Chapter 106

Chapter One Hundred and Six
Gong Ming left the community where Li Qin'er's house was located, and was driving back home.

When I got home, there was no one there. Sure enough, this kind of thing happened frequently after the college entrance examination.

He took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator, sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, switching channels boringly.

At this time, the mobile phone WeChat rang.

Gong Ming picked it up and found that it was Meng Xiangwan who hadn't been in touch for a long time.

Gong Ming connected to the WeChat video, and Meng Xiangwan appeared on the other side of the video.

"Little baby, why do you miss me?" Gong Ming got up and walked to his room.

After all, when chatting with this woman, it would be bad if my mother came back suddenly when talking about ambiguous topics.

"Honey, I haven't contacted you for such a long time. Are you going to eat up and wipe it off?" Meng Xiangwan said coquettishly on the phone.

Gong Ming perfectly reflected the qualities of a scumbag: "How is it possible? You are my little baby, so how could I not ask you?"

As a 30-year-old woman and an agent in the entertainment industry, Meng Xiangwan has seen too many such things, and she also deeply understands a truth: "A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost, and a word can't be ignored." Can't believe it! '

The other end of Meng Xiangwan's video was the shooting scene.

Because it is a youth school drama, it happens to be the school summer vacation again.

The film crew negotiated with a middle school in Shanghai, and borrowed their school's venue to shoot the location.

Gong Ming, who just came back from the magic city the day before yesterday, deeply knows what kind of comfortable feeling it is during the daytime in the magic city, where the outdoor temperature is 36 degrees?
The two chatted for a while, and finally kissed the camera before ending the video call.

Just as the phone was put down, a WeChat message appeared.

Gong Ming opened it and found that it was Han Mengyao who had just added during the day.

"Mr. Gong, do you have time tonight? Xiangxiang wants to treat you to dinner and repay your life-saving grace!" Han Mengyao sent a voice on WeChat.

Gong Ming looked at the time, it was already six o'clock, but his mother hadn't come back yet.

After dialing his mother's phone number, the phone was connected, and a mocking voice came from the other end, and Gong Ming heard shouting from there: "***, this company's accounts are wrong, please take a look!"

"Son, I have to work overtime tonight, so I won't go back to eat, you can figure it out yourself!" Mom's voice came from the phone, and the phone was hung up immediately.

Gong Ming sighed. Could it be that he really paid for the phone bill?
I called my dad again. As soon as the phone was connected, my dad said directly: "Son, I have to accompany the client to dinner today. You can do it yourself. You have money anyway."

Now Gong Ming is 100% sure that he must have paid for the gift, or the kind that can be given for 50.

Gong Ming replied via WeChat: "Okay! You can send me the location, but as agreed, there is only one time."

"Great, big brother, Xiangxiang, I miss you!" Han Xiangrui's lively voice came from a WeChat message.

Gong Ming was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, it seems that this Xiangxiang is really a brat.

Immediately afterwards, a location information was sent directly.

Gong Ming glanced at the address, Banyuan Dequtang Subang Cuisine, No. 20 Hundang Lane, Gusu District.

"Got it, I'll be there on time at seven o'clock!" Gong Ming replied.

After receiving Gong Ming's reply, Han Mengyao blushed slightly.

The little old man sitting beside her hurriedly asked, "Did he agree?"

Han Mengyao didn't speak, but started to pack her bag.

The little old lady on the side gave the little old man, "Can't you say a few words less?"

The little old man jumped up immediately, "I'll say a few words less, or your daughter will be cheated away!"

"Don't use the word cheat, it's too ugly, and the other party didn't ask for anything!" Han Mengyao said slightly angrily.

The little old lady reached out her hand and grabbed the little old man's ear, and walked out while pulling, "My daughter is so old, she has her own life, can't we still have us?"

Banyuan Dequtang Subangcai is not far from his home, Gong Ming took the car keys, went downstairs and drove away from the complex.

Banyuan Dequtang is a private restaurant. This restaurant only accepts reservations. Of course, he does not have an order mode.

The difference between Banyuan Dequtang and the other Banyuan is that this is the only private restaurant with three set meals.

The first is the most common standard of 200 yuan per customer, the second is 350 yuan per customer, and the third is 500 yuan per customer.

Because it is a private kitchen, there is no ordering, that is, what the chef cooks and everyone eats?
Of course, those dishes can completely make you eat back your money. If the chef buys some vegetables and cabbage to deal with you, it is said that the axis is 200 people, even if you think about it, no fool will come!
Compared with the Banyuan restaurant on Guanqian Street, it is easier to make an appointment, but for the Banyuan Dequtang Subang Restaurant, if you want to make an appointment, you need to make an appointment at least seven days in advance. Just wait slowly!

Gong Ming likes this kind of private cooking very much. The price is not expensive, the taste is unique, and the environment is very elegant. Everything is the best choice.

Half an hour later, Gong Ming parked the car in the parking lot of Lion Grove.

I swept a shared bicycle from the Lion Forest parking lot, and then headed for Banyuan Dequtang Subang Cuisine.

As an old Sioux City native, of course I know when and where I can't park my car.

Just like now, the parking spaces near the companion garden are probably already full of people.

When Gong Ming came to the door, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on Han Mengyao's profile picture in WeChat.

"Have you arrived yet?" Gong Ming asked

"Mr. Gong, Xiangxiang and I have arrived, and we are sitting in private room No. [-]! Mr. Gong, have you arrived yet? Then I will go down to pick you up now!" Han Mengyao replied.

Gong Ming was very puzzled whether this woman was poisonous, but he hurriedly replied: "No, I'll let the waiter take me in!" After speaking, he walked directly into the gate.

"Hi sir, do you have an appointment?" Gong Ming had just walked into the gate of the companion garden, and the receptionist at the side asked very politely.

"Yes, the other party's surname is Han, and he's in private room No. [-]!" Gong Ming revealed Han Mengyao's surname.

"Private Room No. [-], yes, sir, please follow me!" The welcoming lady led the way.

Walking through a secluded corridor, Gong Ming looked at the surrounding environment, it was really nice.

Private room No. [-] is a private room near the window, where you can see scenes that cannot be seen in other private rooms.

Just as Gong Ming pushed open the door, a petite body threw himself into his arms.

"Big brother, Xiangxiang, I miss you so much!" Han Xiangrui said with a determined face.

 I had a meeting after get off work today, and I came back a bit late. I will update two chapters first, and the older ones will read it first. There will be three more in a while. How come I fell asleep?Then watch it tomorrow, don't worry, I will definitely update it before 12 o'clock,

(End of this chapter)

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