Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 204 Supernormal Development of Shangguan Yudie

Chapter 204 Supernormal Development of Shangguan Yudie
Chapter [-]
"Get in the car, let's go home!" Shangguan Yurong reached out to take the suitcase, took his sister's hand, and walked towards Gong Ming's Mercedes-Benz ML63.

"Brother-in-law, I'm Yaomeier, you can call me Xiaodie!" Shangguan Yudie, seeing the handsome boy sitting in the driver's seat, she knew that this boy might be her future brother-in-law.

However, my brother-in-law is really handsome, and I am a little envious of my sister.

"Well! Go home first, change your clothes, and then take you out for dinner!" Gong Ming murmured, but did not deny Shangguan Yudie's title.

The Mercedes-Benz ML63 drove out of the terminal, leaving only the wretched man with glasses standing in a mess in the wind.

what happened?What happened just now?Did I miss something?The soul asked three times, directly making the man with glasses start to doubt life.

Gong Ming didn't pay attention to these small episodes. Since the college entrance examination, these things happened around him more and more frequently, and he already had immunity.

The vehicle drove into Poly Central Park, Building No. [-].

Gong Ming took the suitcase out from the trunk, and Shangguan Yurong had already opened the door with the access control card.

"Go in! The house is on the 26th floor!" Gong Ming said casually.

Shangguan Yudie, looking at the scenery along the road, was already stunned. In their dilapidated county town, the tallest building is probably the newly built central shopping mall, a 12-story building.

The door of the room was opened, and he threw the suitcase at the door, feeling that his outfit was out of tune with the decoration of the room.

"Wow, so wow, so beautiful!" Shangguan Yudie saw the fish tank on the balcony for the first time.

This is the first time she has seen such a decoration.

"Rongrong, take your sister to take a bath. I've been tired all day. Let's go out for dinner later!" Gong Ming finished speaking and went upstairs.

Just now, Gong Ming handled some matters over the phone, and the call came in as soon as he made the call.

The phone was connected, and Han Shuo's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Brother, do you have something to do tonight, Mister Shisan, get up!"

Gong Ming thought for a while. Sister Shangguan Yurong came, and school matters needed to be dealt with. It would be best for Han Shuo and the others to come forward for such matters. Moreover, he was leaving the day after tomorrow. Even if he wanted to deal with it, he didn't have the time.

"Okay, I'll be there at night. By the way, is your car repaired?" Gong Ming asked with concern.

"Hehehe!" Han Shuo let out a treacherous laugh.

Gong Ming knew that this guy's car should have been repaired
"Atmosphere team should bring their own people!" Gong Ming asked casually.

"Brother, you don't know, the car was repaired this morning, and at noon I found my true love at the Imperial Dance Academy with a bottle of water!" Han Shuo said happily.

Gong Ming was speechless, listening to Qian Duoduo, this boy changed women like changing clothes, it was unparalleled fast, and there was no one who was not true love.

After making an appointment, Gong Ming called Amy and asked her to pick him up in the Mercedes-Benz McLaren at the Four Seasons Hotel.

"Rongrong, I won't have dinner with you guys anymore. I will ask Han Shuo and the others to take a look and ask them to help solve the problem of my little sister's going to school. After all, if you come to the imperial capital to be a transfer student, you still need their help. !" Gong Ming said to Shangguan Yurong who had already changed her clothes.

Shangguan Yurong was very happy. Although Gong Ming promised him to go out for dinner, he didn't keep his promise, but he treated his younger sister as his own sister, and always thought of her.

"Well, husband, you should drink less at night, and I will make it up to you when I come back!" Shangguan Yurong, after saying this, Shuangxia blushed.

Gong Ming smiled, of course he understood the meaning of this sentence, at this time Shangguan Yudie came out wearing Shangguan Yurong's clothes.

To be honest, at the age of 18, Shangguan Yudie, a pair of national treasure giant pandas are better developed than her sister.

The cute T-shirt with big eyes and a pair of big watery eyes are completely highlighted.

Gong Ming couldn't figure it out, this girl was so talented, yet she could be so slim and well-groomed.

"Rongrong, I'll transfer some money to you and take my little sister out to buy some clothes. After all, it's not good to wear your clothes all the time!" Gong Ming transferred 20 yuan to Shangguan Yurong through Huaqianbao on his mobile phone.

After a while, Amy parked the car downstairs, and Gong Ming went downstairs.

Gong Ming drove a Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren to Mr. 13.

In the evening, God Du Gongti seems to be a feast of luxury cars. All kinds of sports cars move slowly around the red-lighted road in front of Gongti.

In front of Mr. 13, Wang Heng, Han Shuo, and Qian Duoduo parked their supercar in the parking space, leaving an empty space in the middle, obviously telling the people around that there is someone in this space.

You must know that at this time, it is impossible for you to find a parking space in the Imperial Capital Workers' Stadium. After thinking about it, these four parking spaces were also arranged by Wang Heng in advance.

Gong Ming kicked the accelerator, pulled the handbrake, turned the steering wheel, and drifted into the parking space with a beautiful tail drift.

"Brother Ming, Niubi's driving skills!" Han Shuo shouted while sitting on the hood with his thumbs up.

Gong Ming opened the door of the cab and walked down. Amy, the co-pilot, obviously hasn't recovered from the excitement just now.

"You are good or bad, I like it so much!" Amy jumped up and threw herself into Gong Ming's arms.

At this moment, Xiao Chen, the sales manager of Mr. 13, ran out in a hurry.

"Four young and old, please come in. It's really a coincidence that you are here. There is a big show today. I have already reserved the No. [-] card for you in advance!" Xiao Chen was really happy when he saw Gong Ming and the others. It's easy to put into words.

"Xiao Chen, today's game is played by my brother, and I told you the two big dragons at the beginning, why are you unhappy?" Han Shuo hugged Xiao Chen and said with a smile.

"Shuo Shao is magnificent!" Xiao Chen raised his thumbs in praise.

This flattery was very useful to Han Shuo.

Han Shuo let Xiao Chen go, hugged his female companion's waist, and then, under Xiao Chen's guidance, entered Mr. 13's No. [-] card.

Everyone sat down, and Amy consciously sat next to Gong Ming. Last time, she was just here for a drink. She never thought that she would become a heroine this time.

Amy lamented that encounters in the world are sometimes so wonderful.

"Brother Ming, this is Tang Beibei, my high school classmate!" Qian Duoduo introduced his female companion to Gong Ming.

Gong Ming nodded slightly, as if he knew him, and at the same time opened his eyes of truth to observe.

Tang Beibei's various attributes are not bad, and the health value has reached 92. Look, there is a lot of money, but I haven't succeeded yet.

"Brother Ming, this is Wang Man, a top student at the Imperial Dance Academy." Han Shuo winked at Gong Ming as he said.

Gong Ming nodded with a smile, and observed with real eyes, Wang Man, 87 in stature, 82 in appearance, 73 in health
Such a value, if you give it to yourself, you probably won’t even look at it, but it doesn’t matter if Han Shuo chooses to eat fast food and play billiards.

 Hurry up and hurry up, Chapter 2 is still rushed out, I really feel very embarrassed, it was released so late recently, I would like to say sorry to everyone here, about, saving manuscripts, there is no such thing for the time being, and I am preparing a new book, I have already bought a new book, with almost 1 words. Of course, when I say [-] words, I should contact the editor to see if I can upload it.

(End of this chapter)

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