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Chapter 107 Dad seems to have found something

Chapter 107 Dad seems to have found something

Chapter [-] Dad seems to have found something

Gong Ming patted Han Xiangrui's little head in his arms, then asked with a smile, "Is our lovely Xiangxiang obedient this afternoon?"

Han Xiangrui nodded vigorously, and said in a childish voice, "Xiangxiang is not that kind of brat, how could she be misbehaving!"

Gong Ming thought to himself, as long as you are not an idiot, I guess there are no idiots, so you can mess around.

At this time, Han Mengyao, who had been standing not far away, came over and greeted softly, "Mr. Gong, you are here!"

Gong Ming responded with a smile: "Good evening, Ms. Han, thank you for inviting me to dinner, otherwise I don't know how to solve the dinner!"

Han Mengyao shook her head and said, "What is Mr. Gong talking about, please sit down!"

Gong Ming picked up Han Xiangrui, and the three of them walked towards the dining table.

Gong Ming didn't know, because the door of private room No. [-] was not closed. His father, Gong Jianguo, just passed by the door, and he had a panoramic view of the scene in the private room.

Originally, he wanted to call Gong Ming to stop, but after thinking about his son's age, he would forget about having his own private life.

However, he wondered if his son was taken care of by the woman in front of him. He already has such a big daughter. It would be great if he was his own granddaughter.

The three of them sat down, Han Xiangrui held Gong Ming's arm desperately and didn't want to let go, Han Mengyao was a scoundrel, so she had to let her sit with Gong Ming.

"Mr. Gong is really thankful for saving Xiangxiang today. If something happens to Xiangxiang, I really don't know what to do!" Han Mengyao expressed her gratitude again.

Gong Ming hurriedly said: "You mustn't say that, Xiangxiang is so cute, how could an accident happen, besides, it's just a matter of me!"

Just like that, the two of them chatted one after another, while Han Xiangrui at the side was holding Gong Ming's arm tightly, looking fiercely attached.

After a while, the waiter began to serve the dishes. Because it is Subang cuisine, they are all a little bland. Of course, things like rose braised pork are indispensable.

After a meal, Gong Ming ate very happily, all the dishes he liked,
Signature Buddha jumps over the wall

Pan-fried rose fish

Banyuan Mung Bean Cake

Hand Peeled and Stir-Fried Shrimp
Squirrel mandarin fish
Xiangyou eel
Pumpkin Balls

Sour Radish Duck Soup

Osmanthus Chicken Head Rice

Dongpo Meat

Everything is what I like to eat, especially the mung bean cake, I only ate one piece of the mung bean cake in a small plate, and the rest was put into my stomach by Xiangxiang beside me.

It is completely inconceivable that such a small group of bodies can eat so much.

You know, Xiangxiang's appetite is not as low as her own.

"Mr. Gong, I made you laugh!" Han Mengyao said awkwardly.

"It's nothing, Xiangxiang is very cute, and I like children like Xiangxiang very much!" Gong Ming explained with a kind smile.

"Big brother, Xiangxiang is so cute, can I still play with you in the future?" Han Xiangrui looked at Gong Ming expectantly.

Gong Ming was a little embarrassed. Originally, he didn't eat, but he came here with the mentality of solving troubles.

Originally thought that as long as this meal was finished, the two sides would never meet again, but now if he said no, it would probably hurt the heart of the little loli Xiangxiang in front of him.

For a moment, I didn't know how to answer.

At this time, Han Mengyao clearly saw Gong Ming's thoughts.

But just when she was about to criticize Han Xiangrui, Gong Ming took the lead and said, "Of course! Xiangxiang's mother has brother's WeChat account. If Xiangxiang misses her brother, she can contact him through WeChat!"

When Han Xiangrui heard what Gong Ming said, she was even happier and stretched out her right little finger: "Then big brother, let's pull Gougou, don't lie!"

Gong Ming was a little dumbfounded by this movement, and also stretched out his right little finger, hooking it up with Xiangxiang's little finger.

"Pull the hook, hang yourself, don't cheat for 100 years!" Han Xiangrui murmured in her small mouth.

Gong Ming also understands that for children, pulling the hook is an eternal promise.

Han Xiangrui was about to be happy when the big one and the small one separated their hands. He smiled and said to Gong Ming beside him, "Big Brother, when will we play together again?"

Hearing Han Xiangrui's words, Han Mengyao hurriedly stopped her. From her point of view, Gong Ming must have his own affairs to deal with. How could he have so much time to spend with this crazy girl in her family.

"Xiangxiang, big brother, I still have my own things to do, and my mother also has big brother's WeChat. If Xiangxiang misses big brother, she can chat with big brother through WeChat!" After speaking, she looked at Gong Ming.

Gong Ming also said with a smile, "Xiangxiang, if you miss Big Brother, you can find Big Brother through WeChat. As long as it's Xiangxiang's message, Big Brother will definitely reply if you see it."

The dinner came to an end, and Gong Ming wanted to bid farewell to Han Mengyao's mother and daughter.

A figure outside the private room attracted Gong Ming's attention, but then he shook his head, thinking that his father would appear here, maybe he was accompanying a client!
"Big brother, do you have time to play with Xiangxiang tomorrow?" Han Xiangrui shook Gong Ming's arm with her little hand.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Gong Ming's mind.

[System task: meet Han Xiangrui's small request]

[Quest Reward: Unknown]

[Failure penalty: None]

Sure enough, his own system is different, even if the mission fails, it is not obliterated.

"Okay, why don't we go to Dream Water World tomorrow!" Gong Ming suggested.

Dream Water World, since it is a water world, must be inseparable from water. To play in the water, one needs to wear a bikini or a swimsuit. How could Gong Ming admit that he wanted to see these things?

The next day Gong Ming got up early, and then drove to the gate of Dream Water World.

Han Mengyao got off a Baise Mercedes-Benz G with Han Xiangrui in her arms.

Gong Ming did not expect that the woman in front of her had an unusual family background.

Tickets for Dream Water World are also very cheap. Adults are 126 tickets, children over 1.3 meters are full tickets, and 1 to 1 meters are half tickets, and the little loli Han Xiangrui is free of charge.

Gong Ming went to the car and changed into his swimming trunks, put on beach shorts and a T-shirt, and carried a pair of flip flops.

After entering the Dream Water World, the two received the locker key with their tickets. Gong Ming took off his clothes, revealing his perfect figure.

After waiting at the door for a while, Han Xiangrui and Han Mengyao's mother and daughter came out.

And Han Xiangrui and Han Mengyao are wearing a mother-daughter swimsuit of the same style.

However, the swimsuit on Han Mengyao completely highlighted her figure.

Gong Ming swallowed his saliva, and directly turned his eyes back. If he continued to look, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself.

Dream Water World has a lot of water activities, but because of the existence of Han Xiangrui, a little girl, there are many items that Gong Ming and Han Mengyao cannot play.

(End of this chapter)

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