Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 8 My brother is broken in love, but he hasn't even started

Chapter 8 My brother is broken in love, but he hasn't even started
Chapter 8 The brother broke up in love, but he didn't even start
Gong Ming drove the car on the street. At [-] o'clock in the evening, the busy day in Sioux City faded away, and the cars on the road were all heading towards their respective homes.

But at this time, it is also the time for those stalls to come out. On the overpass, office workers set up small stalls to earn some money to supplement their families.

Gong Ming opened his eyes of truth to the goddess beside him, and soon lines of data appeared in front of him.

Li Qiner:
Age: 18
Face value: 90
Body: 90
Favorability: 65 (ordinary friends)
Health: 91
Gong Ming didn't expect that he could check the favorability and health value.

The vehicle stopped in front of a red light intersection, Li Qin'er looked at Gong Ming on the way, and did not take the initiative to communicate with herself.

"Gong Ming, where did you fill out the university report?" Li Qin'er still couldn't help asking.

Gong Ming glanced at Li Qin'er, and said, "Me? The Department of Economics and Economics of the Demon Sea University in the capital city, recruited internally a year ago!"

"I heard that you are applying for the Department of Literature of Yenching University this time. How can you be sure?" Gong Ming looked at Li Qin'er and asked.

"How should I put it, my grandma and grandpa, I hope I can go back to Yanjing to study. They are all retired professors of the Department of Literature of Yanda University. I hope I can inherit their mantle in the future!" Li Qin'er explained.

Gong Ming nodded: "That's right, if you don't go to Yenching University, you will be sorry for the title of Xueba!"

Li Qin'er didn't speak, and the car was strangely quiet for a while.

"Do you like that as a city?" Li Qin'er looked at Gong Ming and asked.

Gong Ming thought for a while and said, "To be honest, I like Rongcheng better, because the pace of life is slow!"

"Yes, Rongcheng is a good place, where the hot pot is really good!" Li Qin'er said intoxicated.

Gong Ming didn't expect that Li Qin'er was also a foodie.

"Well, then you like it there!" Gong Ming asked.

"I like the imperial capital, where there is a lot of humanistic atmosphere. The Ming Dynasty lasted for more than 200 years. It did not get close or pay tribute. The emperor guarded the gate of the country, and the king died in the country! How admirable!" Li Qin'er's point of view stunned Gong Ming.

The Ming Dynasty, isn't that something only boys like?
Seeing Gong Ming's puzzled look, Li Qin'er certainly knew what he wanted to ask: "You want to ask, don't all the girls like clear clothes?"

"The Qing Dynasty was too dark. Ten days in Yangzhou, three massacres in Jiaqing, ceding land for compensation, not being able to defend against bandits outside, and not being able to calm the people inside, spent 200 years in a daze. The so-called prosperous age of Kang and Qian was nothing but the Qing Dynasty itself. Put gold on your face!"

After hearing Li Qin'er's words, Gong Ming suddenly felt that this goddess was a bit cute.

More than ten minutes later, the vehicle drove into Lido, the city of water.Gong Ming sent Li Qin'er downstairs, and he took the initiative to say, "Goddess, add prestige?"

Li Qin'er did not refuse, she clicked out her QR code.

Gong Ming doesn't like penguin chatting, because there is a disgusting thing about penguin chatting, people who often chat will not only have the dragon king logo, but also the level of growth.

Such a setup is absolutely poisonous!
Prestige is better!
Various "simple" chat schemes, various permission settings for circle of friends, various group settings, plus prestige dual-open mode, definitely meet Gong Ming's needs!
"If I'm young and promising and don't feel inferior

know what is precious
those girlfriends

If I didn't give it to you, I will be ashamed all my life

If I was young, I would advance and retreat
Only then can I have a lot of girlfriends”

It was approaching nine o'clock, and Gong Ming was driving his sports car singing songs on the way home. All the way he was thinking about how to explain this car!After all, I suddenly had such an extra car, and my parents couldn't accept it for a while!
At this time, a pleasant cell phone ringtone brought Gong Ming's thoughts back to reality.

"Master, the grandson is calling again!" Gong Ming pressed the answer button.

"Son, it's only been a while. Goddess Zhao Ya, who is not with you, misses Dad again!" Gong Ming blurted out immediately after picking up the phone.

There is no need to doubt that this call is from Qian Hai.

"Brother Ming, come out for a drink, the old place!" Qian Hai hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Gong Ming heard something abnormal in Qian Hai's words.

The so-called old place is a barbecue restaurant in the alley of the school. In the past, Gong Ming and Qian Hai often came here to eat, so the brotherhood of the two is left here.

Turning the car around and stepping on the accelerator once, the Audi R8 flew towards the school like a roaring beast.

Because it is night, there are a lot fewer vehicles going to school now.

Ten minutes later, Gong Ming parked behind Qian Hai's 10.

Jump out of the car and come to the small table.

At this time, three or four empty beer bottles were piled up in front of Qian Hai.

Seeing Gong Ming's arrival, Qian Hai opened a bottle of beer again: "Brother Ming, come drink with me."

Gong Ming wasn't too polite, picked up the beer glass at the side, and poured himself a glass!
"Brother, what's the matter?" Gong Ming asked after drinking a glass of beer.

"I'm broken in love!" Qian Hai poured another glass of beer.

Gong Ming didn't know either, "Brothers are like siblings, women are like that!"

"Clothes!" Qian Hai said.

Gong Ming immediately said, "You also know that those are clothes. The clothes don't fit well. It's a big deal to change to another one. What a big deal!"

"Stop talking, come drink!" Qian Hai interrupted.

Gong Ming said again: "Brother, I'm not talking about you. It's not like you don't know about Zhao Ya's family. How could such a family accept small businessmen like us!"

Gong Ming stretched out his right hand, blocking Qian Hai's hand holding the wine glass.

"Brother, it's not my brother talking about you. You have to live in a sea of ​​flowers for four years in college. You must know that Rongcheng is full of beauties, and I'm afraid you will be picky!" After finishing speaking, she withdrew her hand and picked up the wine glass. , had a drink with Qian Hai.

During this barbecue meal, the two ate until 10:30 and drank a case and a half of beer.

"Uncle Zhao, pay the bill!" Gong Ming took out his mobile phone and made a transfer on Uncle Zhao's Huaqianbao.

"Ding, 500 yuan has been credited to Huaqianbao!" A reminder of the account information sounded in the room.

"Xiao Gongming, I've given you too much money!" Uncle Zhao ran out from the kitchen.

"Not much, Uncle Zhao, the little girl is going to school too, buy her a schoolbag and stationery with the rest of the money, it's some kind of brotherhood for us as brothers!" Gong Ming finished speaking and helped Qian Hai back to the car.

Don't drink while driving, and don't drive while drinking

How could Gong Ming not understand the truth that this child understands.

No matter where the phone is, click on a driver app called surrogate driver, and place an order!

Ten minutes later, a substitute driver came to the two of them.

"Is it the surrogate driver you called?" the surrogate driver took out his mobile phone and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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