Chapter 105 I Can Be Your Boyfriend (Part [-])
Chapter [-]
"Wrap all these four pairs of shoes!" Gong Ming said to the female shopping guide Wang Hong.

"Okay, little brother! Wait a minute, I'll wrap it up for you!" Hearing that Gong Ming wanted all four pairs, Wang Hong almost jumped up happily.

You know, the cheapest of the four pairs of Louis Vuitton sneakers costs more than 9000. If I sell so many today, I will get a lot of commission.

"Brother, what do you want to see!" Wang Hong asked expectantly, but wished that the extremely handsome little brother in front of him could buy all the products here.

Gong Ming shook his head and said, "Don't buy it, go to pay the bill!"

When the two came to the cash register, Wang Hong invited Gong Ming to sit on the sofa beside him and take a rest.She ran to the cash register by herself to settle the consumption.

After 1 minute, Wang Hong walked over with the rear-view camera and the consumption receipt.

"Brother, because you are a senior member of our Louis Vuitton, you can enjoy a 117000% discount on your own consumption. The discounted price of this windbreaker is 43000 yuan, and the discounted price of four pairs of sneakers is [-] yuan!" Wang Hong reported. The final price, and then continued: "Brother, the manager and I have applied for some small gifts for you, which are our Louis Vuitton socks. Although they are not worth a lot, this is also our Louis Vuitton wish!"

Gong Ming didn't expect it to be exactly 16 yuan, so that he could use one mid-level consumer cashback card and two primary consumer cashback cards. As for socks, they are completely dispensable. Just take it.

Gong Ming negotiated with the waiter, and swiped three times in a row, once for 16, and twice for [-], exactly [-] yuan.

At this time, the system notification sounded in my mind again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the intermediate consumption cashback card, this consumption will get five times the cashback]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the primary consumption cashback card, this consumption will get three times the consumption cashback]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for using the primary consumption cashback card, this consumption will get double the consumption cashback]

Immediately afterwards, a message came from the mobile banking that 62 yuan had been received.

Sure enough, during this trip to the Metro Mall, I bought so many luxury goods for nothing, and even got 85 soft sister coins. All of this is really worth it.

Now, there is still a [-] mid-level consumer cashback card that has not been used, but I really don't know what to buy.

Walking around, I found a cosmetics store by chance. When did Estee Lauder open in Metro Mall.

Gong Ming saw someone he hadn't seen for a long time in the Estee Lauder wardrobe.

"Goddess, why are you shopping around Estee Lauder alone!" Gong Ming patted Li Qin'er's shoulder lightly from behind.

Feeling that someone was attacking her from behind, Li Qin'er was shocked, and turned her head to find that her old classmate Gong Ming was indeed behind her.

"Gong Ming, when are you coming back? Looking at your Moments, haven't you been playing abroad?" Li Qin'er realized that she had said something wrong and exposed something.

Gong Ming didn't notice either, but just smiled and said, "I came back two days ago, it's too boring to be alone at home, so come out for a walk."

Li Qin'er nodded, after all, the person in front of him is so rich, how can he go shopping in those mid-to-high-end shopping malls?

"What about you? How did you think of Mei Luo?" Gong Ming looked at Li Qin'er suspiciously. In his impression, the girl in front of him didn't seem to like to use those luxury cosmetics. What happened today?
"Isn't school going to start? After school starts, military training will be required. Now I want to buy two bottles of sunscreen, which can be used during military training!" Li Qin'er shook the sunscreen sample in her hand.

Gong Ming nodded, because he had already bought all the items, and the last mid-level consumer cashback card was not going to be used today.

"Then have you chosen? You have chosen, let's have dinner together at noon!" Gong Ming invited.

Li Qin'er nodded, and then asked the shopping guide to take out two bottles of the sunscreen she chose to take away.

The price of sunscreen is not expensive, and a bottle is only around 200.

Gong Ming didn't rush to pay the money, after all, now he has put everything aside, since it is impossible to become Py now, then let's be the goddess' boyfriend.

After leaving Metro, the two walked on Guanqian Street, because it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and the traffic on Guanqian Street was particularly heavy.

The two of them were like this, chatting with each other, and then walked slowly.

When he came to a KFC, Gong Ming finally remembered that he hadn't eaten lunch today, but he wasn't hungry at all. He thought it was all due to the ice cream cake made by little loli Han Xiangrui.

"How about we go in and have a sit?" Gong Ming really admired the women's ability to go shopping. After shopping for half an hour, his calves started to bend.

Li Qin'er nodded, and the two of them opened the door and walked into KFC. Just after opening the door, a gust of cold air blew towards their bodies.

Gong Ming has a healthy body, so he acts as a strong air conditioner at the door for Li Qin'er.

There are many elderly people sitting and chatting in KFC now, and the children are playing happily in the KFC playground.

Gong Ming ordered a family bucket. After all, there is really nothing in KFC's family bucket, but it would be better for two people to eat.

In this way, the two sat in KFC and chatted until after four o'clock.

"It's getting late, I'll take you back!" Gong Ming looked at his watch and said to Li Qin'er who was sitting opposite.

Li Qin'er did not refuse, but nodded.

Sure enough, the goddess is like this, she doesn't take the initiative, doesn't refuse, doesn't express her opinion, and doesn't take responsibility, hehe, what do you think of me, are you those licking dogs?
In his heart, Gong Ming downgraded Li Qin'er's rating, so that the woman herself is really only suitable to be her male best friend. Of course, this kind of male best friend is not always available.

The two returned to the underground parking lot of Metro Mall. Gong Ming found his Audi R8, went straight to the cab, opened the door and got in.

And Li Qin'er was standing by the aisle of the parking lot.

"Get in the car." Gong Ming said directly, the current Gong Ming is no longer the ignorant boy he was in school, he has already experienced everything that should be experienced.

What's more, he is a human being in his second life. After being baptized by Douyin in his previous life, he has his own unique understanding of the identification of green tea, black tea, black tea, etc.

Half an hour later, Gong Ming drove the car into the community where Li Qin'er's family lived.

"Okay, we're home!" Gong Ming said as he unlocked the co-pilot.

Li Qin'er had already sensed the change in Gong Ming's attitude towards her, but how could she know what the person in front of her was thinking when she was a star in high school?
"Are we still friends in the future?" Li Qin'er asked before getting out of the car.

"Why do you ask that? We've always been classmates. If I can, I can be your boyfriend!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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