Become a winner in life after college entrance examination

Chapter 206 The little devil who likes to mess with his mentality

Chapter 206 The little devil who likes to mess with his mentality

Chapter [-]
Gong Ming nodded. At this time, the lights of the night venue became dim, and the DJ started to play those DJ dance music that can stimulate adrenaline.

Everyone stood up and twisted their bodies along with the music.

Gong Ming suddenly remembered a joke that was very popular in the future market. Several girls held fans and twisted their bodies to the music.

And that one, turn on the flashlight on the phone, and shake your body from side to side following the light.

It's just that this music needs professional people to make it.

Gong Ming let go of his thoughts, put his arms around Amy, and swayed his body to the music.

When the song was over, everyone sat down.

In card No. [-], Jiang Ming sat down and opened a bottle of beer, and looked at the steamed stuffed bun beside him.

"Baozi, what's the matter with calling us here today?" Jiang Ming asked straight to the point.

Bao BuTong was also a little embarrassed, he had dated Leng Ruoshuang for such a long time, and today she finally agreed to accompany him for a walk.

So he wanted to ask a few friends to go to the nightclub to open a big card at night, to show off his muscles to Leng Ruoshuang.

Who would have known that everything went against him and he encountered Han Shuo, a shit-stirring stick, who almost knocked himself to the ground with the manipulation of that shit-stirring stick just now.

"It's been too long since we haven't come out to get together. Today, I just have time to invite everyone to come and have fun together!" Bao Budong said the excuse he had thought up.

Jiang Ming and the others were slightly stunned. What happened to this bun today? Has he changed his sex or was he taken away by someone?
At this time, Xiao Chen pushed a cart to No. [-] card.

"Guests, this is the No. [-] big card, Shuo Shao, and they unexpectedly sent you a small dragon set, please taste it!" After speaking, Xiao Chen opened the three bottles of Ace of Spades and placed them on the coffee table in front of them.

For a moment, the atmosphere in No. [-]'s check-in became freezing cold.

Bao BuTong's whole face turned into a pig's liver color, and this shit stirrer actually put eye drops on himself at this time, uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it.

This is completely messing with my own mentality, this time I go by myself, what does it mean that the shit stirrer sent someone to send three bottles of Ace of Spades, afraid that I can't afford it, Bao BuTong stood up and wanted to get angry.

"Thank you!" Shangguan Hao said directly just when Bao Dongfeng wanted to get angry.

For Shangguan Hao and the three of them, this time is completely an opportunity to ease the relationship. If the relationship is eased and they become friends again, the next time there is a chance to make a fortune, maybe they will be brought along.

As for whether Bao BuTong lost face or not, it was completely insignificant to Shangguan Hao and the others. After all, they were unfamiliar with [-]% of the steaks and [-]% of the steaks!
As for who Shangguan Hao and his female partner came with, it was the first time they saw a high-end drink like Ace of Spades in a nightclub, so they hurriedly took out their mobile phones and began to take pictures and send them to Moments.

Bao BuTong couldn't take it any longer, and took a picture of the woman sitting next to Leng Ruoshuang on the ground with her mobile phone.

"An ace of spades, what's there to shoot?" The anger in Bao Different's tone almost exploded.

"What are you doing? I can't afford the Ace of Spades. If someone gives you three bottles, I won't take pictures. If you don't, I'll take pictures at other people's tables, okay?" leave.

The girl who had just stood up was wrapped and pushed back onto the sofa before she could stand still.

"What do you want?" The girl glared at the bag differently.

No. [-]'s quarrel quickly aroused the attention of the people around.

The customer of the No. [-] card also knew from his sales manager that what happened in the No. [-] card.

Sure enough, the little devil is still the same little devil, after so many years, he still likes to play with his mentality.

Han Shuo and Qian Duoduo of the No. [-] card were always paying attention to the movement of the No. [-] card. Seeing Bao BuTong's pushing action on the spot, they knew that the opportunity had come.

Han Shuo and Qian Duoduo looked at each other and smiled, and said to Gong Ming and Wang Heng who were chatting, "Brother, the fun has begun!"

Gong Ming and Wang Heng looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

A group of Wang Henggongming stood up and went out towards No. [-] card.

"Brother Baozi, you've been living longer and you've gone back, and a dignified old man actually did something to a girl!" Han Shuo said with a look of contempt.

Originally, if Han Shuo hadn't said anything, Bao BuTong would have stabilized his emotions and wanted to apologize to the girl, but Han Shuo's words were exactly the fuse that ignited the explosive barrel, and Bao BuTong exploded on the spot.

"Shit stirrer, do you think you are intentionally playing with your mentality? You clearly know that this game is my team's game, what do you mean by sending a little dragon over here?" Bao DiTong said while staring at Han Shuo with red eyes.

Han Shuo spread his hands and said indifferently: "Baozi, call you brother, you really think of yourself as a character, and you are a supernatural thing, messing with your mentality, are you worthy?"

Bao Butong was speechless for a moment, reached out to pick up a bottle of beer from the table, pointed at Han Shuo and said, "Shit stirrer, you wait for me, I will not let you go!"

Han Shuo laughed loudly when he heard this sentence: "Don't let me go, you are a god, don't think that your old man entered the game, you really treat yourself as a role, tell you to let your old man Being kicked out is only a matter of one sentence!"

Bao BuTong was completely discouraged, and his hand holding the beer bottle dropped slightly.

"Okay, it's okay, let's go back!" Gong Ming patted Han Shuo on the shoulder and said.

Throughout the whole process, Gong Ming looked at Bao with different eyes, as if he was looking at a clown.

"What are you? A bumpkin is worthy of pointing fingers here!" Bao BuTong raised the beer bottle that Wei Wei put down just now, and pointed at Gong Ming.

Gong Ming frowned slightly, this guy really didn't know what was good and what was wrong, he was a guy with a foolish mind.

I am in the imperial capital, and to tell the truth about the second-generation people I met, they all have good senses, not to mention Qian Duoduo, even Zhao Cheng, Shangguan, Hao Jiangming, who did not participate in the event last time, their own senses are also good.

But is this guy in front of him really a fool?

At this moment, Shangguan Hao kicked Bao BuTong back onto the sofa.

"What kind of drunkenness are you playing?" Zhao Cheng also stood up and said.

"Brother Ming, I let you read a joke today, and the brothers will be hosts in another day, and I will apologize to you. Brother Heng was the brothers who were wrong before!" Jiang Ming said, clasping his fists.

"Brother Heng, Brother Ming, it's alright, next time I'll give you face!" Shangguan Hao also clasped his fists and said.

This time, the package is different. I didn't expect that the four-on-four that I thought at first turned into a one-on-seven in an instant.

The more Bao Budong thought about it, the more angry he was, it was this guy in front of him, this country bumpkin who made him lose face.

Thinking of this, he grabbed a beer bottle on the table and threw it at Gong Ming.

Originally, Gong Ming and the others had already turned around and left, but when they heard the roaring voice from behind, Gong Ming hugged Amy beside him in his arms to protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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