Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 7 Mission. Send Goddess Zhang Home

Chapter 7 Mission. Sending the Goddess Home

Chapter 7 The Eye of Reality

The atmosphere of silence in the hall lasted for nearly half a minute, before Wu Yong suddenly realized, "Fuck, Brother Ming, that Audi R8 is actually yours?"

Wu Yong continued, "Yes, yes, the license plate of that car is Su EGm212, isn't it the homonym of 'Gong Ming'? Isn't 212 the same as Gong Ming's birthday, February [-]th? money?"

When Wu Yong's voice fell, everyone looked at Li Qin'er again. At first they didn't understand why Li Qin'er liked Gong Ming, no matter whether he was in the class group before or now he took the initiative to sit next to Gong Ming.

When Gong Ming exposed the Audi R8, the students seemed to have found the answer.

Facing the suspicious eyes of her classmates, Li Qin'er didn't have any intention of explaining. She also didn't know the situation of Gong Ming's family. The reason why she approached Gong Ming was that Gong Ming didn't hate her eyes so much.

As for people like Ye Hang, she felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

After a while, Gong Ming and Qian Hai returned to the big box. The eyes of everyone looking at Gong Ming and the two suddenly changed. Some girls' eyes became hot, but the two went straight back to their original positions.

After Gong Ming sat down, Tang Xinyi asked first, "So that car really belongs to you?"

Gong Ming nodded, "En."

"More than 300 million?" Tang Xinyi asked again.

"Actually, it's a bit short. The landing price is 280 million yuan excluding the license plate." Gong Ming responded.

"Is there a difference?" Zhao Ya complained.

"There is a difference. The difference between a watch is quite big." Gong Ming replied with a smile, 20 yuan is enough for him to buy a watch!

Li Qin'er waited for Gong Ming and Zhao Ya to finish speaking before saying, "Would you believe me if I said I didn't know your family was rich?"

"Trust!" Gong Ming responded affirmatively.

He really believed it!
Although Gong Ming's family is not poor and has opened a small real estate company with assets exceeding half a small target, which in the eyes of ordinary people is the rhythm of a rich man, it is impossible to buy an Audi R300 close to 8 million for Gong Ming.

Besides, this sports car came from the system. Before leaving the examination room yesterday, he didn't know that he would get this car, so he naturally believed in Li Qin'er.

Li Qin'er seemed relieved, she lowered her voice and said, "I'm sorry about the previous incident, I just hate that Ye Hang, I hope you will forgive me."

Gong Ming had already guessed that Li Qin'er was just using him as a shield. After all, in front of a thousand-year-old fox, what are you playing Liaozhai!
"I know." Gong Ming responded with a smile.

Gong Ming and Li Qin'er talked eloquently and laughed from time to time. Whether they were female students or male students, their expressions were very complicated.

The female students probably lamented that such high-quality stocks as Gong Ming had left them.

The male students were sighing that a goddess like Li Qin'er seemed to be in Gong Ming's pocket. After all, the sports car worth almost 300 million, and Li Qin'er's previous actions, they thought that Li Qin'er had known about Gong Ming for a long time. things.

Ye Hang was silent and did not speak. After Gong Ming and the two came back, he was completely silent. If it wasn't for the party he organized, he might have to leave early.

In fact, this time the party really ended in a hurry, such things as eating hot pot were over within an hour, and the second singing event that was originally agreed upon was tacitly not mentioned by everyone.

After all, if someone like Gong Ming is around, it will show off the audience. If a group of single dogs and all the girls surround Gong Ming on KTV, forget it, I don't like such delicious food!

The class reunion was over, everyone paid with AA, and Gong Ming didn't go to pay for the treats just to pretend to be aggressive. After all, they were just classmates. .

The human heart is so strange!
[Mission, it's too dangerous for a girl to be alone at night]

[As a pure person, how can you let the girl go back alone, you must know that it is still very dangerous for a girl to be alone at night! 】

[Choose one, accept the mission, reward the Eye of Truth, in a perfect life, you will inevitably encounter those situations, if you accidentally get tricked, you will regret it for the rest of your life! 】

[Option [-], reject the task, reward, single noble medal, sit in a single noble, you deserve to be single! 】

Gong Ming chose one without hesitation. My good guy, the reward for choosing two is really poisonous. As a male god of the new era, he is single, and he will never be single for the rest of his life!

"I'll see you off?" Gong Ming looked at Li Qin'er and offered the invitation.

Li Qin'er is very in line with Gong Ming's aesthetics. She has all the campus goddesses, and a pair of giant pandas are beyond the age limit. Well, the children don't have to worry about rations in the future.Coupled with her height of 1.6 meters and fair skin, she has everything that Gong Ming likes.

Moreover, the rewards given by this system are what I need.

Under such circumstances, why didn't Gong Ming take the initiative?

Sometimes, there is a story when you take the initiative!
"Okay!" Li Qin'er did not pretend to be reserved, she agreed.

Gong Ming opened the co-pilot's door for Li Qin'er in a very gentlemanly manner, and then greeted Qian Hai and the others.

Looking at the Audi R8 leaving in front of him, Ye Hang wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in. Why did he slap himself in the face every day.

Qian Hai came in front of Zhao Ya and said softly: "Zhao Ya, it's getting late, I'll take you back!" He pressed the key of the Porsche 718.

"No need, Tang Xinyi and I will be picked up!" As he spoke, a Bentley Mulsanne drove towards here.

A handsome man in his early twenties got off the driver's seat and came to Zhao Ya's side: "Xiaoya, Xinyi, I'll take you back home!"

Zhao Ya and the two nodded, looking at Bentley who was going away, Qian Hai was very unhappy. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his 718 was not good.

"Don't look, your goddess is gone!" Wu Yong stepped forward, patted Qian Hai's back, and said with a smile.

It turned out that Qian Hai began to like Zhao Ya years ago, but he never dared to express it. This time he drove the car out because he also wanted to have a date with Zhao Ya.

"Since there is no goddess, it's the same as sending me a single dog!" Wu Yong said and jumped into the co-pilot of the 718.

Qian Hai shook his head, drove, and left!

Looking at Qian Hai and Wu Yong who left, Ye Hang hated them to the core.

Take out your own BMW key, press start, get in the car and prepare to leave.

At this moment, the sound of knocking on the car window brought him back from his thoughts.

"Squad leader, why don't you send him off? Tonight, it's not safe for a girl to walk around at night!" He said while shaking his proud figure.

"Get in the car!" Ye Hang opened the co-pilot's door, since he didn't get Li Qin'er, the next best thing was Huang Huanhuan, a cow, is also a good choice.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, please collect it

(End of this chapter)

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