Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Anchor with Millions of Popularity
Everyone in the live broadcast room watched Gong Ming's reply, and immediately posted bullet screens again.

'The goddess in your eyes, the huh in the eyes of the rich? 'This is completely possessed by lemon essence!

'What about Su Daji?Where is your charm? '

'As expected of the emperor's eldest brother, how can there be no beautiful women around him? '

'Seek the psychological shadow area of ​​the little anchor? '

Gong Ming looked at the barrage on the screen and was very happy. After all, the reason for supporting the anchor is not to do whatever he wants. Now that so many people are flattering, the happiness of the eldest brother is beyond your imagination!
Gong Ming immediately received Su Mei's private message on his mobile phone. This kind of situation is too common in the live broadcast industry. A wild rich local boss is definitely the target of all small anchors.

When Gong Ming added Su Mei, Su Mei found that she was blocked by Gong Ming's circle of friends, and she couldn't see the other party's circle of friends. This situation made Su Mei shut herself out again.

"Is my old lady not pretty enough, or you are too steely!" Su Mei muttered to herself, she added a female anchor just to show off her quality life, and then come to be a female anchor, big brother, what are you!
"Thank you, Brother Gong Sifenming for your support!" Su Mei sent a message on WeChat in accordance with the chatting routine.

Then, in 1 minute, 2 minutes, and 10 minutes Su Mei found out that the other party didn't reply to her message, and she was completely relieved!
Opened the fruit mall, and skillfully searched for the mobile game "Onmyoji", and suddenly found that there was no such thing.

Gong Ming thought that this game seems to be coming out in the second half of next year, and if he can achieve ten small goals in half a year, if he makes it ahead of time, then...

But he forgot that Mo Yi is a game production company with many years of experience, has a professional production team, is creative, has systematic toothpaste, and can be said to have nothing!
Now what I lack the most is money, and what I lack the most is money. Having a system of money is not a problem at all.

But now the speed of getting money is too slow, when will I be able to complete a small goal in this way!

Forget it, let's play lol!After all, the new season is coming, and my silver has also been awarded bronze!
I found a powerful anchor on the Fighting Shark lol channel.The name is very special, it is actually called Mad Dog, and it is really easy to remember!
He shot a rocket directly, and then said in the live broadcast room: "Anchor, let's play together, I will be the top order, and you will be a wild dog!"

Mad Dog's live broadcast room exploded,

"Gouzi, promise quickly, I'll come if you don't promise?"

"It's actually the new emperor, Gouzi, do you want to become a big anchor? Clean it up!"

After Mad Dog figured out what was going on, he said directly: "Okay boss, I have numbers in all districts and ranks. I can be a dog. I am particularly good at fighting wild dogs. I can kill randomly in the master game!"

Seeing the mad dog licking like this, the water friends in the live broadcast collectively clicked "666" in the bullet screen of the public screen

"Okay, I'll help the little anchor next door complete the guild battle, and we'll start two rounds!" After finishing speaking, he fired two superficial shots.

Seeing Chaohuo, Mad Dog hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the boss, you will be my father on the road, and there will be no harm if I am with you!"

"Gouzi, where's your face!" the water friend complained in the live broadcast room.

"What are you talking about, isn't my father's super fire treasure box not fragrant?" Mad Dog said jokingly,


"It's so fragrant!"

Nearly half an hour later, Gong Ming received Su Mei's WeChat. The final round of the guild battle started. Gong Ming naturally returned to Su Mei's live broadcast room. After all, there are tasks released by the system!

It doesn't matter whether it's money or not, the main thing is that super soldier serum, which made Gong Ming fall in love with him!

In Su Mei's live broadcast room, when she saw Gong Ming come back, she immediately greeted him loudly, "Brother, welcome back!"

'Ha ha ha ha!Su Daji is too real! '

'Su Daji's enthusiasm is unbearable! '

'This anchor is too real, it's really not good! 'There was a lemon essence attack again, but the people in the live broadcast room ignored it.

'Seeing the list, I understand the cause of the matter! '

'Give me such a big brother, I will also kneel and lick, and after licking, I will ask if I am comfortable! '

The last round started in the barrage of the water friends in the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast circle, female anchors are always more popular than male anchors. Of course, those few top male anchors are not listed here.

Unsurprisingly, the opponent in the final round was a young lady.

"Hi sister Daji, I'm Qingcheng from the King's Guild, I'm very glad to be able to pk with you. My strengths are singing, dancing, and awkward chatting!" Qingcheng looked at Su Daji, who was seductive and seductive, and introduced herself.

In fact, she is very happy now, her elder brother has been preparing for this pk for a month, just to push herself to be the champion.

Now, this little anchor with a monthly income of less than [-] yuan, unexpectedly waited until she hit Brother Tian and took off in place!
You said, that female anchor doesn't directly have lemon essence in her heart!

"Then young lady, I'll sing a song for the water friends in my live broadcast room, let's start right away!" Qingcheng wanted to do a dying struggle.

Su Mei nodded, expressing agreement, a heartbroken song, where can I find a bosom friend in the world!

After the end of Allure, he clicked on the pk button.

The battle had just begun, and in Su Mei's live broadcast room, Gong Ming started with ten shots.

Then he kicked the accelerator directly, and it was ten rounds of super fire!

Mo Wen, the eldest brother in the Qingcheng live broadcast room, was stunned. He had never seen such an arrogant person in his life!
"Well, Qingcheng, why don't we do our best!" Mo Wen said directly in Qingcheng's live broadcast room.

Qingcheng was also very helpless, the other party, a small anchor, didn't play cards according to the routine at all, and wherever there was an opening, he would blow up.

The king bomb is over, and there are four twos again, who are you bullying!
Now that her eldest brother has said this, she is even more difficult to refute. If she is unhappy and makes her elder brother feel that she is too greedy and leaves her, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"Okay, don't ask brother, let's admit defeat in this round, in fact, second place is pretty good!" Qingcheng said.

Hearing Qingcheng's words, Mo Wen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, seeing his wronged little anchor, Mo Wen sent five super fires in the room.

Five hairs are super hot, that is also [-] soft sister coins. Seeing his elder brother like this, Qingcheng pretended to be happy and said: "Thank you Mo Wen for being super hot!"

Gong Ming saw that the other party fired five shots of super fire, thinking that the other party was going to wrestle with him!

Ten rounds of super fire took off again, Su Mei's live broadcast room reached a climax, and the number of online users reached one million!
Su Mei watched the increase in the number of people in the live broadcast room, and smiled happily: "I am also a big anchor with millions of popularity, hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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