Chapter 217 San Lorenzo (Subscribe)

Chapter 210 Seven

Lao Zhao took out the walkie-talkie and shouted through the walkie-talkie: "Come here quickly, a few people come to the parking lot, by the way, bring me the moving tools!"

Two minutes later, seven or eight men in security uniforms ran over, and a forklift followed closely behind them.

"Boss, which car is going to be removed?" A man wearing a pair of glasses stepped forward and asked.

Old Zhao pointed to Guo Xiaosi's Ferrari 458.

"It's this one? Xiaohan do it!" The man with glasses waved at the man behind him who was driving a forklift.

Xiaohan, the forklift man, made an OK gesture, and then the forklift started. Guo Xiaosi, who was sitting in the car, was picked up by the forklift together with the man and the car.

The little Internet celebrity who was live broadcasting just now saw her traffic soaring, her heart skipped a beat, she picked up the best friend who was helping her live broadcast together, drove her little Beetle, and followed the live broadcast all the way.

The vehicle was parked on the side of the road, and the live broadcast device in his hand was broadcasting live to everything that happened in front of him.

"Damn it, is the guy in that car the shorty who is the director of bad movies in Huaguo!"

"Nonsense, if you want to say this, be careful that Guo Xiaosi jumps up and hits your knee!"

"He dared to hit me on the knee, I was afraid that the sole of my foot would crush it to death!"

The audience in the live broadcast room, seeing Guo Xiaosi being forked up by the forklift, suddenly burst out one after another.

In the case of mutual pull, the number of people online in the live broadcast room of Xiaowanghong has reached more than [-] in a short while.

After all, such live broadcasts are rare, and at first glance, it is not those funny live broadcasts of survival on a deserted island.

The little Internet celebrity has already changed the name of her live broadcast room [Take you to appreciate the day of the top rich second generation in the magic city! 】

At this time, Gong Ming, Qin Hao and the others stepped out of the car one after another.

At this moment, in Room 702, Building [-], Boys' Dormitory Building, School of Economics and Economics, Magic Ocean University, the three of them were huddling around in front of the computer and watching the live broadcast of this little anchor recommended by the Dousha platform homepage.

"Fuck, is this McLaren P1 the same as the one downstairs in the dormitory today?" Qian Guanghan couldn't help asking.

"It should be, it seems that we have a great person in this class!" Ma Fei pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose after speaking.

Song Cheng didn't speak the whole time, carefully observing the live broadcast scene in the live broadcast room.

"Young Master Qin, Young Master Qin, please help me, I'm Guo Xiaosi, Guo Xiaosi, the director of Yang Xiaomi's Little Times!" Guo Xiaosi tried his best to lie on the door of the cab, facing shouted from the center of the crowd.

Qin Hao looked at the little man in front of him and frowned slightly.

Gong Ming also seemed to notice the change in Qin Hao's eyes, and said to Tang Niu, "Put him down."

Tang Niu faced the security captain, and Lao Zhao waved: Lao Zhao, Mr. Ming has spoken, put him down!

Old Zhao ran over and said to Xiao Han who was driving the forklift backwards: Stop and lower them down!
Xiao Han executed it immediately.

Looking at the Ferrari 458 that landed safely, Guo Xiaosi's calf was softening, and suddenly he smelled a foul smell.

The little fresh meat on the co-pilot was so scared that he peed his pants.

At first, I thought I was just going to be carried, but after thinking about it, I passed it. After all, I am also a protagonist.

However, after arriving with this little man, I found that everything is different. This is not being bullied, it is killing me!

Guo Xiaosi endured the discomfort in his heart and got off the Ferrari 458 with trembling legs.

He stumbled and wanted to run to Qin Hao's side to complain, but ten meters away from the crowd, the security guard Lao Zhao and the man wearing glasses stopped him directly.

"Drive your car and leave immediately!" Qin Hao said in a cold tone.

Guo Xiaosi got into his Ferrari 458 as if he had received an imperial edict, and left with his little fresh meat.

The farce ended quickly, and Zhong Chuqiao, after three efforts, finally parked that car, the Porsche 718, into the parking space.

Gong Ming looked around, these young and old looked like they wanted to laugh, but held back, and couldn't help but said: "Don't hold back, just laugh if you want to, it's not good to hold yourself back!"

All of a sudden, everyone burst into laughter!
At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room of the little anchor saw the god-like parking skills of this Porsche 718, and the barrage began to flash one by one.

"Fuck, how did you get this driver's license?"

"Driving instructor: Don't say that you are my student, I can't afford to lose such a person!"

"Examiner of the vehicle management office: Don't say that you are holding the certificate in my hand, I don't want to be investigated!"

"Fujiwara Takumi: Come on, I will teach you how to pass the manhole cover with ae 86!"

The little Internet celebrity couldn't bear it anymore, and said to the water friends in the live broadcast room: "You all be individuals!"

The camera of Xiaowanghong flashed, and the scene of her best friend backing up appeared.

In the outermost parking space, a small Beetle finally parked in the parking space with difficulty after trial and error more than ten times.

"Damn it, a strong player has a strong player, a mountain is higher than a mountain!"

"Female driver, is your driver's license hand-painted?"

"Driving Instructor: Boss, I will resign tomorrow, these female students will not give them a chance to survive!"

"Boss of the driving school: You don't need to resign. Our driving school will close down tomorrow, and we won't accept these female students anymore!"

Xiaowanghong's face was black, when her goddess best friend came over.

"What's wrong? Xiao Rou, who bullied you, tell me, and I will help him bully and bully!" The girl said with a smile.

"Honey, I'm worried about our children's rations in the future!"

Suddenly, Xiaowanghong noticed this barrage in the live broadcast room, and it almost flashed to his waist.

Look at my best friend, perfect face, perfect height, perfect curves, flat front and back.

"What's wrong with you?" The goddess' best friend saw that Xiaowanghong was stunned in place, and couldn't help peeking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and was so angry that her lungs almost exploded

"I'm flat-chested, I'm proud, I'm saving fabrics for the country, and I'm eating your rice!" The goddess best friend complained to the water friends in the live broadcast room?
At this time, Xiaowanghong suddenly discovered that this group of rich second generations were walking towards the pier by the Huangpu River.

It can be seen from a distance that a particularly beautiful yacht is docked at the pier.

The body of the yacht is white, and the words Sanlorenzo appear on the hull.

"Is this a yacht? How can it be so big?" Xiaowanghong said in surprise.

"Fuck, Sanlorenzo STEEL62, is this the big toy for the rich second generation in Shanghai?"

An emperor in the live broadcast room sent a barrage directly after seeing the cruise ship.

Immediately afterwards, ten rounds of super fire were sent out directly.

"Thank you, the curry hot pot emperor brother sent you ten shots of super fire, the little anchor is asking for science popularization online!" Xiaowanghong, who did not expect that one day he would receive super fire.

Immediately give up this pretentious opportunity, and have a liaison with this emperor named Curry Hot Pot!

(End of this chapter)

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