tyrant is right! '

'Please turn on the camera and see what the local tyrant looks like up close! '

'The anchor is Daji, I don't accept rebuttals! '

'Don't be fooled by local tyrants, more than 5000 popularity is fake, popularity is not the number of people, there are less than [-] real people! '

Before Gong Ming finished watching the barrage, the hostess put the phone back, and she watched it by herself.

Seeing the information on the barrage, the female anchor immediately became angry, "You dog audiences, I am your anchor, hurry up and say something nice, or the silence package will start!"

'Dog anchor swollen? '

'The little anchor has a few pens, how miserable he is, can't he count? '

'There are not many people, and there are few rankings. The little anchor is ridiculous! '

'What about the small anchors whose daily live broadcast turnover does not exceed 30 yuan? '

Gong Ming said from the side, "Are you the live broadcast of Shark Fighting?"

The hostess froze for a moment.

"I also watch the live broadcast. I know that the popularity of Dou Sha live broadcast is not the number of people. I watched it. There are only more than 20 people in your VIP seats. Even if you magnify it five times, there are only more than 100 people. In addition, your weekly list is [-] people in a row. You don't even have a Yuan list, how dare you say that you are not a small anchor?" Gong Ming said teasingly.

"???" The female anchor had a black question mark on her face again.

(End of this chapter)

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