Chapter 18
Chapter 19 live broadcast sleep night into millions
At the end of the day, since Gong Ming's ten shots were super hot, Mo Wen, the big brother in Qingcheng's live broadcast room, hadn't moved.

In the last 30 seconds, Gong Ming threw in another ten rounds of super fire, and nicknamed it: "To prevent the tower from being stolen!"

Su Mei won the first game!

In Qingcheng's live broadcast room, whether it was the eldest brother Mo Wen or ordinary fans, they were all complaining.

'I vomited!In order to prevent the tower from being stolen, ten super fire shots were added! '

'Brother really really really! '

'The first round was [-], who can resist it? '

Brother Mo asked that he couldn't stand it! '

'Now I'm starting to wonder if this elder brother is a babysitter, no matter how rich he is, isn't that how he spends it? '

'I doubt it too!This anchor is so good-looking, but it hasn't been popular before. After this time, it should be popular, right? '

Qingcheng watched the communication of the water friends, and she began to wonder if Gong Ming was the operator of Su Daji and their guild, because she knew very well that it was almost impossible to meet a wild brother of this level.

'Little anchor, hurry up and start the second round. If you win this round, you will be the champion, right? 'Gong Ming sent a message.

Naturally, Su Mei also saw Gong Ming's last ten super-hot shots. She was extremely excited, seeing her brother's dissatisfied expression, so she won the championship, right?

"Yes, Brother Gong, if we win this round, then we will be the champion!" Su Mei responded quickly, and clicked on the invitation to PK. She didn't realize that her title had changed!

When the PK started, Gong Ming immediately started to fire up the super fire, and sent out super rockets one after another. These super rockets swiped the screen of the entire Dou Sha platform, attracting a lot of passerby fans for Su Mei.

"Brother Gong is mighty!" Su Mei began to lick awkwardly again.

To be honest, Su Mei doesn't know how to lick big brother, and she has never licked big brother before.

Su Mei took a screenshot and said gratefully, "Thank you, brother Gong, brother is so powerful, twenty shots are super hot, Daji is so excited!"

Gong Ming sent a message, "You better shut up, it's too embarrassing, is this how you lick big brother, learn from the League of Legends anchor next door!" '

The anchor of the League of Legends next door is really immoral. If there is a big brother who rewards super hot, don't say that you stay on the road in the game and become a wild dog. Even if you want to be his father, he will kneel and lick happily!
Before, when Gong Ming went to the live broadcast room, she also saw the basic operation of the anchor, but if you asked her to call out the emperor's father, she really couldn't do it!

Due to Gong Ming's super rocket bombing, the number of people in Su Mei's live broadcast room reached more than 200 million.

The number of VIP seats also exceeded [-] for the first time. Although most of them are passerby fans, if passerby fans come in, they have a chance to stay.

Su Mei also took the opportunity to advertise, "Welcome everyone to Su Daji's live broadcast room. I passed by the country with a good subscription. Su Daji is a sleep anchor. When I have time, I will perform a sleep show. I hope you like it."

'? ? ? ? '

'sleep?I am stupid! '

'Sleep live and earn millions a day? '

'The unique hobby of rich people? '

'Could it be some unique way of sleeping? '

'I was also drunk, Qingcheng actually lost to such an anchor! '

'After my strict statistics, this Su Daji's top brother has spent almost 50 today! '

'Surprised!The money I can't make in my life, this big brother made it out in one night! '

'I can't imagine the happiness of rich people! '

In Qingcheng's live broadcast room, Duke Mo Wen looked at Su Daji's tipping of close to 50. He sighed and had no choice but to tip five more super fires to preserve his dignity.

'Sorry, Qingcheng, this game is too difficult! 'Duke Mo asked to send a message.

Qingcheng took the initiative to comfort and said, "It's okay, don't ask brother, we lose if we lose, we will continue to work hard in the future, and strive to win back in the next guild battle."

Just thinking about the wind and rain in the small building last night, and the swollen knees, I secretly sighed in my heart, if I don't win the championship next time, I can't go to see my big brother early!

Mo Wen thought of Qingcheng's hard work last night, and thought of the next time in his heart, so he sent a message, "Next time in the guild battle, if there is no unexpected situation, we will strive to win the championship!" '

Under normal circumstances, Mo Wen's preparations are enough to win the championship, why is it not normal now?
50 guild battles, even the top anchors of large guilds, if there is no childcare operated by the guild, it is no small level.

On the Dousha platform, there are currently only about ten anchors with a weekly turnover of over one million.

It's just running water!
As for the participation of the guild's operating capital?

Who knows!
Anyway, on the Dousha live broadcast platform, eight of the ten emperor accounts are accounts operated by the guild, and in some big anchor live broadcast rooms, most of the top ones on the weekly list are king accounts.

So guess the answer yourself?

For Qingcheng, the second round of PK ended sadly, and the total value of PK did not exceed 2 yuan. After all, the gap is too far away, and there is no need to work hard.

Under such circumstances, the water friends in the live broadcast room have no incentive to tip.

But for Su Mei, her guild battle this time was completely like a dream. From the start to the championship, plus Gong Ming's opening and seven renewals of the emperor's turnover, in just one night, she received nearly a million tips.

According to her contract, she can get an income of 35!
"Champion! I am the champion! Thank you, Brother Gong, for supporting me all the way, and thank you, Brother Gong, for taking me to fly. I am so happy!" Su Mei cheered.

"In order to thank Brother Gong for taking me to take off, I decided to reward Brother Gong. Whether Brother Gong wants to listen to singing or watch dancing, I will study hard until I meet the requirements!" Su Meicheng said sincerely.

Gong Ming laughed, and he replied to the message, "You said at the very beginning that you are tone deaf, but can you still sing?" '

'As for sleeping, I don't want to watch it either, everyone is probably tired of watching it, and you won't be able to fall asleep either. 'Gong Ming continued to send messages.

'Well, when I need a driver in the future, you can just help me drive, no problem, right? 'Gong Ming sent a message.

When this message was sent, Su Mei was stunned!
Some water friends in the live broadcast frantically swiped their screens.

'Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!It turned out to be the little brother R8 Shenhao! '

'I said, how could such a small anchor meet Shenhao, and it turned out to be little brother R8! '

'R8 Shenhao little brother Cowhide! '

'As expected of the little brother who owns the top R8, his shot is nearly a million! '

'Little anchor, do you understand? '

"Your little brother just now?" Su Mei asked directly.

Gong Ming didn't reply, he directly logged out, because the system has already distributed rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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