Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 205 Douyin likes can be exchanged for money

Chapter 205 Douyin likes can be exchanged for money
Chapter [-]
"Brother, how about this?" Han Shuo unconsciously twitched his eyes.

Gong Ming smiled and didn't say much.

The woman next to Wang Heng has also changed, her name is Lin Xueying, she is the actress of Chinese opera.

It seems that after the incident last time, Wang Heng still had a pimple in his heart.

But it’s also true, people set up a game and invite friends to play together, but at the critical moment, they put their face on the ground and step on it, no one can accept this kind of thing.

"Xiao Chen, it's time to start!" Han Shuo clapped his hands, greeted Xiao Chen, and brought up the two sets of big dragons first.

At this moment, a group of people came in from No. [-] card not far away.

Seeing the person coming, Wang Heng's face changed slightly, but he recovered quickly.

"Brother, it's Zhao Cheng and the three of them, but I didn't expect them to mix with Baozi!" Han Shuo said to Wang Heng.

"Well, leave him alone, Xiao Chen hasten to get ready!" Wang Heng said lightly.

With the help of the light, Gong Ming found that the man who could be called Baozi, and the girl beside him was Shuang Shangguan Yurong's friend Leng Ruoshuang.

Gong Ming didn't understand that this big ice cube would one day come out with a man.

But what does this have to do with me?

A few days ago, because of whether to go to Shanghai or not, Wang Heng, a small group, had some differences of opinion. The three of them, Zhao Cheng, Shangguan Hao, disagreed to go to Shanghai.

An insignificant matter, because Han Shuo and Qian Duoduo, a circle of friends between the two, completely intensified the conflict, causing this small group to fall apart.

The three of Zhao Cheng joined another small group in the imperial capital, and got together with the man called Baozi.

At this time, the opening stage show of the great dragon set began, and several bunny girls walked into the No. 6 card with [-] bottles of Ace of Spades.

"They're all friends. You see, they came here, and they don't know if they want to order the magic suit, so let's send the Ace of Spades to the bottle to express our affection!"

"Yes, Duoduo, you're right, it's a friend who gave you a bottle of Ace of Spades, what's wrong?" Han Shuo was also a guy who was afraid of chaos.

Everyone got up and walked towards No. [-] card.

"Brother Cheng, Brother Hao, everyone, Baozi, long time no see!" Han Shuo greeted with a smile.

The complexions of Zhao Cheng and Shangguan Hao turned slightly pale.

"Brother Cheng, Brother Hao, I've seen you for a long time, Brother Ming!" Gong Ming greeted with a smile when he saw that Han Shuo's words made the atmosphere awkward.

"Brother Ming, long time no see!" The three touched their noses in embarrassment, and then said.

After chatting for a while, they returned to their booths.

"This round belongs to the steamed stuffed bun group, it seems to be the old rules again!" Han Shuo said happily.

Gong Ming didn't understand how these people did it, but it had nothing to do with him, because they were far and close, and they had already made their choice last time.

Gong Ming was slightly puzzled. You must know that steamed stuffed bun is a good term, but if it is used on the person in front of you, then it is not a good term?

"This guy is stingy and shows off. He always wants to whore for nothing!" Qian Duoduo explained.

Gong Ming suddenly understood why the three of Wang Heng didn't want to see each other.

We are all friends, we get together, and we don’t ask you to rush to pay the bill, but if you skip the bill every time, who wants to make friends with you?

Han Shuo looked at Gong Ming. He knew that this brother didn't like those flashy things, but just now he waited for someone to make a simple inquiry, and he had misread the number three card. The group of people was completely referring to the card. It would be a pity if the opportunity to beep was missed.

"I don't care about it tonight, you guys just let go and play!" Gong Ming said with a smile.

Hearing these words, Han Shuo was overjoyed.

"Xiao Chen, after a while, all the noodles will be ready for me!" Han Shuo happily told the sales manager Xiao Chen.

Little Chen didn't understand, and said with a smile: "Okay, you're welcome, don't worry, Mr. Shuo, all the arrangements must be in place!"

"Sensible!" Qian Duoduo gave a thumbs up.

One minute after Xiao Chen left, the stage spotlights scanned the audience, and finally stopped on No. 1 card.

DJ said happily through the microphone: "Congratulations to the big brother of the No. [-] card, and a set of great dragon suits!"

The spotlights began to flicker, and a dozen bunny girls walked around the night venue holding high fluorescent cards, and behind them were six bunny girls each with a tray, on which were placed six bottles of Ace of Spades of different colors.

These bunny girls seemed to be doing it on purpose. After going around the No. [-] card, they skipped the No. [-] card and thought about the No. [-] card.

They are all sensible people, and the guest on the No. [-] card smiled and said nothing.

"It's the little demon king from the Han family, and the young master from the second Wang's family!" Erka's guest obviously recognized Wang Heng and Han Shuo, and they were talking in a low voice.

Among the three cards, Bao Dong's face was gloomy, and he looked at the people in the first card with a pair of gutter eyes. If eyes can kill, Gong Ming and the others have already been torn to pieces.

Zhao Cheng and Shangguan Hao Jiangming sat aside in embarrassment and did not speak.

You know, everyone like Wang Heng made a lot of money, but they really didn't pay attention to a mere set of big tricks.

Moreover, if they knew that Wang Heng and the others would come to Mr. 13 today, they would not agree to Baozi's invitation at all. After all, this was putting their face under the feet of others and letting them step on it.

"That big dragon set is very valuable?" Leng Ruoshuang asked suspiciously. After all, it was her first time visiting a place like a nightclub, and she didn't know the price of these drinks at all.

Bao BuTong touched his nose in embarrassment, just now he was still bragging about his three-card consumption, how could he expect the slap in the face so quickly.

"It's not very expensive, it's only 11 for that set!" Shangguan Hao said enviously.

Leng Ruoshuang nodded, 10,000+ is indeed not too expensive, but spending 10,000+ to buy six bottles of wine, anyway, she can't do such a stupid thing.

When the big dragon set was placed on the table, Wang Man actually took out his mobile phone and took a short video on Douyin.

Gong Ming didn't expect that it only took a few days to ferment, did the Douyin short video already have a certain market?

It seemed that he had never cared about it before. As a boss, Gong Ming himself was a little embarrassed.

"Are you shooting Douyin?" Gong Ming still couldn't help asking, after all, he had thrown so much money into it, even if he threw it into the water, he still had to hear a sound.

"Well, Douyin short video, a short video app that just came out, you can exchange for cash by liking it!" Wang Man shook her phone after speaking.

Gong Ming understood that before he left, he transferred two small goals to Andy and entrusted everything to her. It seems that she did a really good job.

(End of this chapter)

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